Now this situation, although misleading on the seventh month, but the most important thing is still the Wuling civilization, it is the direct murderer!

Suddenly, Ye Che’s ears moved and heard the shredded voice coming from afar. Bayi Chinese Network W=W≠W≠. =81ZW. COM

Looking up, it was actually the location of the dry Fu lava civilization, and as the four people approached, Ye Che heard a fierce shout and screams, which came out from inside.

Standing in the sky not far from the lava civilization, Ye Che saw it. There were two starry beasts floating in the air, looking inside, and laughing from time to time.

There is also a parent star summoner on the parent star. This is normal. After all, the entire parent star is 1.7 light years in size. Unless it is directly destroyed, the mother star summoner wants to hide. In a short time, there are still many mothers. The Star Summoner can hide.

At this point, the four Wu Ling Cleanup Summoners stopped at the lava stone civilization, and after a slight meal, they shot in.

"It seems that this is one of the places where the Wuling Civilization Forces are stationed!"

Ye Che took a breath and his eyes were cold and followed.

Ye Che did not deliberately cover up his body, so the two starry beasts floating in the air quickly noticed the approaching Ye Che.

These two starry beasts have thousands of shapes, one of which has four bone wings like bats, the same body, six chicken-like feet under the abdomen, and the head is red like an eagle. It looks ugly.

Another monster, the lion head carved, the first horn, dragged a flame tail behind him, and spread its wings, its total width reached nearly 500 meters.

These two starry beasts, apparently, were brought by the great forces of the Wuling civilization, and belonged to the class that cultivated obedience commands from an early age.

However, these two starry beasts only looked at Ye Che with great interest, and did not say anything. Instead, they looked at Ye Che and walked into the lava civilization.

Within the lava civilization, it has changed greatly, and there are traces of burnt black everywhere. As soon as he stepped in, Ye Che heard a burst of strange and strange laughs, which came from not far away.

"Kill, kill! Kill them!"

"A group of low-dimensional locusts, not enough to die!"

"The captain is cheering, the second team is killing more than you!"

In the distance, there are a large number of witch spirit civil summoners wearing silver battle suits, shouting.

Everyone’s face is full of killing and smirking.

They are the soldiers of the Wuling civilization, the coldest bloodless executioners, and with the ‘purification’ command, they are more comfortable and playful on the mother star.

Among them, there are a large number of smelt civilization summoners, each with grief and despair on their faces.

This kind of anger and despair is precisely because of the two figures not far away!

These two figures, the two, one is fat, but the big fat man who controls the Thunder whip, the other man is full of thunder, his hands are constantly condensing a purple Thunder bomb, and then throw it out.

Every time a fall is thrown, dozens of lava stone summoners scream and turn over and fall, and then they are smashed and screamed by the thunder.

The big fat man's arm is constantly swaying. Every time he shakes, he can draw more than a dozen mother star summoners, and straighten their skins and flesh.

"Happy, really happy! Wufeng, it is so interesting to clean up these garbage, the more you kill, the more addictive!"

The thundering fat man, grinning.

Another young man shrouded in a rolling thunder, his voice whispered, and he was cold and cold. He suddenly reached out with a hand and caught a master star summoner who was attacked from behind.

Immediately after the cold wind smiled, the figure swayed, and the Thunder shells containing hundreds of millions of Raytheon elements were directly blasted, and the body of the mother star was directly blown up.

And the big fat man who used the Thunder whip as a weapon to play, after a heavy whip, cracked the defense of a Summoner, who was covered in earth elements, suddenly saw a bright white snow shining from his own eyes. After that, he snorted: "Is this a girl?"

The mother star summoner who was rolled out of the ground, his body was curled up, but before that white snow, it made everyone know that she is indeed a woman.

"This scream is very beautiful, let me see your true face."

The fat man laughed and walked up.


Aside, a man who had fallen into the ground with his armor in the earth, suddenly stunned, and screamed with anger, struggling to climb up, and rushed toward the fat man, trying to stop him.

"Boring, witches, what are you doing, all killing! Women are everywhere."

The Wufeng said coldly, and at the same time, with a wave of hand, the man was easily blocked. His hand was like a brontosaurus. It easily tore the man’s earth element defense, and the other hand pressed his head. Broken his head.

"Know it, then kill it! Hahaha!"

The fat man madly laughed and laughed. Suddenly he lifted his foot and slammed it on, and he stepped on the chest that was in pain.

"啵", a moment, her chest ruptured, and her mouth wowed, spit out the **** broken internal organs.

"Haha!" The witch madly laughed.

"Xiao Xin!" The man went out of despair and screamed at the extreme.

This is also the scene that Ye Che saw when he was just approaching.


Ye Che's eyes are cold, "Booming", a pair of thunder and long wings of ten meters are unfolding behind him. His whole person is like a light, and instantly breaks the crowd and appears in the field.


Above the sky, the two have long stared at Ye Che’s starry beast, and they sneered in their mouths: “It’s been a long time to stare at you, the hero of the district, looking for death!”

Said, the bat-winged body of the starry beast was slammed out, and the other starry beast saw his companion's hand, and he was not noble.

Ye Che did not pay attention to them. In the second step into the field, the purple-level star nucleus was directly sacrificed. In an instant, a powerful pressure shrouded the witch and the madman.

This is the power of the essence of life, and the instinct of the witchcraft is amazed.

The man escaped a life and refused to care who saved himself and rushed directly to the woman named Xiaoxin.

"Xiao Xin! Xiaoxin! You wake up, hehe..."

The man mourned.

At the same time, affected by the pressure of Ye Qingmei's natal star, the starry beast also stopped, and I was surprised to see Ye Che.

But Ye's gaze is always locked in the face of witchcraft and witches, colder than ice.

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