League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1566: The plan is very simple, kill you first!

When I woke up, the warning sound was still screaming in his mind, and when I was just awake, his mind was slightly illusory, but Ye Che quickly returned to God and turned his head and looked at it. Now Pu'er is far away from himself, and is staring at himself more than 100 meters away. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

Ye Che does not think that she is guarding herself. After all, she does not have this reason. Whether she kills her or kills herself, she cannot be established under such circumstances.

She killed herself, and she was absolutely unable to survive in the face of the tyrant. On the contrary, she killed her and the chances of killing the tyrant will be shortened a lot.

Of course, according to yesterday's situation, the two seem to have never considered each other.


Looking at the Pu'er in the distance, Ye Che is about to ask the voice, but Pu's face is revealing a dignified, fast: "Look at your three-dimensional space!"

Ye Chewei stunned, and his thoughts were instantly immersed in the three-dimensional space. Now I don't know when a large map is displayed there. There are three flashing spots on the map.

Two red, one green!

According to the distance position, the green light spot represents Ye Che himself, and the two red dots are obviously Pu'er and the tyrant.

Ye Che suddenly understood that Pu'er deliberately stood so far, in order to prevent the tyrant from thinking that the two were united.

"According to the distance, the tyrant is only more than an hour away from us. What should I do next?" Pu'er shouted in the distance.

More than an hour's journey, if you come close to a large area, you will soon be able to bump into it, because Ye Xue is now surrounded by a dazzling white barrier within the scope of the ten holy places. Obviously, he can escape. The location area has been limited!

Seeing this, Ye Che took a breath and sighed: "First wait, I exchanged the remaining skills!"

In addition to the exchange of supplies, and assigned to Pu'er, he still has 168 undead heads not exchanged, enough to exchange for three skills! That plus the previous six, the total amount can reach nine!

Just considering the problem of blue amount, Ye Che thought about it, exchanged a piece of blue-colored suit with a 5o undead head, and then exchanged two skills.

Only three of the tyrant's current skills are known. In order to prevent being the first mover, Ye Che's two skills are learned by the "Popular Depth" and "Fatal Huacai". These two skills are all shooters, no matter General attack or skill as long as you hit the other side, and then release the "fatal Huacai", you can put the enemy in place.

And "the dumping of the people" is like the mushroom of Timo, it is invisible, and the person who stepped on will be reduced, and it can exist for two minutes.

Counting these two skills, Ye Che already has a full eight skills, Pu'er six!

The last two according to Pu'er, one is Mogana's imprisonment, and the other is Jura's "root of the entanglement". With the cooperation of fourteen skills, as long as the tyrant is not given the opportunity, he can be directly controlled. To death.

However, it is easy to talk about the first move. After all, the tyrant is the summoner who has stepped out of the new town and has mastered the big move!

"Now, I don't know which big move he is practicing."

Ye Che brow micro-lock, a lot of warrior heroes, there are big moves and no big move completely two concepts, but want to practice big moves must go out of the new town to learn, so this uncertainty, so Ye Che did not 1oo % confidence to face the tyrant.

In the case of general multi-skills, whoever controls the opponent first, whoever wins! Coupled with the main attack of Ye Che, Pu'er is the main assistant, all of which are crispy. Once the tyrant is controlled or approached, he is afraid that only one hit will leave only the blood.

"Is it changed? Tell me, what are your plans?"

Pu'er was too lazy to shout, and asked directly in the message 100 meters away.


Ye Che returned a message in the past, his thoughts have been condensed on the light point of the tyrant to think about something, suddenly, his eyes are condensed, a shocking message, to the general public, "the plan is very simple, kill you first! ”

Pu's black jade-like pupil slammed down.


At the same time, more than thirty kilometers away from the two, the tyrant is cold and mad at the side of Ye Che and Pu'er.

His face was full of murder and repressed anger. For Ye Chepu, who had defected, he had already wanted to smash the corpse, but he did not know the position. Now the position is exposed, and the long-lasting killing will finally be released soon!

"I said, my tyrant's equipment is not so good!" The tyrant whispered, looking at the red dot on the map, his eyes flashing sneer.

But suddenly, a friend applied for it, it was Pu'er.

"Now apply for a friend, it is not going to beg for mercy?" The tyrant grinned and then accepted.

"The tyrant, save me!" Pu's message came over instantly.

"Why, are you two people who are not arrogant and far-fetched? Do you need me to save?" The tyrant flew in the direction of the two, and sneered back without a sneer.

Pu'er: "That guy is crazy! It's a white-eyed wolf. I worked hard to help him for so long. This beast actually said that it is easy to do it!"

The tyrant's eyes flashed in the low light, faintly said: "Do you think I will believe? You two can join hands, maybe you can still contend with me, what good is it to kill you? Don't tell me that there are resources for equipment."

"It's just to equip resources! Why do you think that we can kill the undead slaves so quickly? He changed the output skills, and I exchanged the output control technology and the injured and undead suits and the mixture! Now, he wants to get all! ”

Seeing this, the tyrant's heart flashed a trace of disdain, he did not believe, is about to return, but Pu's next sentence, but he frowned.

"He doesn't believe me! If I join him to fight against you, but in the end? In the end, I can only live one person. When he is afraid that he will lose both of you and you, I will slap the knife behind me, so it is better to get all my equipment and resources directly. This can also be a deadly battle with you!" Pu's message is very urgent, it seems that the situation is very crisis.

The tyrant looked at the red dot on the map, and both of them were flying. The former red dot was obviously Pu'er, and was fleeing to himself. However, because of the gap, the red dot behind him was a little closer.

He thought for a moment and said: "This sentence is a bit reasonable."

"Then you can't save it!?" Pu'er asked.

"It’s ridiculous, why, why can I save you this traitor?" The tyrant asked, in his heart, it would be nice not to unload Pu'er, and save it.

(End of this chapter)

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