League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1510: A sword spike!

"call out!"

A slight whistling sound came, the eyes of the civilized summoner suddenly became huge. He now, his own heroic technique with hundreds of millions of Raytheon elements, was directly cut by this boy and a sword. Eight? One? Chinese W (one) W? W?. (8) 8?1 (eight) Z (eight) W?. COM

"not good!"

The companion next to him was shocked and wanted to rescue.

But in the next second, they stopped their bodies, because their companion, from top to bottom, was smashed into two halves by the boy! Only leave a zero-dimensional star, floating in place.

You must know that their companion is in the presence of the peak of the heroic elders. In the hands of this boy, he can’t go!

"Hey, this life star!? Don't waste it!"

In my mind, the moon screamed, and then there were countless big hands condensed by red light, and caught the singer of the summoner.

Ye Che was so anxious that she had been practicing in the dark for more than five months. Now that she heard the news of the parent star, the whole person is already on the verge of anger and has not noticed the action of the seventh month.

His body flashed, the indestructible source of the sword, and turned to the second summoner.


The summoner could not make an effective defense. Under the absolute attack, the hero of the essence and protection of the element was broken all the way, and a good head rose from the sky.

Then there is the third and fourth place.

These witch spirit summoners are only sent to clean up the stars around the parent star. The strongest is the hero elder. In Ye Che’s quest for the source of the sword, no one can support a round. They all lived in an instant.

The rest of the Sorcerer Summoner, especially after seeing the big hand of the Scarlet Moon of the month, was all terrified.

"Wait... wait... We said, we said, we are only sending people to clean up the stars around the superstar."

One of the witches summoned with a scar on his face, stuttering, his gaze, has been locked in the sword of the source of Ye Che’s hands.

It is this sword that not only can open their heroic skills, but even the dimension space of their joint strength can be opened, and his heart is the power of greed and the fear.

This boy, who is it, how can he have such a perverted weapon.

"Clean up the stars around the superstar?"

Ye Che's eyes are colder, and the superstars in their mouths are obviously the mother stars.

"Mother star now, what is the situation, why did you come to the parent star?? Said, the original book said!"

Ye Che is holding the sword of the source close to him. Behind him, Raytheon’s star has a purple thunderstorm from time to time.

The witch spirit summoner with a scar on his face swallowed and said: "Come here is to catch the stalker, but because the breath of the **** suddenly disappears, our collar is angry, and we are privileged to 'purify 'The mother star is three months, so now on the parent star, it should be in a chaotic period."

"Purification is the meaning of being able to kill and plunder at will."

The seventh month explained.

"You shut up!" Ye Chehan said with a low voice. He naturally knew what the so-called purification was. It was because he knew that his heart was even more flaming and chilling.

Under his anger, he also forgot to pass the sound, and he just drank it from his mouth.

The remaining four Witchling Summoners trembled and looked at Ye Che with trepidation. The boy, let them say, let them shut up. What does it mean, is it the kind of capricious person?

When I thought of it, they began to cry out of their hearts. I did not expect that there would be such a iron plate in the low-dimensional civilization.

"Adult, we... can we go now?"

The witch spirit summoner with a scar on his face asked carefully.

But the eyes of the eyes have been swept from the source of the sword in the hands of Ye Che from time to time, and the color of greed flashed from time to time.

A sword in the district can actually let himself and others not be the enemy of this boy. He knows very well how much benefit he will get once he reports this news.

Ye Che's facelessly shot on them, straightening the cold sweat they saw, secretly preparing for desperation.

"Let's go." Ye Che suddenly said.


Almost no hesitation, the four directly turned into streamers, shot outside the planet.

"You are crazy!? These guys, directly attacking you indiscriminately, want to kill you, you actually let them run?"

The seventh month was anxious.

"I only said it once, you can tell me clearly!"

Ye Che is standing in the same place, cold and cold.

"Amount?" month seven.

"This time, it is the last time. If you dare to design me, then what happened to me is that you deliberately conceal it. When I leave this star country, I will hand you over to Black Medinger. When I even friends, my companions can't protect, then the destruction of the Valoran galaxy will be destroyed, and I don't have half a penny to do it! Maybe Black Moldinger will see me take the initiative to vote, and give me the benefits of Tianda. maybe!"

Ye Che said with a cold face.

At the end of the month, he took a breath of cold air. He could fully feel the determination of Ye Che, and he also knew that Ye Che’s emphasis on friends and companions has reached the point of principle obsessiveness.

"I understand……"

After the silence of the seventh month, said.

Ye Che has no words, and his body moves into a stream of light.

After letting the four people go, how could it be, as a clean-up, the four witch spirit summoners, I am afraid that I have not known how many innocent people have been contaminated, Ye Che temporarily let them go, just want to find the whereabouts of the big fish!

Tracking their leaves and flying close to the parent star, his face gradually emerged with a worry.

Soon, with the cover of the source of the soldiers, Ye Che has entered the parent star, while flying with them tens of thousands of meters away.

But as he entered the parent star, the fear on his face suddenly turned into boundless anger.

He is above the sky, looking far away from the bottom. On the ground, he can see the traces of the destruction of various civilizations from time to time, and also see a large number of dead bodies with bones, all of which are heroes being beaten. The power is broken, the mother star of the life star collapses the summoner.

Farther away, the mountains and rivers are broken, the land plates are displaced, and the civilizations that originally made the mother star summon the masters are also left with only broken arm wrecks, which are full of bleak feeling.

Without the protection of the mother star summoner in the late peak of the king, they are as vulnerable as a beggar.

Ye Che’s heart swayed for a moment, and at this moment he produced an impulse to kill the Wuling civilization.

"Augustin... I Ye Che reneged... but I Ye Che promised that from now on, if there is me, there will be no witch spirit civilization!"

Ye Che whispered, his fingers clenched.

After flying for more than 20 minutes, there was no accident. In the journey of more than 20 minutes, I could not find any living creatures. Ye Che’s face gradually recovered from anger to coldness and indifference from icy cold. Obviously, the hatred of his heart can no longer be expressed with emotions.

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