League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1574: The strength of world-class masters! (four more)


vomit! ! ! ! !

The warden's servant who took back the ghost tongue suddenly raised two arms full of shackles, and a black radiant glow shone. Suddenly, a black boulders with a diameter of ten meters had been condensed by the warden. Between the arms, then it screams, and the black boulder is smashed to Ye Che!

Ye Chezheng was going to avoid, and suddenly his face changed greatly. His ghost face under the fire had opened his mouth at the same time, and then the ghost tongue and the stone, together, slammed together and shot at himself. Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W?. 81ZW. COM

Dangerous, extremely dangerous! ! !

Cold sweat is spread all over the leaves of Ye Che almost in an instant, the ghost tongue is facing his middle left direction, the boulder is the middle right direction, no matter which side, the size of the boulder as the benchmark, will be hit by one of them. It is a dead end! ! !

In the face of such a situation, the ordinary summoner will directly despair, and the master summoner will choose one of them to face.

However, it is estimated that 1oo% will choose to face the huge stone. After all, the boulder only has the thrust, but the ghost tongue has the power of curling. Once it is hit by the ghost tongue and then curled into the mouth, it will die.

Ye Cheben also wanted to choose to resist the boulder, but all of a sudden, he looked at the ghost tongue, and it was shocking. I thought that this tongue is not sticky!

"Is it..."

Ye Che’s heart moved and he did not hesitate to go to the left.


The blast and the chilly ghost tongue shot, and instantly penetrated Ye Che's body, but... no damage, actually, no damage! ! !

"There is nothing wrong with this judgment! This ghost tongue does not have any lethality. Its role is to confuse people to consume physical strength, but to kill the game above this attack!" Ye Che's face flashed a confident smile.


At the same time, seven or eight meters away from Ye Che, there was a loud noise. The line of sight of his eyes was now, and the ground was fully sunk by the boulder for more than half a meter. This attack power could not stop it. If you choose a boulder, he is already dead.

However, observing the environment at any time saved his life again. After the black boulders fell to the ground, they suddenly burst open and broke into more than a dozen pieces of gravel. Five of them flew to Ye Che, who had just settled down.

If you don't pay attention to everything around you, he will be caught off guard and die at this step, but he has already seen the flight path of the five pieces of gravel at the moment. The two feet are slightly on the ground, and the body is flipped two times in a row. Block gravel all escaped.


vomit! !


Ghost tongue shot again from the mouth of the grimace, which has almost no precursors, and the horrible tongue of the bow that is shot, will be a nightmare for all enemies.

However, those who can fight here naturally understand that the ghost tongue is just a gimmick, and there is no need to avoid it.

But Ye Che still hides, not only hides, but also tries his best to hide.


Just as soon as he avoided the success, Ye Che slightly turned his head, and now he has just stood up. He has already had a small arm, but he does not know the depth of the black hole. This is the thorn of the ghost tongue.

"Mom egg... almost overturned in the gutter!"

Ye Che whispered, and there was an unstoppable coolness behind it.

He finally knows why the tyrant says that the captain's qualification is rare. It is really hard to defend against this servant's servant. Just like a metamorphosis game, you can't think of it when the skill effect will change.

He is now, this League of Legends is completely different from his other games. The skills are not specific and will be changed at any time. That is to say, there is no specific routine to play against the monsters, but it is necessary to play on the spot. This is really too much about operation and awareness!

If Ye Che is not the same as the mouth of the mouth, he is also wrong.

However, even the mouth shape of the face can be remembered, Ye Che is really a talent, it is worthy of getting through dozens of metamorphosis games.

Hey! ! !

At the same time, the warden's servant began to really shoot, and this time, the second grimace opened his mouth from the servant's servant's body. In a flash, the terrible ghost tongue shot like an arrow, Ye Xue eyes It was a thin gap, and the ghost tongue in the eyelids seemed to be slowing down a lot, and the trajectory of the flying shot was clearly reflected in his line of sight.

The shape of the two faces is instantly formed in his mind. He immediately judges which one is true and which one is fake!

One left leaps, a ghost tongue has been placed on the ground next to him, only a few millimeters away from his foot, another ghost tongue worn through him, without any harm, judging success!


After the law of ghosts and tongues, Ye Che again launched an attack.

This time he began to selectively attack some of the grimace in the lower part, and the amount of blood actually deducted a lot, which made Ye Che spirit shocked.

With the attack of Ye Che, the warden also began to fight back, and more and more grimace spit out the ghost tongue. In one minute, there were already two faces and turned into ten full! These ten faces almost opened at the same time and shot the ghost tongue.

And Ye Che, in this moment of opening, immediately judge which is a real ghost tongue, which is a fake ghost tongue, and then escape according to the judgment. I have to say that this difficulty is simply something that non-normal people can do. At least the general summoner, even some masters, can't finish it.

To complete this evasive action, judgment, concentration, reaction, and operational level are all indispensable!

"My body, my spirit, my will... must hold on!!!"

Never die here! !

Ye Che’s heart hints at himself, and when faced with the impossible challenge, the power of suggestion is strong, just like giving himself a winning faith!


Ghost tongues are highly attacked, and each piece is so loud and shocking that it is like a bullet.

In the whistling of the air, these ghost tongues almost completely covered Ye Che's body. Ye Che did not blink, because his blink of an eye was enough time for him to be hit by several ghost tongues.

His eyes are not sharp, not dignified, only calm, under the ten ghosts, their attack is more like a storm, Ye Che's eyes are more calm, such as the wind and rain, under the attack of ten ghosts, the body completely violates the human body The posture and angle of the mechanism are distorted, either high or short, or left or right, and the whole body can not see the virtual shadow of the action.

No one can see clearly. During this period of time, he has made more than twenty shifts of large or small in succession. He started to escape from the straits by skill, and after shaking through the general skills, he even shakes two. The ground was bombarded with a "rotating axe" to force the displacement.

Not only that, in this evasion, Ye Che also smashed the blood of the servant's servant nearly 20,000!

When the blood of the servant's servant fell by about 30,000, finally, ten faces stopped the attack.

Ye Che was relieved with a slight sigh of relief, but she did not dare to relax. Even once again, because every warden servant stopped attacking, there would be no good things for the next time, or there would be abnormal skills to appear. There is no keenness to the ultimate insight, and I can’t afford it.

Ye Che held the palm of the jagged flying knife and began to appear sweaty, but his hands were very stable, and there was no fluster in his eyes. He just watched the **** servant quietly and found out that something was wrong!

Finally, the warden servant moved!

(The qualification of the captain's job is a crucial part. The same is true after leaving the new town, so the difficulty is not so easy, and it is impossible to end the game very quickly, so the calculation is wrong, and the copy of Lu Xi'an will end tomorrow.)

(End of this chapter)

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