League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1581: Ye Che's name

This is a silver-and-white majestic kingdom. The floor is made of an unknown wing skeleton, which is as cool as a metal. But when walking, it is like a step on a soft carpet, which has a different kind of elasticity. August 1st???? Chinese W(1)W?W?. 81ZW. COM

I glanced around and all kinds of creatures walked hustle and bustle.

Ye Che stunned, and the memory seemed to overlap with this scene. Looking at the silver buildings, the huge towering wall, Ye Chuyi thought of the time when he first passed on heroic skills.

At that time, the heroic "fatal blow" was passed down. It was in a city, and the city seemed to have the same atmosphere as the city.

The same majesty, towering, the only difference is that the city has a vicissitudes.

"Upper bound, the real upper bound, this breath, absolutely wrong!"

Ye Che snorted and stared at him.

He knows that this time he will not be wrong. He has already come to the upper bound of Ai Xi, ‘League League! ’

"Stupid? This is just the area of ​​the 3o-level Demasia King City. The more advanced areas have not been opened to you. You won't be stunned by this. Oh, I can't imagine how backward the star country you live in. ""

Roland said after hitting Ye Che’s arm next to him.

"More advanced areas, where?" Ye Che asked subconsciously.

"No, you look up at the sky!" said Roland.

Ye Cheshun looked up and saw a pair of huge wings stretching over the extremely distant sky. In the middle of the wings, there was a huge building looming.

"That is..." Ye Che was amazed, and he tried his best to open his eyes, but now the sky is like being covered by fog, he can't see it at all.

"That is your 31st - 4o level area, you can go above 3o level, of course, there are more advanced areas on the top, all belong to the king of Demasia!" Roland explained.

Ye Che would like to ask again, Roland is silent and walks forward, waving his hand and saying: "How do you have more problems than my aging mother? When you meet with my brother's subordinates, he will naturally introduce you. Everything, now we will meet with him first."

Ye Che snorted and followed Roland.

Through the unique winged beasts of the king of Demasia, the two quickly met with the people of the Roland team.

"Haha, Lan sister, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Far away, Ye Che saw a short, thin man shouting.

Beside him, follow a man and a woman.

"He is responsible for the bubble in the king city to collect people, the character is a little ... amount, not awkward."

Roland seems awkward and explains one sentence.

Ye Che does not care, but feels that this kind of person should get along very well, at least can ask useful information.

At this point, the bubble marched and smiled and walked over. After looking up and down at Ye Che, he slammed his chin and asked: "It looks good, but the face is white, and the temperament is not comparable. I, otherwise it is a top class!"

"Don't be fooled!" Roland took a look at the bubble and was about to introduce it to the two sides, but suddenly he saw a gloomy woman next to the bubble and asked: "Little blue, how? The face is not happy, the bubble is bullying you?"

"Hey, what am I bullying her, this time you can make a mistake! She is now in a mood because the commander has not contacted her for more than a month, but it is not my business!" Bubble said quickly.

Roland looked at him suspiciously, then looked at Xiaolan and comforted him: "It's okay, maybe it's a copy of the copy."

But this sentence said she did not believe it, after all, for more than a month.

Ye Che was not in a hurry to remind him, quietly watching Roland handle the chores.

"Listen to listen, I am so comforted by Lan sister, she still does not appreciate." Bubble entered the snoring.

Xiao Lan took a look at the bubble, but there was no buzz.

Aside, another man was happy. He said to the bubble: "Boss, did you seem to say that before? We are comforting that the commander has delayed the copy, or what is in the real world, etc. How is your comfort? You said her boyfriend is dead!"


Ye Che couldn't help but laugh and was stunned by Xiao Lan.

"What is this with?"

Roland is also crying and laughing, directly pushing Ye Che forward, and splitting the topic, said: "This is a newcomer, will join our Roland team, everyone welcomes, bubble, you first invite him into the team."

"Hey, I’m sure to add it directly? Does Dongge agree?”

The bubble was not messed up at this time, and I asked carefully.

"He will agree!" said Roland.

"That can't be done, the rules are not messy, I will ask first."

The bubble marched and said, but hesitated at hand, said: "The state of Dong Ge is playing a copy, in order to avoid distracting him, wait until the copy is over and ask again."

Aside, Ye Che's brow wrinkled. He had a copy of the plot, knowing that it would take a long time, and a more advanced copy estimated that it took more time. He couldn't wait patiently.

Thinking of this, Ye Che said directly: "That's it, let me go yo, let's see you again."

"Oh, wait!"

Roland was anxious and began to discourage.

However, while Ye Che was too lazy to wait, the bubble entered the army but insisted on the principle. In the end, even if she said Ye Ke's three-day 1o-level record, causing a surprise, the bubble did not agree.

He insisted that he would wait for the consent of the East brother, and he would join the team.

Roland can't do it anymore. It's better to say at other times that the bubble marching and other people listened to her, but in the rules of the team, it was the iron law. If it violated, the whole team was a loose sand.

She understood this and said that she did not say anything strongly. In the end, she could only say: "Let's do it, you go with Ye Che to go shopping, I will contact my brother."

"Hey, good Lan sister, we promise to take care of Ye Che... Wait, you just said what he called!?"

When the bubble entered the hippie smile, it was not finished yet, and suddenly the whole thing was stunned.

Not only him, but also the little blue and other people next to him, but also widened their eyes with horror.

"Ye Che, what happened?"

Roland is somewhat inexplicable.

"The problem is big!" The bubble marched into the air and breathed a sigh of relief. It was like saying to Ye Xue, and it was like saying to himself: "Three days, 1o level, the person who refreshed the plot record is also refreshed at 1o level. The two people's Id, are Ye Che, this... oh... this guy is the guy who got the 3O level regional announcement!"

"What are you talking about?" Roland frowned.

"Lan sister, if it is correct... This Ye Che was in the 3O level all-round announcement four days ago!" said Xiao Lan.

"What announcement?"

"The story is difficult to copy the customs clearance, refresh the record notice!"

(End of this chapter)

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