League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1518: The essence of the element, 500 billion!

"You must not die!"

The witches roared again and again. ?八一中文W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

"Puff puff!"

In Ye's eyes, the cold light flashed, and it was three consecutive feet. Only the blood was shining, the witch's hands and feet were all open, and the blood mist rose in the vicinity of tens of meters, making this area full of blood. .

Has been like a wand like a madman, this painful almost fainted.

If it is not the power of the hero to protect him, he has not been fatally wounded, I am afraid that he has already lost too much blood and died.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a large **** hand appeared out of thin air, and then directly inserted into the body of the witch.

At this time, the power of the mad madman was completely broken, and there was no energy to form a defense. It was directly inserted into the tofu as a **** hand.

"The king's late life star can not be wasted!"

The month of the seventh strange laugh, the **** hands are tight, the madness of the eyes is abruptly loud, only to listen to the "squeaky" sound, the **** hand of the moon seven illusion, has put a spherical ball scattered with lightning fluctuations, from the witch The mad body came out.


The witch is staring at Ye Che, and there are mixed emotions in the eyes, such as anger, pain, murder and grievances. It is extremely chilling.

Ye Che’s face could not see the slightest expression, and “squatting” kicked the witch mad directly to the side of the lava civilization.

"This animal is handed over to you, I will come when I go!"

Ye Che said.

Its body flashed and it had already rushed to the Wufeng buried in the mountains.


The man holding Xiaoxin looked at the witch and flew, screaming, like a huge cockroach jumping up, hands stretched out and hugged the madman directly in the air, his hands were too hard, so long lost The power of witchcraft is fierce.

"Bee, I want to eat your meat, swallow your blood!!!"

The man screamed with anger and sorrow, and then slammed, biting down, tearing a large piece of meat from the madman.

Obviously, his hatred of this witchcraft has reached its limit.

The rest of the lava stone summoners also rushed over and trampled on the witches, each person's face with tears, or with blood... they finally can... revenge!

At the same time, Ye Che has already found the body of the Wufeng, and after getting the natal star, it turns into a streamer to the sky above the parent star.

Just killing nearly 4,000 Wuling Warriors, each of these fighters, at least have the strength of the heroic elders, that is to say, each can contribute to the elemental essence of Ye Che at least 100 million!

What's more, there are still higher realms inside, even two heroes!

Therefore, Ye Che has not dared to imagine, after the completion of the conversion of the seventh month, his own life star, will grow to what level!

"Little master, the total amount of elemental essence, plus your own existing one, has reached 500 billion. Once all is transmitted to you, your life star will reach the peak stage of the young star! This is also your hero. The limit that can be controlled by the stage, once it breaks through the peak of the young star, reaching a huge week, your star will be out of control because of the power of your hero, so I suggest that you upgrade the level of the life of the avatar!" Seven said.

"I understand... come on!"

Ye Che Shen sinks his heart and looks forward to it and said coldly.

The power of the Scarlet Moon is not what he expected, which also caused him to have some extremely unhealthy thoughts, such as... If Black Moldinger gets a scarlet moon in the future, he will be stronger, will not Will kill the entire Valoran galaxy's summoner, and even... other heroes!

Because of this, his life star will enter the incredible realm in one fell swoop!

"It's good to be safe in times of peace, but it's a sign of cringeing over the head! At the very least, Black Moldinger doesn't get a scarlet moon now, this is my chance!"

Ye Che’s heart whispered.

At this time, the transmission of the essence of Ye Che's elements on the seventh day of the month begins!

"Ready, come!"

Said on the seventh month.

Ye Che nodded cautiously, but this is the essence of 500 billion elements. He is not well controlled, and his own Raytheon star can be directly exploded.

Silent and uninteresting, a **** moon, slowly rising from the back of Ye Che.

Then, the void seems to be shocked by an invisible shock wave, and the space is violently distorted, and just in this moment, the elemental nature of a dazzling and amethyst ray is turned into ten buckets. The pipeline, madly surging against the thunder star above Ye Che’s head.

"Booming and banging!"

Above the atmosphere of the parent star, under the powerful energy pressure, all kinds of elemental particles began to tremble at a very fast frequency, igniting a roar of sound that ordinary people could not hear.

Just like ordinary people can't hear the sounds of extreme frequency, but some animals, such as dogs and dolphins, can hear them. The same is true of the explosion between the elements. Only the summoner who understands the essence of the elements can perceive it.

The essence of the 500 billion Raytheon, just touched on the star of Raytheon, Ye Che’s chest is like a hammer hammered a heavy hammer, and there is a feeling of suffocation.

However, fortunately, it is only the promotion of the life star, all reactions are born on the life star, he only needs to use the power of the hero to maintain the stability of the life star.


Ye Che’s low-sounding voice, the five major avatars combined, the power of the heroes like the sea swept out, making the madness of the Raytheon star, began to gradually stabilize.

With the power of the hero in the middle of the king, to maintain its stability, it can still be done.


Soon, Raytheon's life star began to expand in a hurry with the degree of visible to the naked eye, and its breath was also increased by the intensive nature of the huge Raytheon.

In just ten seconds of effort, it has doubled from thousands of kilometers, then doubled three times!

After the transmission of nearly 500 billion Raytheon elements, its volume is exactly 10,000 kilometers, and this 10,000 kilometers is formed by the essence of the purest elements.

This amount, once exploded, any white-level planet will steam in the blink of an eye, the green planet will be destroyed into pieces, and the blue-level planet will be cracked.

Only the purple level can withstand its release.

"The peak of the young star, just 10,000 kilometers! This is... the impact of the purple star nuclear embryo..."

Ye Che snorted and flashed a sizzle in his eyes.

Before, the squad leader and Augustine, who had reached the peak of the king, were also the peaks of the king, but their natal star is only about a hundred kilometers in size, which is nearly a hundred times wide!

(End of this chapter)

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