League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1573: Grimace, ghost tongue!

"Oh... you used the ‘intermediate attack power mixture’, the physical attack power +5o, lasts for half an hour.? Bayi Chinese??? W≤WW.81ZW.COM”

"Oh... you used the 'Intermediate Method Strongener', the law is strong +5o, lasts for half an hour."

“Hey... you used the ‘intermediate attack agent’ and attacked +2o% for half an hour.”


In the face of this, only the general summoner could not see any warden servant who defeated hope. Ye Che did not hesitate, and the mixture of ten dead souls was bottled and bottled.

There was a variety of colors on his body, which was a mixture of blessings.

At the same time, the warden's servant once again slammed. The attack method seems to be very simple. It is not a simple attack, but a blast, which seems nothing, but the responder will face this attack. For the sake of difficulty, you must always keep your attention and hit it high. Otherwise, if you are thrown once, you will get gg.

vomit! ! !

The servant of the warden screamed and leaped high. As a hill, he rushed to Ye Che, and the ghost faces on his body, all showing greedy eyes.

However, there is enough preparation for the leaf side to rush forward. Although he has entered the battle state, but with an additional 5o movement bonus, in conjunction with a roll, he still barely hides.

Then, his backhand is a slap, oh no, it is a backhand that is a blow to the flying axe, but this shot has almost not wasted his slightest time, just got together, it has already been completed.

Then Ye Che left without hesitation and did not dare to attack again.

He never believed that the attack of this warden servant would be so simple. Ye Che would never be in love when he did not speculate on his skills.

In front, the huge shadow once again descended from the sky.

Ye Che is staring at the legs of the warden's servant, wanting to move from its legs, now it's time to jump, but its legs completely violate the physical inertia, there is no squatting action at all. , but directly rose up.

Continue to escape!

After again giving up the power to eat milk, Ye Che once again escaped dangerously, and then backhanded an axe, though, his face is hard to look, because he is now too fast for the servant's slamming frequency. He won't win the rhythm!

Without the rhythm, it can't take the initiative, so the output of the backhand and the axe is at most equal to the recovery of the blood of the warden's servant.

Once the time is too long, even if the warden servant does not use other skills or attack methods, Ye Che will also exhaust his physical strength and die.

"Can't go on like this, be sure to find a prelude to its leaping!"

Ye Che said to himself, although his face looked ugly, but he could see it when he looked at it. He did not know when he had a hot feeling in his eyes. Obviously, he is excited, such as the initial contact with the League of Legends, the frenetic study of various routines, the habit of finding loopholes and laws, has been engraved into his bones!


The warden's servant leaped and landed, and Ye Che rolled away. This time he did not have a backhand, but a crazy brainstorming. At this moment, the scene in his mind is like a slide, anxiously flashing.

The servant's servant's appearance, movements, and even meticulousness to the trembling of the fur, flashed through the leaves of Ye's mind.

"There is no twist in the legs, and its head is a wildfire, and it can't be traced from the look."

Ye Che reasoned, and at the same time rushed to evade again, but this time, he already felt a little numbness in his legs. If he did not find out the attack law of the servant's servant again, the high-intensity escaping Ye Che would quickly exhaust.

But I have to say that he is professional-level after all. Soon, he is now, before the squad, the ghost face under the head of the fire will appear first.

"Found it!" Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly.

At the same time, the ghost face appeared again, Ye Che moved and left in advance.


Two seconds later, Ye Che’s position just collapsed slightly.

But this time it was moved in advance, Ye Che was no longer struggling, and because of the grasp of the attack frequency of the servant's servant, he directly fell into the same place, "砰砰砰", under the three axes At the touch of 5% of the real damage, the servant's servant suddenly has a full -2ooo damage from the top of his head.

But at this time, I have been waiting for it. I didn’t dare to take it lightly. Ye Gang’s face, which was under the head of the ghost fire, slowly opened his mouth.

Ye Che almost did not want to, and "cold chase" opened.


At that time, a full 20 meters, black-painted ghost tongue, from the mouth of this grim face as a sharp arrow shot, almost wiped Ye Che's body through the position he stood before.

This ghost tongue is not only more than 20 meters long, but also more than one meter wide.

After hitting the ground for a brief pause for a while, he was suddenly taken back into his mouth.

But just that moment, despite the extraordinary quality of Ye Che, almost a cold sweat, this is really unexpected, I did not expect to find the law of its leaping, it used skills.

If this skill is faced by the average ordinary summoner, even if you know it in advance, it is estimated that there is a high probability that it will be hit, because the degree is too fast, and only Ye Che’s attention in the battle state is concentrated to the extreme. Anyone whose abnormal factors are included in the bones can escape.

The attack of the grimace fell through, and the warden's servant squatted from the back foot, and it was a slamming attack on Ye Che.

Ye Che prejudged the rapid escape, and then quickly turned back to counterattack, and instantly three axes fell on it, -89, -86, -2o88!

Looking at these three figures, Ye Che is very dissatisfied. After all, the servant's blood volume is 100,000. In the face of its unknown skills, every second is more dangerous.

Thinking, Ye Che's eyes looked at the grim face under his head. The face should be its consciousness. If it can attack, the damage will be much higher.

But the height of the servant's servant is too high, and Ye Che has no confidence to directly attack its face.

However, the routine is used to break, the idea of ​​attacking the grimace, suddenly buried in the heart of Ye Che, and began to sprout.

After several consecutive times, the governor's servant's mouth under the ghost fire appeared a slight creep, and the leafy body responded in an instant, and quickly started the displacement technique.

"嗖", the dark tongue was shot down from the face of the face, and Ye Che’s body passed by, straight touched the ground where Ye Che stood before, and then quickly recovered.

At that moment, Ye Che’s eyes swept over the ground that touched the ghost tongue. When the grimace retracted the giant tongue, it did not stick to the gravel and dust on the ground.

“No sticky?”

Ye Che's heart is moving, this scene is extremely difficult to be noticed. After all, it is too late to avoid ghosts. Who will look back, but observing the environment and the enemy's skill effects during the war has become a habit for Ye Che.

After holding on to the continuation and after four or five waves, Ye Che has already felt the dual consumption of mental and physical strength, but he has learned a real injury technique, otherwise he will be exhausted and killed.

(End of this chapter)

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