League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1491: Wu Ling Division, coming!

"Other than a fart!"

One blink of an eye: "Four sailors, it is said that there are still hundreds of heroes, wow, add up to match the heroes, what a terrible power, join hands to kill me and pinch an ant like , I am... so scared!"

戮铎 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长

He laughed. Bayi Chinese Network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

The four captains face their eyes.

"Hey, a bunch of garbage."

戮铎 长 长 冷 : : : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 ? What happened, then you can take the opportunity to come, are you? Show your IQ in front of me, go far!"


The four captains were angry and angered in their eyes.

"Your grandfather!"

The voyage chief squinted and slammed the call.

"Drips! Wu Ling Branch requests a call!!!"

"Drip, the Wu Ling branch asked for a call for the second time!"

"Drips, the Wu Ling branch for the third time, requesting a call..."

"Air captain? This..."

His subordinates revealed the color of the inquiry.

"Let these silly hats continue to ask, hey, press me with the emperor, when I am stupid? How can the emperor be interested in a small leader, still alive, wait for me to catch it, then they will contain it. Come over and grab it? It’s ridiculous! When the order is reached, when you reach the superstar ten days later, you will directly cut the shackles into pieces of meat!”

The cockroach was cold and cold, but he was holding a bottle of glass filled with red liquid in his hand and swaying.

"Yes! But you are awesome in the captain. This little trick, you can see it at a glance!"

"Crap, how can the stupid hat compare with us?"

His subordinates, praised next to them.

There was a arrogance on the face of the voyage, and the liquid was directly drunk.

Time, one minute and one second begins to pass...

The Wu Ling branch’s request has never been interrupted, and the voyage chief does not care for him. Instead, listening to this voice, the superiority of an IQ suppression is born.

But suddenly!

"Dr, Wu Ling headquarters calls for a call, the other party actively shows the identity, is a hero emperor-level powerhouse!"


The squadron squirted directly, and the **** was more like a fire. He bounced off the seat and was horrified and frightened.

The emperor-level powerhouse, in this life, actually found himself with the emperor-level powerhouse, he is like a dream!

However, how can you find yourself in the emperor-level powerhouse! ?

For a moment, the voyage chief thought of the words of the four captains. He couldn’t help but scream, "This... this... Is it true that they are talking!!!" It really caused the interest of the Emperor-level powerhouse!?"

"Captain, do you want to connect?"

His subordinates are also dumbfounded, he asked.

"What are your brains, don't pick you up and die!!!"

戮铎 长 长 吼 吼.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

This subordinate also knows that he has asked a stupid question, and he has to connect quickly.

"Wait!" The voyage leader took a deep breath, then quickly wiped the corner of his mouth, and then quickly tidyed down the table, then walked over and kissed the call with respect.


On the crystal screen, the picture flashed, and then, a smiling face, a silver-lei old man appeared on it.


The voyager’s heart trembled, and he quickly bowed his head and respectfully greeted him.

His subordinates are even more sinful and fearful.

"Hey, long-term, I know very little about the people in the branch. Today, it should be the first time I talked to you..." The old man of the silver Reese old man smiled gently.

"Yes, the Emperor!"

The excited body was shaking, and his face was flushed.


The old man smiled and nodded and continued: "In recent years, my headquarters has been vigorously expanding its branches and tapping the talents of the division. This time, you are indispensable, as long as you can keep the leader, live. Brought back, I franchise you in the headquarters, as the Witchcraft messenger! This superstar is also under your command."

"Entering the headquarters, the Witchcraft messenger, the ownership of the superstars to me!!!"

His eyes were suddenly wide and his face was extremely distorted because of his excitement.

"Yes, as long as you take the leader and return to the branch area, someone will pick you up, but you have to hear it clearly and bring it to me. Before that, the news is not allowed to leak!"

When the old man said that the last sentence, the voice suddenly fell.

"Yes! I hope to die for you! Anyway, this son will definitely bring you in front of you!!!" 戮铎 began to be loyal, but my heart was secretly scared.

Obviously, the emperor at the headquarters wants that the singer is of other use and is not known to others.

"Good, but you must be fast. After two months, the army of the branch will come to this superstar, so your time is not much..." The old man said faintly.

"You can rest assured that for up to ten days, we will come to the superstar. When the branch army comes, the embarrassed person has already been brought back to the branch! But..."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of doubt in the blink of an eye and asked: "You said that you want to keep it secret, but before, four other captains already knew the news?"

In the eyes of the old man, the singer flashed a slap in the face, but it was extremely concealed and was not revealed. He said: "This, you think about it yourself, I am waiting for your good news."


The communication was interrupted.

"think carefully?"

He stayed in the same place. Ten minutes later, he flashed a horror in his eyes and shouted: "Communication Rado Captain!"

"Drip, communication failed, the ship has been destroyed!"

"Communication dredging captain!"

"Drip, communication failed, the ship has been destroyed!"


"Failure... has been destroyed..."


Four times in a row, the feedback that was received was a message that had been destroyed. This made him and his subordinates scalp directly blasted.

Only then did I know that Lei Dijun, who looked like a smile, was so hot and swift.

The division was so far away from the headquarters that he could have ruined them in some way.

"Airline...the chief of the voyage, the emperor, will not kill us?"

One of the subordinates was scared and asked.

In the blink of an eye, a flash of worry flashed, but the mouth said: "No, the four captains, apparently the current leader, directly sent the message back to the branch, and the emperor was angry and only obliterated them. And we are different. We are now aware of this matter. It is equivalent to someone who is already his, doing things for him. As long as it is beautiful, he has no reason to start with us... Besides, do we have a choice?"

His subordinates, their eyes glanced, but the next second was violently flashing, saying: "You are right in the long term, nowadays, only when you do this beautifully, you will survive, even fly." hope!"


"Live a catcher!"

"All attack!!!"


In the ship, thousands of people under the stern drink, these dozens of ships once again two-dimensionally opened, with the light crazy to the mother star galloping away.

In a blink of an eye, it is already ten days later!

Outside the atmosphere of the parent star, this group of strangers is ushered in!

(Seeking a recommendation...)

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