League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1575: Gravel storm

(Well, I understand the meaning of the wrong editor. It is the limit of the browser today, so the addition should be tomorrow. What should I do? I am getting more and more stupid... I have not been wrong with the plot. Just know that pull. Bayi Chinese W ≥ W = W.81ZW.COM)

The servant's servant's body moves, and it is ten ghost tongues with black light. It is shot straight, and two dark stones are concise.

This boulder is different from the previous one. The whole body is autonomous and faintly black. When they appear on the two, they rushed to the sky with a bang, and then they collided and burst open.

At the moment of the burst, they turned into thousands of gravel, smashing from the top to the ground, forming a dense gravel meteor shower.

Hey! ! ! ! !

The chilly black stone, falling in the terrible fall of the ground, rolled up countless smoke and sputum, and completely covered Ye Che's body.

Ye Che took a deep breath, this cockroach, he almost all the horsepower is full, one bottle after another bottle of healing agent was poured into his mouth, but the amount of gravel is too much, he is fully medicated and As far as possible, the blood volume is still falling, but only half of it is in the blink of an eye.

Ye Che immediately understood that he could not continue this way, and wanted to rush out from the crack of the falling stone, but at this moment, the warden's servant bounced again and pressed down in the direction of Ye Che.

The average person is faced with so many gravel, and he never wants to observe other things. It is very likely that he will directly suppress the hit and then gg.

However, when Ye Che’s eyes swept over the gravel to avoid it, he always looked at the warden’s servant, so the moment the ghost appeared, he knew that the warden’s servant had to jump and his body suddenly stagnated. In situ.

Not far from the bang, the warden's servant came, but because Ye Che's timely appearance did not affect him.

Ye Che’s heart was a long sigh of relief, and a turn ran out from the other side. Soon, he succeeded in getting out of the way, and the moment the tight body relaxed, if not his spiritual resilience, he almost fell to the ground.

This servant's servant is too hard to defend, and as long as he is not focused, he will follow its path.

The servant's servant's life is 100,000. Up to now, he has only caused less than 30,000 damage to it. Its blood volume has recovered nearly 10,000, which is only 20,000. During this period, Ye Che has been thrilled and practiced, and there are only a few lines of death and death.

Now his blood volume is only one-third left. If it is not enough for him, he has already hated it in the gravel storm.

But even so, Ye Che is never willing to give up. In his dictionary, he never "give up" these two words!

vomit! !

After the end of the skill effect, the warden's servant plunged from a "slam" to the position where Ye Che was, and then "bang" slammed into the ground behind Ye Che, and Ye Che dive two consecutive displacements, respectively. The **** of the warden's servant and the ghost tongue that was shot in the face of the ghost, and then quickly rushed to the rear.

He wants to know if this warden servant will have new tricks, so he did not immediately shoot.

In the distance, the warrior's neck was whirling, and the ghost face slowly opened his mouth, and then shot a ghost tongue.

Ye Che’s heart is a long sigh of relief. It seems that all the attack methods of this warden have stopped here. Bounce and slap, ghost tongue shooting, ghost tongue and double shooting like **** black stone.

Multiple ghost tongue shooting, ten ghost tongue shooting, gravel storm and even slamming.

These kinds of things, I want to avoid them one by one, it really needs too much judgment. In fact, I can come here. Ye Che himself is shocked. Can this prisoner's servant really be able to fight? If it weren't for his experience that was too rich, and he had a skillful combination of league skills, he did not have the confidence to go this step.

But fortunately, there seems to be no new tricks for the warden's servant.

Hey! ! !

At this point, the ghost tongue shot with a strong wind, a single ghost tongue is nothing for Ye Che, he just turned one side, then hid the past, and then the double axe fell.

In order to escape the gravel storm, he has lost an axe, but the problem is not big, the cooling time of the "rotating axe" is still very fast.

Under the two strikes, the warden's servant attacked again, this time again the ghost tongue + **** black stone.

It’s not so difficult to have the experience of Ye Xue’s hiding. He knows that it is necessary to take some damage now when the warden’s servant’s initial state of attack is attacked, so he greets the warden’s servant.


-88, -89, -2o92!

After three consecutive combos, Ye Che took a bottle of recovery mixture and filled his life back. He said nothing, running in the ten-meter range around the body of the warden, waiting for the next ghost. arrival.


boom! !

boom! !

lap! lap! Ghost tongue! Ghost tongue! Ghosts and tongues! Ghosts and tongues! ! ! lap! lap!

Ye Che's body shuttles and wanders in various attacks that can easily kill him. His breathing is getting heavier and heavier, but his spirit has not slackened from beginning to end. His dignity, his will never allow him to fall here.

Every time he hides an attack, he will inevitably drop three axes and play real damage, but he does not use the rest of the output skills, because it is too blue, and the damage is not high, it makes no sense.

At this point, the gravel storm appeared again, and Ye Che escaped safely with his previous experience.

However, he was unable to output during this time, so he could only watch the warden's servant fly back to the blood.

However, what made him chilling was that after the gravel storm ended, the warden's servant did not use the ghost tongue again. This made Ye Xue's heart stunned. Did the warden servant have IQ and know its skills? Has been seen, can no longer cause damage to the enemy?

If that's the case, then Ye Che is really tough, because his current state is very bad, his legs are soft, and his spirit is so intense that his eyes are hot.

Hey! ! !

When Ye Che began to feel a little bit of focus, the dark tongue was coming again!

This sudden blow that allowed the ordinary people to directly despair, but let Ye Che excitedly almost fell to the ground in the running. This ghost tongue is not just an attack, it also means that the warden servant is not so mature, it is still the kind of almost mechanical play.

Ye Che reversed some soft legs and escaped the ghost tongue.

-87, -89, -2o95!

This warden servant, the most frequent is the tongue attack, followed by the fight, but now it seems that all the skills have come out, but it seems to faintly feel that his skills have been cracked, so the order of release of skills Start frequent conversions.

This made Ye Che have to be tight and still not afraid to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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