League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1504: True identity of the glass

Ye Che brows a wrinkle, said: "What do you mean, tung oil lamp? Dial it and light it? Directly finished. Eight?? One? Chinese network W=W≠W≈.≈8=1≠Z=W≥. ≥COM"

The shadow of the **** moon is speechless, slightly angrily: "Hey, what is this attitude! If the husband is not ambitious, otherwise you are not a bird!"

Ye Che faceless expression, watching the **** moon performance.

"Well, don't sell off, I ask you, when you know the great organization of League of Legends, have you ever thought about who was originally created by the League of Legends, who led it?" Asked.


"The maker of the source of the gods, and the creator of the Scarlet Moon!"

"Scarlet Moon!?"

Ye Che was shocked and reacted instantly. He looked at the **** moon and asked, "You are... Scarlet Moon!?"

"Accurately, please call me Scarlet Moon No. 7! You must know that I can and the source of the soldiers, the presence of courtesy!" The tone of the month is quite proud.

"The source of the gods... the scarlet moon... is it..."

Ye Che took a breath and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Thinking? But it is not surprising that all the source gods of today are controlled by the nine heroes of the source plan. Since you can have the source of the gods, there is only one possibility. Your set is from The hands of the three people who fled! And, the spirit of your set of gods, there is the breath of Ai Xi, I guess, if you have seen it, you have already seen it with Ai Xi? Now think of it, with Ai Xi The first time I have played, it has been more than 600,000 years..."

The seventh month was quite embarrassing.

"Tell me... tell me everything you know!" Ye Che's lips shook a little.

"So it seems... Aich has fallen, and it seems that all her plans have fallen on you."

Looking at Ye Che's demeanor, and the source of the gods and soldiers, the heart of the seventh month has a judgment.

"Well, you are qualified enough to know now! First, let's talk about where it is and where we are."

Said on the seventh month, and paused.

Ye Che's look is also fiercely serious. He knows that what is said next month, I am afraid that it will be the real secret of the heroes!

"We are in the star country of a hero!"

Slowly said on the seventh month of the month.

Ye Che's pupil suddenly collapsed.

"You don't rush to ask, now I will ask, you come to answer!"

The shadow of the seventh month, shocked, "I ask you, from small to large, let you arrange, how do you arrange?"

"Quark... nuclear and so on?" Ye Che said.

"I am asking you, you can see it with the naked eye!"

"That is probably dust, sand, beads, houses, regions, the world, the planet, etc?"

"If you look at a planet hundreds of millions of kilometers, what do you think of first?"

"Dust, a little?"

"Yes, it's dust!"

The seventh month said, the voice is awe-inspiring. "But what you are talking about is matter, if it is a creature? Generally, or generally speaking, the bigger the creature, the stronger the power, then one How big will the creatures that can destroy the planet turn over?"

Ye Che did not agree, said: "I only have ordinary people, but I can also destroy the planet, so your inquiry does not make any sense."

"Ha ha……"

Smiled a month, said: "Ignorance is a blessing!"

"Do you know how you were created?" Ye Che asked.

"Amount..." The moon slammed.

"Ignorance is really a blessing..." Ye Chedao said.

The seventh month is speechless.

Then he learned, and said directly: "Although you only have ordinary people, but the heroic power and elemental essence that you released when you destroyed the planet, there are countless small worlds! One sand, one world, one leaf and one bodhi Do you know that so many small worlds are combined to make an unbeatable power!"

Ye Che thought for a moment and nodded: "It makes sense, but what is the meaning of your explanation?"

"Even if you can break the planet and destroy the planet, what about the heroes? Their power is hundreds of millions of times more powerful than you, and how many small worlds and spaces can be controlled. Once the group is built as a star country, you can think I want to see how big it will be!" said the seventh.

Ye Che’s heart was shocked, and her thoughts drifted to the time before she entered the black hole. At that time, he felt that the space around him was constantly shrinking. At that time, he still didn’t know why, now he combined with the words of the seventh month. Is being largely separated from the star country.

Well, if that’s the case...

"That is here!!!"

Ye Che's eyes wide open and glance at the black hole.

"Here, it is the passage to leave this heroic star country! Also, Ai Xi, they have prepared for you, or when they did not have your part in the plan, they are the way for them to prepare for themselves!" Sighed.

"Leaving the channel of the heroic star country and the back road? Then the glass... It seems that he has left the star country... Where did she go again..."

Ye Che whispered to himself, but the next moment, his eyes were a condensate, staring at the **** moon, and shouting: "No, how do you know Aich's plan!?"

"This is the next question."

The seventh month of the month: "First, I have already said that this place and my monthly seal are all reserved by them. Yes, it is a meeting with me or other scarlet moons! And the role of the little girl is like a person. The clothes worn on the body can make the person who is in contact with her, and the smell of the moon print, let me and other scarlet moons feel it. Without her existence, you will never be able to contact the moon."

"When you first got into the atmosphere of the last month, I realized it, but it takes a lot of time to reach you from me. Just as I am about to arrive, the breath fades until you enter the star for the second time. The national passage then left, I arrived again. But because I only felt the position, I couldn’t determine who it was in a moment, so I temporarily stayed on a poor summoner. I didn’t expect him to be humiliated and blew himself up. ""

Ye Che did not pay attention to his teasing of the alien caller, but asked carefully: "You mean, the glass is Aich, they are here? What is her identity?"

"Descent... heroic descendant, as for which hero, I can't tell you! And there are some things I can't tell you, because the ignorant is fearless, if you know too clearly, I am afraid that you will break the plan!"

Seven months.

This sentence, or the words of the seventh month, Ye Che believes, otherwise, for Aich's plan, this month is impossible to understand.

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