League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1576: Can't die, can't be defeated!

Ground tremors, Hell Blackrock roaring, in a variety of non-human skills, Ye Che shuttles, hand axe falling, the axe has been maintained at least three or so. Bayi Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤8=1≤Z≥W=. ≤COM

-84, -86, -2o91...

-86, -88, -2o9o...

-83, -89, -2o88...

-83, -85, -2o89...



Once, twice, three times... ten times, twenty times...

All the slams and ghosts are completely escaped by Ye Che. The Hell Blackrock that hits does not touch Ye Che’s body once. The frequency of the large-scale gravel storm is very low, only three minutes on average. Once, every time, Ye Che will let the blood explode on the edge of death, but not once can really let him die. After all, the real killing of the gravel storm is the subsequent slam of the warden's servant. But this has been seen by Ye Che...

After the slamming and ghosting, Ye Che will take the opportunity to export... In the face of these attacks, there are skills, miraculous or horrible, he did not have even one mistake and missed.

At the same time, each time three attacks, on average, each round will cause about 10,000 points of damage.

However, it will recover nearly 5,000 blood, that is to say, ten minutes Ye Che can kill the blood of the servant's servant of five thousand!

The life value of the warden's servant is extremely slow in this form... Half an hour, the total life lost, reached 40,000, and after half an hour, its life dropped to 4468o. .

Ye Che, in addition to the scope of the gravel storm damage, was not touched by the body or attack of the warden's servant until the end.

For four and a half hours, Ye Che cut away the life of the servant's servant nearly 50,000!

If you can continue to do so, and then stick to it for five hours, you can overcome it!

Another thrilling detachment from the gravel storm, Ye Che has been sweating like a rain, he is half-squatting on the ground, screaming at the opportunity to escape the war of the warden, breathing heavily.

For more than four hours, his heartstrings have been tightened in a state of tension. This spiritual consumption has passed the limits of ordinary people. He can persist until now, which is incredible enough.

Ordinary people in this state of intense mental stress lasting less than ten minutes will feel dizzy, weak, and hate to fall asleep.

Ye Che is also mentally exhausted, but if he really wants to defeat the warden's servant, he must insist on at least four and a half hours without any other accidents and variables... these four and a half hours, as long as If the spirit is half-lost or the operation is wrong, he will step into death...

Four and a half hours... Can you really stick to it? Ye Che’s head bowed and looked at his palm slowly and silently.

Suddenly, he smiled, what is the four and a half hours, compared to three days and three nights without sleeping to study all kinds of routines and play, four and a half hours, really worth mentioning!

Perhaps he has suffered a big loss. Generally, the summoner has reached this last level. I am afraid that all of them will wear s-level suits and even dimensional equipment. Ye Che takes nearly ten hours to kill the warden servants, but for those summoners. In terms of it, it is estimated that it will be an hour.

Can it really be a loss? In fact, this is also a chance to sharpen the operation and the will!

At this point, the warden's servant had adjusted his posture, and his horrible eyes with black paint locked him.

Ye Che wiped the sweat on his forehead and his eyes became awkward.

He stood up straight, holding a serrated knife, and said lowly: "Come on!!!"

vomit! ! !

A long-range blow, directly from the distance of more than fifty meters from Ye Che. The more the long-range slam is, the more reaction time will be given to the other party. The more there is no danger to Ye Che, the more clear the breath of Ye Che screen, as before, and the "cold chase", then set in The warden's servant was in the position of twenty-one behind him.

This distance is the best distance he measured. At this distance, he has enough reaction distance in the face of the attack of the flap and the ghost tongue. In the face of the gravel storm, he can get out of the cage quickly.

The most important thing is that this distance is just the maximum attack distance that the ghost tongue can reach. In this position, he only needs to jump backwards, he can escape, and then he can follow the direction of the ghost back.

-87, -89, -2o96!


Ghost tongue attack, Hell Blackstone, multiple ghost tongues, gravel storm...

Time and time again, all kinds of metamorphosis skills took turns from the ghost face of the servant's servant's face. The nearby ground image was completely plowed by the warden's servant, and there were pits everywhere, bringing Ye Che to the greatness. Inconvenience.

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed.


Ye Che screamed, cheering on the already exhausted spirit, greeted the ghost tongue spit out of the grimace. He did not retreat, but rushed straight up, but slid low over the body, "砰砰砰" It is a three-shot of the flying axe.


Never die!

Never lose! !

-83, -88, -2o86!


In the screaming of the warden's servant, Ye Che once again escaped its attack. Ye Qi, who escaped from the combo, did not stand still, squatting back, and had to retreat seven or eight steps before stopping the body. .

He looked up and stared at the warden's servant in front of him. His gasping voice was very heavy, his face was red, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his body could not remain still, and his body shook slightly. Only the hands holding the serrated flying knife are extremely stable, without any change!

The health of the Warden's servant: 2567o/1ooooo!

Time, came to the evening... It’s been six and a half hours since he faced the warden’s servant.

After a full six and a half hours, Ye Che still did not die, but the life value of the warden's servant was almost half of the hard life!

"Victory... fast!"

Ye Che whispered, his body was soft like cotton, the spirit was already fragile and could not command the movement of the body... The line of sight began to blur frequently, which is the kind of wish to immediately lay on the ground and throw everything asleep. feel.

His spirit has reached the limit... No, it is already out of the limit, and now the belief and dignity of being a world-class professional player is maintaining Ye Che.

After today, he may have to sleep for a few days and nights to recover...

However, the life of the servant's servant is only one-fifth!

(End of this chapter)

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