League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1505: Great Black Medinger, great Victor!

"I understand, the soul of the soul brought me here, I got the smell of the moon print, and then I was perceived by you. No wonder you will not leave after meeting me. It turns out that. Eight?? =W≤W≤.≤81ZW.COM"

Ye Che nodded, but he still had doubts in his heart. He asked: "You just said that the League of Legends is made up of the makers of the gods and the creators of the scarlet moon. So who are they? Since it is the alliance, it should be Are there other heroic forces? What is your role in me? How to leave the heroic star country, and the other six sets of the source of the gods, who is controlled, how many sets of scarlet moons? ”

This information is what Ye Cheji wants to know. He must understand the strength of the enemy. Otherwise, it is completely blind.

"Don't worry, one article. The source of the gods is what exists, who made it, I think Aich they have explained to you, it was made by Black Moldinger! And the scarlet moon, accurate In fact, it is not a **** soldier, nor a lethal force, but it is a point that the active **** soldiers can never reach! This is my master, deliberately aiming at the source of the gods, created with the wisdom of supreme!" In the tone of the voice, there is a trace of worship.

"It’s not a **** soldier, it’s not lethal, but it’s the source of the gods, and it’s...”

Ye Che’s expression condensed.

"Elemental essence! It is the essence of the element! The source of the gods can turn the star nuclear energy in seconds. As long as the planet is enough, the summoner can get enough energy to cultivate infinitely, and at the same time it is indestructible, even the essence of the elements can be cut off! And as it evolves, it has incredible power! But our scarlet moon is different, the scarlet moon can be transformed, it is the essence of the element, and the devour of others, and turned into their own use!" Said proudly.

"What you mean is that the source of the gods is equivalent to the conversion instrument of the power of the hero, and the scarlet moon is the essence of the transformation element!?" Ye Che's big eyes asked.

"Yes! That's it! It is because of this that my master can compete with the black Modinger!"

Ye Che’s heart was shocked, and after a moment of silence, he asked: “The person who created you is... Where is he now?”

The shadow of the seventh month trembled for a long time, and there was no sound for a long time. After Ye Che asked again, it sounded low: "My master's name is... Victor! However, he is no longer there. More than 600,000 years ago, Some invaders broke into the Valoran galaxy and secretly confuse the heroes of the big wave with the powerful force. Black Modinger is one of them! Once, the master is concealed in a technical exchange with him! Black Modinger Want to get the master's technology to create a scarlet moon, to create a combination of the source of the gods and the scarlet moon, invincible in the Valloland galaxy and even the entire universe!"

"This opinion, Black Moldinger mentioned it a long time ago, but once this combination is created, under the unrestricted growth of power, the whole Valoran is afraid to be destroyed, so the owner Refused. At the same time, in order to prevent Black Medinger from giving up, the ten sets of scarlet moons created were sealed!"

"Ten sets of scarlet moons?" Ye Che took a breath.

"Good! Full set of ten sets, in the hands of people, technology magic technology is a tool. For the hand, it is liberation! This is what the master often said, for others, wisdom creation can only be regarded as a tool. But my master, but no less than the genius of Black Modinger, the wisdom of Black Modinger, although after the experiment, has a general evolution! But my master, after that thing, wisdom It has produced a qualitative change, not only has created a new body for itself, but its wisdom has also risen in geometry! Wisdom has been liberated by flying!" said the seven-year-old condensate.

Ye Che knows that he does not lie.

According to the background of the League of Legends given by Ai Xi, Victor, the mechanical pioneer, is indeed the **** of machinery!

Even, I still understand the technique of resurrection.

Ye Che also knows about the matter mentioned in the seventh month.

Zuanben is the capital of technological magic. However, Victor was already at the top of the list when he was young. He broke through the magic of science and technology several times, but the results were stolen by Professor Stanic, even Professor Stanley. Also using his Ming, resurrected the garter!

Because of this, Victor has been depressed.

So he left there and locked himself in his private lab, cutting off all connections with other people, where he secretly conceived a project, a result that would not be taken away by others. project.

Victor is eager to innovate his field, eager to eliminate the human emotions that are festering in his heart, and he wants to become an irreplaceable god!

It turns out that the enchanting will not be blinded by the dust of the moment, he succeeded!

Even, you can counter the black ink Ding Ge of the IQ near the god!

"But... when the master is building a new self and destroying those negative emotions, he has not eliminated the positive emotions... justice, beauty, generosity, and ... friendship have not been wiped out by him. He once again believed in black ink. Dinger, so, was ambushed... I will never forget that day, countless star nucleus bursting, the star as big as the sun, like sand, blasted from the universe, the flames of blazing, burning more than one The century has only faded, and the entire universe seems to be burned through."

The seventh month said, but the voice with a hint of whimper, he continued: "The invaders, and Black Moldinger was ordered by his nine heroes, wearing the source of the gods, hard to give birth to the owner of the flying gray smoke Off, for, it is to force the owner to use the scarlet moon, and then take it over for research! But..."

On the seventh day of the month, he took a deep breath and said, "But the master has not died, and he has not used the power of the scarlet moon..."

Ye Che listened completely, and in his mind, couldn't help but think of the bleak scene of Victor's body with the nine heroes and the invaders.

He did not expect that the two people who have the same wisdom, what they are attached to, are so big!

On the one hand, the pursuit of the ultimate strength, on the one hand, but only wants to protect the Valloland galaxies with their own wisdom, in a certain layer, the two are actually great.

Thinking of this, Ye Che’s heart is a move. I thought of the Summoner’s Canyon. Could it be that the Summoner’s Canyon was created by Victor? But very quickly, he thought of another question. If Victor died, how was Ai Xi and the Scarlet Moon unwrapped?

Thinking, Ye Che asked directly.

"Yes, Summoner Canyon, which was created by the master! For the sake of the destruction of the Valoran galaxy, but Black Moldinger has also produced a shielded reel that temporarily shields the Summoner's Canyon. This is also why he does not want Valoran to be destroyed. After all, there are many unknown places in the Valloland galaxy that he did not open up, so he just announced the technology for making the shield reel, but did not directly overthrow it."

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