League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1498: Suicide attack!

Ye Che was shocked, and it was too late to turn around. He listened to his ear and screamed, and the world once again darkened. ????八一中文W(八)W?W?. ?8 (a) 1? Z (eight) W (a). ?C?O (eight) M?

He was once again shrouded in a two-dimensional space, but this time it was different from the previous one. Ye Che tried it and could actually jump a little.

"There has been a trend towards three-dimensional space, it is that!"

Ye Che's face changed, and he didn't know what he thought of at this moment. He waved the sword of the source.


With a soft bang, this space was pulled out of a crack in the boss, but it was not broken.

"Sure enough, when there is a trend in the three-dimensional space, it has its own system, it has multiple layers of space, and it wants to be broken, which is hundreds of times more difficult than two-dimensional space!"

Ye Che's face is ugly.

At this moment, Ye Che was able to hear some kind of roar, and then the space around him was completely smashed. When he recovered his vision, he saw that Augustine, who was red-stained with blood, was dying. Blocked in front of yourself.

In the distance, like a wolf, stare at this side.

Obviously, the dimension of the shackles was locked and was broken by Augustine.

"Are you OK!?"

Ye Che helped Augustine and asked with a heavy face.

"Can't die, this guy seems to just want to take you, so there is no killer attack." Augustine gasped.

In the distance, I sneered and said: "I will repeat it again, let it go! As long as you don't stop me, I promise that I will leave you with a life after the Wuling Civilization Army opens!"

"Oh, leave me a life?"

Augustine grinned and revealed the red-stained teeth. The star behind it was also burned and destroyed by the naked eye.

He looked around and took a deep breath and suddenly sighed: "Have you heard! You heard no! The army of the Witch spirit civilization will soon be opened. Once the heroes are taken away by them, our mother star Your death, your children, your parents, your children, all of you will be slaves for generations, and you will be the energy supply machine! At any time, you will lose your life, you are still hesitating!!!"

"Now, this **** has already blew up the life star. As long as you all take it, it will not take long before he will run out of energy. We will win!"

It is said that the hundreds of thousands of summoners who dare not approach the shackles have suddenly changed their minds.

They thought of the consequences of the heroes being taken away. The look of each one began to be firm, and the fists were tightly held. It seemed that they had made up their minds.


Ye Cheyi, a bad feeling in the bottom of my heart.

"Yemen Lord!"

Augustine turned his head and his eyes were red and pointed to Ye Chedao: "My Augustin has lived for more than a thousand years. It is reasonable to say that I should have lived up to nothing, but now, I am giving a little. Request, Ye Mengzhu, please protect the mother star!"


As soon as the voice fell, Ye Che felt a huge force. He was driven by Augustine and flew away like a lightning bolt to the shield.

"Kill! Swear to protect the leaf lord, swear to guard the mother star!!!"

Augustine Dalat.

"Kill, swear to protect the leaf lord, swear to guard the mother star!!!"

"Kill, swear to protect the leaf lord, swear to guard the mother star!!!"

"Kill, swear to protect the leaf lord, swear to guard the mother star!!!"

The summoner of the parent star screamed.

"Booming rumble!"

In the meantime, in the inexplicable eyes, all the Wuling squad's stunned eyes, the summoner who was present on the mother star, finally burst out, regardless of the life and death shot.

On weekdays, they are in high positions and are calculating.

But now, seeing the survival of the mother star, for the sake of the descendants of future generations, for the inheritance of their own civilizations, their feelings for the mother star, ** barely displayed, burst out of the ambition, there is no life. Warfare! ! !


Every mother star summoner is determined to look like a moth, like a moth.

If you don't ask for killing, just ask for more heroic power and more energy. If you can, it will make Yee safely escape from this area!

As long as Ye Che does not die, the mother star will have hope!

"Insane, crazy!!!!"

The people of the Wuling squad were pale by this scene.

Knowing that they will die, but desperately rushing to the top, what kind of emotion is in the end, supporting them to make such a move.

"court death!!!"

戮铎 回 戮铎 戮铎 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

One thousand roads, five thousand roads, ten thousand roads, 20,000 roads! ! !

In the end, there were 20,000 Thunder Dragons, which spread out in a circle, "Thunder, Strangle!", roaring.

"One thousand eight hundred dragons hit!"

"Seven hundred and twenty-eight heavy gold shield!"

"One thousand and four heavy extremes!"

"Nine hundred and ninety-six heavy frozen fields!"

"Space freezes!!!"

At the same moment, the mother star summoner who had already had a death record, was also a big man, and countless multi-hero skills were bombarded by them.


The crepe is drawn into a line, or condensed into dots, or completely frozen.

However, only in an instant, he broke, but it exploded with more powerful and fierce power.

"Ha ha ha ha, all die!"

The bang broke, the palm of your hand was gripped, and the thundering dragons disappeared. At the same moment, the five or six thousand mother stars summoned the men to be certain, and then fluttered down from the air. They were all two-dimensional. .

However, no one has retired, and no one even showed fear. At this moment, all the masters of the parent star are fighting for Ye Che.

The strong men of the Wu Ling squad's late kings began to pursue Ye Che, but they were summoned by the mother star to block the soldiers.

A strong man in the middle of the king wants to take the opportunity to bypass them and break through their defenses. The Holy One is a big bang, and the life-selling star behind the black and white is directly blown up.

He jumped 10,000 meters away, directly in front of the king's mid-term strong, but was hit by the mid-term strong, vomiting blood.

"One...one ruling the Lord..."

In the distance, Ye Che has already seen idiots.

It turns out that no matter how hot and heartfelt it is, how many evil people are extremely evil, how many great people can give up everything when facing the crisis of their homeland!


At the same time, the attack of the hundreds of thousands of summoners slammed into the collision, the collision was banging, the ground was shaking, and the space of the block broke.

Numerous zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, two-dimensional spaces are fragmented and annihilated.

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