League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1572: Warden servant!

Suddenly, the words "啾" screamed from far away, and the undead creatures steamed, and when this white light swept to Ye Che, Ye Che felt that the body was hot, the heart of the guardian. Light up, he was covered in a circle of invisible shields, no damage. ?八一中?文??W?W?W?. (8) 8?1?ZW. COM

"Purification is over!"

I don't know how long it took, and the cold voice sounded slowly.

Ye Che did not breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly a huge screaming sound rang from a distant place. Ye Che’s thoughts were instantly immersed in the map, and now there is a red on the map. The ultimate red dot is standing firmly in the distance of several kilometers from him.

"The heat of the purification of light leads to the servant of the underground warden, which will destroy the breath of all living people!" A message prompts to float out of the three-dimensional space.

In the next moment, Ye Che saw the red dot on the map, moving in the direction of his own, and moved high.

"Booming rumble!"

Ground vibration, Ye Che eyes condensed, according to past experience, the visitors are definitely a big man.

Sure enough, as the distance approached, Ye Che witnessed the figure of the warden's servant. It was about a hundred meters high, and when it sprinted here, it moved like a building.

If in reality, this piece of the piece is not worth mentioning for Ye Che, but here is the League of Legends, which was created by Victor and used the unknown method to isolate the power of the hero and the essence of the element. enemy!

Ye Che stared closely at the warden's servant, who had no heads, and only a huge wildfire floated around his neck. The fire was green and strange, and a chill was felt across the kilometer. The meaning.

It is said that it is actually jumping. The warden's servants have thick legs and the legs are black and black. They are covered with cockroaches, making people just look at the scalp. As it flipped in the air, an incomparably ugly body landed a hundred meters away, and two huge eyes filled with fierce breath radiated a terrible cold and chilling pressure.

It is also full of shackles on its arms. From time to time, there are ghost faces on it, so it seems that a soul that is unwilling to be shackled by it is in the body.


vomit! ! !

It has a weird vomit in its mouth,

Every dull vomiting will make Ye Che's heart leaping wildly. Finally, the warden's servant is no longer quiet. When he screams, he jumps up and jumps toward Ye Che.


Under this volume and mammoth, the ground directly splits, the warden's servant is huge, but the ability to bounce is incredible. This jump jumps directly over a hundred meters. In the air, it vomits in the mouth, and the face is stunned. Its huge body fell like a hill to Ye Che.

Ye Che's eyes narrowed and slammed to the side with the fastest speed, while "cold chase" opened.

If this is a monster with the same size as him, he only needs to move in the direction of the opponent before moving to the ground, even if he is halfway away from the body, he can avoid it and then counterattack.

However, the body of the warden's servant is too big. In the case of being unable to fly, he must transfer a radius of thirty to forty meters to completely avoid it!

If it is slightly touched by its body, in terms of the size of the warden's servant, there is no doubt that Ye Che will be directly killed, without any luck. At this moment, Ye Che finally knows why the tyrant was desperate at first, which is still half the difficulty. If it is the normal difficulty of 20 people, I am afraid that the full set of s-class equipment will also hang in the face of the servant.

Ye Che is close to her mouth, and her heart is fast calculating the degree of the servant's servant, the range of bounce, and the next plan to meet the enemy.

"You can't use the rocket to jump! Otherwise it's very difficult to avoid the second blow!"

Ye Che calculated the gains and losses, and at this time, the shadow of the warden's servant is getting closer and closer, and the huge shadow of the corner of the eye tells him that although he is already the first time to escape, but when it falls, he will still Being directly thrown down, its range of slamming is too great!

No choice! ! !

Between the electric and the flint, a bottle of syrup was suddenly poured by Ye Che!

"Oh... you used the 'Intermediate Degree Mixer', the mobility is +5o, and the effect lasts for half an hour!"

boom! ! !

The body of the warden's servant fell heavily, and the ground shook with the ground. He also let Ye Bing, who was running and running, almost slammed into the ground. He didn't have time to think about it, he didn't dare to stay, and tried to stabilize. The body, with the fastest speed, ran away from the position of the warden's servant.

He just clearly felt that the moment the pawn's servant landed, the faces on it were only a few centimeters away from his back.

If he didn't take a dose, he was already smashed by a face!

Dangerous, this warden servant is very dangerous! !

Running to the other end away from the servant's servant, Ye Che gasped in a big mouth, a cold sweat on his forehead, and the hands holding the serrated knife slammed hard. Originally thought that out of the a + level armor, can also tolerate a mistake, but now it seems that he can not have the slightest mistake, otherwise, see Marx directly.

"Hint: enter the battle state, the main weapon withered charm effect touch, the enemy attack attenuation of 1o%, the enemy belongs to the plot special class monster, the effect is halved!"

"Try it first!"

Ye Che did not care to remind him, he whispered, his finger moved, "Fatal Huacai" remotely shot out, "砰" a precise hit.

Suddenly, the state of the servant's servant appeared.

[Warrant servant]: 9994o/1ooooo blood volume.

Can't see anything else, Ye Che can only see its blood volume, and know nothing about its skills, attack methods, and other things!

Of course, Ye Che also knows that this is a harsh test, the test of the qualification of the captain!

As a captain, you must have accurate judgment and the ability to arrange tactics according to the monsters. In other words, you want to know the attack methods of the warden's servants, as well as the skills, etc., all of which need to be tested by yourself.

It’s just... a full 100,000 blood volume, which makes Ye Che’s heart still sucking in a cold air.

The full-level "Deadly Huacai" will deal 19o (+o.5) physical damage to the enemy, but it has only dealt 6o damage to the Warden servant, that is, Ye Che has to attack at least 2ooo times. To kill it!

However, with 5% of the real damage of the "Silver Arrow" full level, it only needs less than 1oo times, but this is in the case that the warden servant does not return blood skills, and does not count its own recovery.

Ye Che looked at it, it was less than two seconds, its blood volume has recovered to the level of 9997o, its recovery is simply horrible, which means that if he does not continue to attack the warden servant, soon it It will be able to return to full blood.

Therefore, dragging this is not going to work.

(End of this chapter)

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