League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1492: Rebel, kill!

"The captain, the superstar arrived, and the star is not building a defense system, then?"

An operator asked. ??八一? Chinese W (eight) W? W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

He sneered and said: "Even the defense system has not been built. It is really a sense of security. I thought it would take some effort, but now it is much simpler! Let's go down and determine the specific location of the leader!"


"In the position confirmation... Confirmation is completed, locked... Locked!"



Sixteen flat two-dimensional ships, turned into a streamer, directly in the direction of Ye Che, straight out!

At the same time, the empty disk sat in the air, holding the leaves of the purple nucleus, and felt the madness of the elements in the shoulders, and suddenly opened their eyes.

"Come on..."

Ye Che said to himself, his eyes looked straight ahead, and it seemed that through the clouds along the way, I saw the dimensionalized ships!

Suddenly, Ye Che seems to feel that the light is not distorted a little bit. Then, a dozen or so silver flashes, and in a blink of an eye, it turns into a dozen giants. These giants are made of Thunder, and the whole twinkling is shocked. A sense of heart.


The door of a Thunder ship opened, and then a man in a silver combat suit slowly walked down and stared at Ye Che. His sharp intentions made his eyes faint.


Looking down at Ye Che, he said with a low voice: "Now you have two choices. First, you will be taken away by us, the second..."

As he said, he waved his hand and slammed, and among the sixteen ships, thousands of people rushed out, and then Ye Xue was surrounded by the group, each person’s face, or indifference Or pity.

"You are so confident that you can take me away?" Ye Che said with a playful look.


The brow wrinkled, carefully examined the smell of Ye Che, and then sneered: "A heroic messenger in your area, don't say take it away, you can shoot it..."

Before I finished, Ye Che slowly waved her hand and said indifferently: "Come on!"

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble! ! ! ! ! ! !

In the meantime, a small invisible particle, or line, burst out from a distance, and then swelled and turned into a statue of 100 meters or kilometers, and thousands of people, I gave up the complete group.

Roughly sweeping, the number of ships is only a few hundred thousand or more.

It’s just a coverless day, countless!

Then, there are countless powerful summoners who shoot from the ship, each of them looks indifferent and lives in the atmosphere of the superior!

"This this……"

Oh, and his subordinates, this moment is completely ruined.

This area is not the leader of the heroic messenger, but can command the people on this superstar, the number is so exaggerated! ?

"A hero king is at the peak, three heroes are in the late stage, twenty-one heroes are in the middle, and ninety-four heroes are in the early stage..."

Augustine, who wore a red robe, slowly stepped out of the crowd, and his cold eyes glanced like a cold on the cockroaches.

"This guy……"

With a squint in his eyes, he felt a sigh of relief on Augustine's body.

If he didn't guess wrong, this Augustine is the only one on the superstar!

"I don't care about you, and why do you listen to the orders of these embarrassed people, I only have one sentence, let go! Otherwise, the consequences are conceited!" He said with a sullen face.

"Oh? I don't know where you are confident, with one of your kings, the three kings, and the mid-term summons of twenty-one kings?"

Augustine said casually, and stood by Ye Che.

The rest of the people also cast a sneer look at the sluts. These intruders wanted to encroach on the parent star. All the stars in the presence did not directly dismount them. It was already very endurable.

His face was suddenly gloomy.

He did not expect that the embarrassed person had already prepared for it. His preparations were full and unbelievable. He couldn’t figure out what it was. All the strong players on this superstar would listen to the orders of the deceased.


His gaze fell on Ye Che, and he murdered the scene: "You know very well which civilization we are from. If you don't get rid of it, everyone on this superstar will be buried for you!"

Wen Yan, the four strongest players on the mother star, Gan Fu, Ai Lili, Wu Changfeng and Augustine, have a cold eyes, and the other masters who surround the place are also cold and cold. These guys really want to Occupy the parent star.

Ye Che is a faceless expression, said: "Wu Ling civilization is right? I also give you two choices, one, surrender, and at the same time telling you the time of the arrival of your civilized forces, I can consider leaving you alive for the time being. Second, you can choose to die on this alien star!"


The look of the cockroach has changed a bit. His cuddling is the background of the mammoth civilization. It is expected that people on this superstar will not defy as long as they say their identity.

I did not expect that this embarrassing person actually said his own origin directly, he is not afraid of the masters on this superstar, do not listen to the order! ?

However, when the eyes were swept away to the strong stars, they were surprised. Everyone present was slightly surprised when they first heard the Wuling civilization four words.

They don't know the Witch spirit civilization, but the great four-dimensional civilization! ! ! ?

"You still have ten seconds to consider."

Ye Che is not salty and not light.


At the bottom of my heart, I was screaming at the bottom of my heart. A heroic messenger in the district, he can shoot the dead in the weekdays. Now he dares to threaten himself.

"I warn you that the Witch spirit civilization is a four-dimensional civilization. If you dare to hinder me from carrying out the task, all of you will not escape!"

He screamed.

Four-dimensional civilization?

Gan Fu, Ai Lili, Wu Changfeng, and Augustin and other parent star masters sneer at the bottom of the heart, the four-dimensional civilization is even more powerful, and the heroes who have passed the heroes?

Now the heroes are here, as long as they have survived this crisis, they will definitely take off and become one of the best stars in this space!

What's more, the situation has not allowed them to be neutral. Otherwise, they can't even count on funerary objects, so nowadays, they only have the ability to stand on the side of Ye Che! After all, it is a hero's descendant, and maybe he is given a level card.

"It seems that you are stubborn."

Ye Che said, face cold, low drink: "Go! Grab them, rebel, kill!"


The strong mothers of the stars sighed low, and suddenly, a powerful heroic power flowed through them.

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