League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1497: There is no life!

“Sweet and nourish!”

Almost in the presence of the gods of the source, this two-dimensional space suddenly vibrates violently. ?? Bayi Chinese network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

The source of the gods is the most proud work of Black Modinger. The horror lies in the engulfing of the planet, even the planet can be swallowed, let alone the two-dimensional space contained in the planet!

Therefore, it just appeared in this two-dimensional space, the two-dimensional space can not accommodate it, and began to collapse.

Ye Che's eyes flashed a touch of madness. Since the source of the gods has been out, he is barely afraid of wearing shoes, simply, there is no life!


Ye Che burst into a burst, and the sword of the green source in his hand was drawn horizontally.

Now, he has been able to fully use the power of heroes. When it is more powerful than the time on earth, the power of the source sword is also rising by geometric times!


Then I heard a sound like the cloth that was pulled and broken. This two-dimensional space turned into a debris space in the sky. Ye Che’s eyes lit up and he had separated from the two-dimensional space and restored his three-dimensional appearance.


The white-young youth who was reaching out to Ye Che, the look changed dramatically.

A hero messenger, breaking the two-dimensional space? Nima is an international joke! ! !

Around the scene, many of the mother star summoners who had thought that Ye Che was dead, and the people of the great Witch spirit civilization team, also stunned one by one. In this case, a summoner who did not even master the zero-dimensional force. Breaking the barriers of two-dimensional space? ? ? ?

They stunned, Ye Che did not hold it, his arm waved, a piece of green helmet, armor, emerged from his body, with the source of the sword in his hand, so that the whole person scatters the green light It is like a green sun.

"this is……"

The white-eyed youth eyes brightened and said with amazement: "It turns out that... you can break the two-dimensional space, relying on these few soldiers! They actually enable you to break the two-dimensional space in the heroic messenger stage. It seems that these few soldiers are extremely unacceptable, I will accept it!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the white dragon youth's Thunder star, suddenly a giant hand completely formed by the Thunder, and then a virtual space, 10,000 meters distance, for his existence, it is almost non-existent.

As the Thunder giant lifted, Ye Che felt an invisible force, divided into five strands, like five invisible fingers, immediately grabbed his body and contracted to the middle, he would take him down.

However, Ye Che did not feel the killing. Obviously, the young man intended to kneel down instead of killing directly.

"Peace, out!"

Ye Che gave a low voice, and then, under the eyes of the white youth, and the countless summoners around him, there were five identical figures with Ye Che's face, and they rushed out of his body.

The breath of every figure is extremely powerful.

It is not a mirror image at all!

"Personal, five completely different categories of avatars!?"

The white-eyed young king, his eyes widened, his eyes, one by one from Ye Che's life, darkness, earth elemental, wind and body.

From these avatars, he felt the fluctuation of the essence of the elements, which made him even more unbelievable.

You must know that the general avatar can be cultivated, but the achievements are limited. Only the power and elements of the hero can be cultivated. However, the avatar of the singer can actually perceive the essence of the element. Like this avatar, he does not even have himself.

"This kid, who is it!"

The young man whispered, and for the first time he had doubts about Ye Che’s identity.


At this time, Ye Che was a dark drink.

Suddenly, the black light and the yellow light flashed, and each of the avatars merged into the body of the leaf, and his breath began to increase.

By the time the five avatars are all integrated into his body, Ye Che's breath has been reached by the heroic messenger in the early stage, reaching the peak of the heroic messenger. Only one step away, you can step into the hero king!

"Ye... Ye Mengzhu..."

In the distance, the Holy One, and other zero-dimensional one-dimensional masters are all dumbfounded. The 19-year-old heroic messenger is the peak, they are unheard of!

I thought that when they were 19 years old, they just condensed the star embryo and started to enter the weaving stick! Even some are just senior summoners!

"No... it’s a hero, he is actually given so many avains!!!"

"How do I feel that his cards should be more than that? You must know that he is a hero and a descendant. It is impossible to die so easily!?"

At this moment, there are many mother star summoners, and confidence in Ye Che has risen.

I noticed that Ai Lili, Wu Changfeng, and Augustine, who were entangled in death, were also a loose heart.

But the sly face is not good. The long-term hunch tells him that the situation is only a change. All this moment, instead he wants to go to Ye Chu, but in turn is Augustus. Ting gave up.

"The five big avatars, and the unknown **** soldiers, well... no wonder the emperor named it to catch you!"

The white-eyed youth sneered in the eyes.

Emperor, name me?

Ye Chewei.

At this time, the young man of the day suddenly slammed, and the five Thunder arms grabbed Ye Che’s body and wanted to pull him.

Ye Che's look sank, and the power of the hero suddenly poured into the source of the gods. In an instant, he only heard a "bang", a dazzling green light, bursting from the source of the armor, this power is vast and terror.

Immediately, the white scorpion youth's Thunder claws were opened, and the white scorpion youth snorted.

Ye Che is a sacred sword of the source, which is wrapped in the claws of the source, a churning, "嗤", almost no obstacles, the thunder of the white youth, was instantly torn, and then broken into two .


The white face of the young man changed his face and looked at the source sword of Ye Che’s hand in amazement.

You must know that his Thunder claws not only contain two-dimensional power, but also are filled with the essential fluctuations of hundreds of millions of thunder elements, which are blessed by the heroic power of the hero king, and are directly used by the weapon, which is easy. The cut is open, this sword is too sharp too!

"Shen Bing, the absolute **** soldier!"

The bright light in the eyes of the white youth has skyrocketed.

It is easy to cut the weapon of the hero king attack, he is unheard of! If he can get it, no, if he can dedicate this weapon to the emperor, he can't imagine what kind of reward he will receive.

At all costs, you must take him! The white-eyed youth burst into the heart.

But some people are faster than him. I have to say that the strength of 戮铎 is indeed terrible. Augustine is fighting with him. He doesn’t dare to have too much distraction, but he can always take a second or two to watch the movement here. .

Just right, I saw the sword of the source, and instantly broke the scene of the young attack.

"Shen Bing!"

I took a breath of cold air, almost without thinking, just listening to the "bang", behind him, nearly a hundred kilometers of the natal star, actually the entire explosion.

His life star is completely blew!

For this **** soldier, for the reward of the emperor, he is really crazy!


Augustine was shocked, I don’t know why.

"Roll!" But it was a roar, and there were tens of thousands of Thunder Dragons facing Augustine. Under the tens of thousands of heroic skills, there was only a roar in the world, and countless calls to dodge. The division is not left with the slag.

Augustine's look changed dramatically. In the face of this attack, he did not dare to have any reservations, and he also blew his life star at no cost.

However, just between this electric light and flint, it is now like a very electric, shooting away from Ye Chefei.

"Yemen, Lord, be careful!"

Augustine Daxie, his blood in his eyes skyrocketed.

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