League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1580: Demasia King City!

"I don't want to join the team without a decade or eight, and I don't want to join the team. If there is nothing special, they will never collect waste!"

Speaking of this, Xiaolan's tone has been like a wolf grandmother seduce a little Red Riding Hood, soft and sweet: "But who makes me a guide for your new town, as long as you tell me the method of three days to 1o level, With this credit, you will enter my brother's team directly and unconditionally! This way, at least let you fight for ten years!"

Ye Che is a bit funny, as Xiao Lan said, he naturally knows what the concept is from three days to 1o. If there is such a convenient method, it will cause a revolutionary tide. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. COM

Unfortunately, he did not, but hard to rely on a copy of the plot to achieve this step.

Ye Chedao: "If this is the case, I can tell other teams three days to 1o level. With this, I can join as well? So you have no convincing conditions."

Xiaolan’s mouth is hooked and said: “You must know that, besides me, who knows that you were three days ago, hey, seven days ago, I came to the League of Legends?”

Ye Che suddenly stunned, indeed, others do not know the time they came to the League of Legends, in that case, only when they are nonsense.

"Like this, as long as you tell me, I personally led you to my brother's team, and forced to join!" Xiaolan said, but the last sentence, but Ye Che almost sprayed out.

After weirdly looked at the woman, Ye Che said: "Okay, deal! It is very simple to reach level 10 in three days. Just make a copy of the story."

He also doesn't want to waste time, with the team leading the way, so that he can unblock the exclusive weapon faster.

At this time, Xiaolan was quite happy when he heard the words from Ye Che, but after listening to the last paragraph, Xiaolan looked at Ye Che’s eyes and looked like a neuropathy.

Her look is condensed and fierce: "Why is the old lady? Is it a copy of the plot? Do you know how long it took my brother to play a copy of the plot? For eight years! What's more, newcomers How can the town encounter this difficulty!?"

Ye Che spread his hands and revealed a expression of your unbelief.

Xiao Lanton was speechless. She ignored the words of Ye Che directly. It was only a slogan, but she remembered the first four words.

Suddenly, Xiaolan’s eyes turned and said: “This is what you said, the deal! Now I will lead you!”

She is a clear person, knowing that as long as Ye Xue is included in her brother's team, it is only a matter of time to ask the secret of the three-day level 1o. Ye Cheben did not care about this, see Xiaolan so happy to take himself, but also a slight smile, nodded.

Xiaolan turned back and looked at the guests of the bar. The eyes showed a trace of painful color, and then the loud voice: "Sorry, stop picking up today, your consumption, 10% off tonight!"

Those guests were not satisfied, but Xiaolan’s words were very polite and discounted, so they got up.

Soon, Xiaolan was properly packed, and Ye Che also took a bite to eat something. At this time, after Xiaolan closed the door, he immediately led Ye Che to the dimension and went forward, and he couldn’t wait. Three days and 1o level, this is an epoch-making progress. Once her brother has mastered this, the entire team will be famous. Relatively speaking, the day-to-day business of the bar is nothing.

On the way, Xiaolan smiled and asked: "Ye Che, my brother is now in the level of the class 55 of the endless desert of the tank, and he could not arrive in person at one time, but the team members have already waited for us in the king city of Demasia."

"Dermasia King City?" Ye Che revealed the color of doubt.

"Yes, this city of Demasia, but the guardian of Quinn and the gods, is also the place that many shooters yearn for. Luxury, sublimity and justice are the truest portrayal of the city of Demasia!"

Xiaolan explained one sentence and continued: "In my brother's team, there are a hundred people, each of which is distributed in the area to which different gods belong. On the team, they can be promoted to the battle group or the war alliance team. The war group has no other advantage, that is, it can collect more people to join in, and the War Alliance team can only accept ten people, but these ten people will all be subject to the addition of the War Alliance, and fighting together will improve many attributes!"

Ye Che came to the interest and couldn't help but ask: "Which direction is your brother's team going to show?"

"Of course it is a battle group!"

Xiaolan’s eyes are full of enthusiasm, saying: “Only when the formation of a war group can be won by thousands of people, if the war alliance is too few people, the conditions are too harsh, and now they can go to the table. The War Alliance team, any one of them can be a one-stop existence, I know my brother's talent, the War Alliance team is too reluctant, or the battle group is good, the same can have a great future."

"I don't know your brother's team, what is the name?" Ye Che nodded and asked.

In the distance, the dimensional transmission matrix has been printed in his eyes.

"My surname Luo Shanming has a blue character. My brother's team is named after me." Roland said with pride.

"Roland team, it seems that your relationship with your brother is good."

Ye Che smiled.

Roland’s face showed a sly smile and said: "He... is my closest relative!"

"The most dear relatives..." Ye Che’s heart whispered, and Roland’s subconscious mind made him understand a little bit. It seems that Roland and his brother are living together and have no other relatives.

However, the name Roland is a bit interesting, and the sound of Loland of Valoran, Ye Che secretly said.

At this time, the two have already embarked on a dimensional transmission array.

"Remember, choose the king of Demasia!"

When he went up, Roland reminded him.

"Good." Ye Che nodded.

At the same time, a tone of sound, through the dimensional transmission array, rang in Ye Che's mind.

"Detecting your profession, shooter, please choose one of the following cities to enter, the sin city - the ice **** city - the plague capital... Demasia king city..."

Said, a projected map emerged in front of Ye Che's eyes.

Ye Che swept through the top one by one, and her heart was a little excited. Finally, he finally got into the sphere of influence of the hero's ontology. Every power here represents a place guarded by a hero. Now, he will Enter the king of Demasia, guarded by Dean's Wings Quinn!

Demasia King City, choose, ok! Ye Che went to the point of force.

"Confirmed success, the level has reached ten, the time to go to Demasia King City fee exemption, the conditions are met, start to transmit!"

"嗡~Transfer is complete!"

When Ye Che opened his eyes, a class building that made Ye Che's eyes bright and bright, was placed in front of his eyes.

(The League of Legends is the last region, and everyone will wait and see.)

(End of this chapter)

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