League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1519: I will not go back!

"Although this way, compared with the general summoner, there will be great advantages, but with the power of the Wuling civilization, there are absolutely geniuses who have reached the purple-level star nucleus, and this number is absolutely many, so I want At the same level, it can be crushed with absolute advantage. It must be started from each department, or... the strength of the stronger natal star!"

While thinking about it, Ye Che controlled the Raytheon star to retreat into the body, and then galloped over to the lava civilization. Bayi Chinese Network??W≥W≈W≤. =81ZW. COM

Over there, the witch mad had already died, and had already turned into a pile of rotten meat, and could no longer see his cruel face.

And the man, holding a little sorrowful face, did not know what was whispering.

The rest of the people were saddened and looked around for the bodies of their loved ones or their companions.

"Yemen Lord!"

Among them, a dozen young people who seemed to be somewhat calm, saw Ye Chefei coming and hurriedly gave gifts.

Although the suspects invaded the invaders, the Yemeng master did not know where to go, but now they are saved by Ye Che, so even if there are thousands of complaints in the heart, they are also concealed.

Ye Che's face was slightly stunned, and then her expression turned cold. "According to the Wu Ling people, there are still many people on the mother star, all of them are concentrated together?"


One of the youths showed a sorrowful anger and said: "Two months ago, they invaded greatly. Because the civilizations of all civilizations have been sacrificed, you don't know where to go, so they have almost no effort and unified the parent star."

"Next, the nightmare begins..."

Another smelt civilization summoner showed a horror in his eyes. He said: "The land they lived in is almost innocent. As long as they reach the heroes, or above, they all kill! In the past two months, although they are not many, they are only more than 500,000, but they are all strong one-on-one. They are extremely fast. In just two months, our mother star has almost lost ten. One of the points!"

Ye Che understands the concept of one-fifth. You must know that the number of female stars can be calculated in megabytes. One trillion is one trillion, one tenth is one hundred billion, these witch spirits, Almost 100 billion mother stars have been slaughtered!

Ye Che took a deep breath. Before he killed the more than 4,000 Wu Ling fighters, he felt a little uncomfortable. Now it seems that he only blames himself for being too light, and it is too easy for them to die!

The bones of a hundred billion people can be piled up to form a blood-bone mountain. How do the animals get their hands?

"Many of us are fleeing to escape, but there are still many people caught, as long as they reach the realm of heroes and older people, all or killed, or for them to play."

“Why did you reach the heroic elder and die?”

Ye Che frown asked.

"It is easy to control. According to the unintentional news, they will completely mine the mother star. Therefore, the mother star summoner below the heroes will not die, all of them will be used as slave laborers... Ye Mengzhu, beg you, beg You save them!"

The young summoner spoke and said, directly fell to the ground, tears and said: "My mother was taken away by them. Now it has been more than a month, I beg you. I know, that The group of intruders is powerful and hot, and you don't have the obligation to rescue... but I... I really can't help."

He was full of sorrow, his own strength, only reached the late stage of the heroic messenger, the Wuling warriors, a random move, can make him robbed.

At this point, I saw him kneeling, the rest of the lavastone civil summons, but also one by one, and looked at Ye Che with a face.

Ye Che's face was stunned and said: "Get up, I used to talk to the beast before, and I didn't make a joke. I'm already ready to do my best!"

"Yemen Lord!"

Everyone was excited.

"Talk about it, where the mother stars are concentrated, and, about their strength, say what you know, I will prepare well."

"it is good!"


The people of the lava civilization are busy.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Che has already figured out the situation of the mother star and the strength of the enemy.

Now, all the female stars below the heroic elders are being held in a temporary deep underground pit, and the place is relying on the most powerful dragon blood civilization on the parent star, which is where Augustine is. civilization.

It is about seven or eight hours away from Yelu.

But this is not the key place. The key point is that these Wuling people have no way to be a great leader, but a hero...

Heroic King, Giant Week! No matter what, it makes Ye Che’s heart tighten.

At this stage, the three-dimensional space has been truly controlled. The dimension space of the previous exhibition has made the source sword of Ye Che almost useless. Now it is displayed by the heroes. Ye Che is sure, the **** of the source. Soldiers are obviously impossible.

Then there is a huge week, the star of this realm has begun to move towards true maturity. Whether it is power or the superfluous heroic skills fluctuations, it is more than 100 times that of the young week!

Although Ye Che did not deal with the hero of the hero, but can fully imagine his terrible.

"Yemen League Lord...you...hey, we are selfish, that is the hero of the hero! If you don’t go back..."

The summoning teacher of the lava stone civilization has not finished yet. Ye Che’s whole person has already risen to the ground, leaving only a firm voice, which is far from coming. “You will never go back!”

On the ground, everyone's expressions were stunned. They all looked at Ye Che's back and disappeared in the sky. They only felt a fiery gas rising from the bottom of their hearts, and they continued for a long time.

At the same time, Ye Che found the right direction, and when he went to the direction of the dragon blood civilization, Guanghua flashed, and two purple nuclear fragments had already fallen into his hands.

On the seventh month of the month, I was shocked and said, "You want to practice while you are on the road?"

"Yes, I will try these eight hours. Can you make the ontology break through the heroes and reach the beginning of the king!" Ye Che said, his mind was moving, and there was a big wave of star nuclear energy in his hands. The body swept away and was instantly transformed into the most pure hero by the source of the gods.

"In theory, it is ok. After all, the degree of your heroic power is thousands of times more than that of other summoners. However, let me not remind you, even if you reach the early stage of the hero, cooperate with the five avatars, and even the **** of the source. Soldiers, it is impossible to be the opponent of the hero."

Said on the seventh month.

Ye Che is silent, he knows that the seventh month is correct.

The essence of the giant week, its elemental nature, is only to be calculated in megabytes. The essence of its own 500 billion elements is not enough to watch. The single life star is the suppression of quality.

The source of the gods, and then restrained by three-dimensional space, not to mention the power of the hero, is also crushed.

In addition, he expected the existence of the level of the emperor, not just this means.

(End of this chapter)

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