League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1567: Final battle!

"Is it ridiculous? If it is not a huge crisis in your sense, I will leave? It is clear that this is now, and all of you are dead! But I assisted the white-eyed wolf for two days, but now he said that it would turn against me, I Not reconciled! So I would rather give you the equipment, not to the beast!"

There is a hate in Pu's speech. ?? Bayi Chinese network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

The tyrant glanced at the map and shrugged and said: "I admit that what you said makes sense, but I seem to love you. You are too far away from me. Nothing, you can go with peace of mind, even if he gets your gear. It’s also dead! A newcomer with a 1o class and no big tricks, killing it!”

"No, I am not willing! This beast, I am going to tear him off a piece of meat!!!"

This sentence just fell, representing the red dot of Pu'er, actually stopped in the map.

"Interesting, haha, it's so interesting. It's really exciting to see two traitor dogs biting the dog!" The tyrant said with a smirk, his eyes staring at the two red spots with gusto.

Now, he is less than half an hour away from these two red points. With his deliberate upgrade, the degree of a+ shoes, Ye Che can't escape!

At the same time, the two red dots on the map have already collided like Mars hitting the earth, but the red dot of Pu'er is suddenly moving backwards. It seems that flying a kite, Ye Che's red dot flies up and continues. near.

Two red dots are difficult to distinguish in a blink of an eye.

"Listen to this Pu'er, she is learning the auxiliary skills of the output class. With her operation, it seems that she can really tear off the pieces of the leaf, which is the most unfortunate and can consume his physical strength and state."

The tyrant whispered to himself, but the faster he was, the more he couldn’t wait to kill Ye Ye!

Ten minutes later, his modern watch Pu's red dot has stopped moving, and it has stood still, and Ye Che's red dot has slowly approached, seemingly to make up the final blow and search for equipment. After dozens of seconds, the map In the middle, only a red dot is left there.

"Now, as long as you clear this flea, you can get the guardian's heart into the final chapter of the difficulty!"

The tyrant smiled, but soon he appeared. The red dot representing Ye Che has been parked in place and has not fled. It seems to have been injured and is recovering. Seeing this, the tyrant looked at Ye Che and looked at it. It would be a waste of energy and momentum to survive. It would be better to recharge your batteries in the same place and fight positively!

But a positive battle...

Thinking of these four words, the tyrant's thoughts are immersed in the three-dimensional world of the body, where there are 12 skills, shining in the cold!

Time passed, finally, after 18 minutes, a teenager sitting on the ground and resting, fell into the eyes of the tyrant, this young man looks slightly delicate, but looks very tired, apparently facing the final fight against Pu'er, winning is not So easy.

Looking at this boy, the tyrant sneered and stepped closer, said: "Ye Che... We finally met, I did not expect that the last person to die is you!"

Ye Cheqi opened his eyes and stood up from the ground, faintly said: "Don't say too early."


The tyrant showed a touch of surprise and said: "Let me guess why you are so confident, is there any ambush near here?"

Ye Che’s pupils contracted slightly for a moment, but they were silent.

At this time, the tyrant has already pulled out the true-view detector and inserted it directly in front of him. In an instant, Ye Che is well-placed and can reduce the "dumping of the crowd", all exposed to the tyrant's eyes.

"Wow, big gift! This half an hour, you really are not just resting, but have prepared me such a big gift!"

The tyrant said with exaggeration.

Ye Che sighed a little and didn't make a sound. He had already known that "the dumping of the people" would be seen, but he didn't really think that "the dumping of the people" could be reduced to the tyrant. As long as you can limit the position, it would be good.

"Nothing to say? If you have nothing to say, go to hell, but at the request of Xiaomei, you may feel pain when you unload your eight pieces." The tyrant said, bypassing "the dumping of the people", Step by step to Ye Che.

Ye Che took a breath and lifted his arms. The serrated flying knife suddenly lifted up, and the light of the "rotating flying knife" began to tremble.

Almost at the same moment, the tyrant's pace suddenly increased, he even ran a dozen steps, and then snorted, a long gun like a viper generally with his body synchronized against Ye Chezha.

Fearless charge!

Ye Che's face sinks, once he is close to the tyrant's "fearless charge", he will lose all opportunities!

Seems to see the ugly face of Ye Che's face, the strength of the rifle's pistol in the hands, can not help but more violent.

However, just between this, Ye Che suddenly screamed, "Pu'er!"


A tyrant.

He hasn't reacted yet. On the ground less than half a meter in front of Ye Che, a pile of dead grass leaves mixed with mud, and a slightly gentle girl with a golden sword is directly stabbed in the tyrant. Body.

This thorn, the girl ran straight ahead of the tyrant in the direction of the golden sword.

"Ah! Pu'er! It's you!!! You are not dead!!!!"

An earth-shattering roar is terrible, and the tyrant can hardly believe that the Pu'er who has died is actually resurrected! ?

The red dot that clearly represents Pu'er has disappeared, and it is clear that there is only one red dot in Ye Ye!

But in an instant, he saw the place where Pu'er jumped up, and the tyrant suddenly became shocked. Pu's red dot did not disappear, but overlapped with Ye Ye! This Pu'er has been hiding in the ground!

It is too easy to dig a pothole and cover it with thick branches and leaves.

Therefore, they are in almost the same position, so the red spots of Ye Che and Pu'er are overlapping on the map. After all, the position of the azimuth cannot be accurate to the grain, so the tyrant is completely deceived!

Ye Che was also stunned at this time. Naturally, it was not because of the appearance of Pu'er, but because of the skills of Pu'er. The last two skills of Pu'er were not Mogana's imprisonment and the entanglement of the 婕? How did it become the dawn of the zenith?

Although doubts, but now is not the time to consider these, Ye Che did not say a word, a tube of smoke bombs heavy on the tyrant's body, they heard a "bang", his two meters near the area immediately covered by rich smoke It is.

Then the arm muscles bulged, and the "rotating axe" screamed with a horrible sharp blade, and slammed on the unguarded tyrant.


A terrible "squeaky" sound, the tyrant's head was immediately cracked by the axe, and the top of the head was floating -584 blood, weak points hurt! Great defense!

With this blow, Ye Che’s fingers sank and he was able to imprison the enemy’s “fatal huacai”. With a white track, he would have to slam on the tyrant.

(End of this chapter)

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