League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1590: Super single brush! !


Suffering from heavy damage, the king of locusts roared like a beast, and the strangely twisted body of white fat, re-offensive. ??八?一中文网?W≤W≠W≈. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

And Rose, but could not help but exhale, "rigid attack!"


Like your drool, a frown.

Rose 殇 does not explain, but stares at Ye Che’s movements, and his eyes are bright.

Rose does not answer, like your saliva will push the blank space, I want him to inform, but the blank grid has spread the stalls, but also said that I do not know.

Finally, there is still a sugar in the pocket to explain: "A stiff attack is not a skill. It is an output environment created by the summoner himself. It is like someone attacks you. You instantly retreat, but in that moment he teleports behind you. If you are attacking again, because your body is still in the retreat stage, there is no time to do other actions, but at that moment you know the danger and want to do other actions to avoid. The two conflict, it will make you stiff! Can be applied to Boss, just like this, he deliberately waited for the king of locusts to touch the body, suddenly moved to the back of the king of locusts, which makes the king of locusts stiff and unstable, and output continuous output!"

I like your mouth and eyes bright, said: "Continuous output is good, then we can also create a rigid attack?"

There was a sugar in his pocket and he shook his head. After a complicated look at Ye Che, he said: "You think it is too simple and too simple. I ask you, do you dare face Boss?"

Like your slobber, shaking his head honestly, the blank grid is also subconsciously shook his head.

Only Rose, who was watching the action of Ye Che, did not respond.

"The first is difficult, it is difficult to face Boss! The second is difficult, it is difficult to create a rigid environment, please note that I said, in the moment when the Boss attack will fall on you, change the position, that is, you need to Degree has sufficient predictive ability, that is, consciousness needs to be strong enough! Otherwise, if you have not escaped, the consequences will be heavy! But Ye Che has played a rigid attack, and his attitude is also easy to use. Obviously he still has spare capacity, it is the surplus force that makes He can face the king of locusts with complete confidence. That is to say, if you hit a stiff attack, you will not be able to play it. You must play it with ease, otherwise it is very likely to be mistaken!"

Speaking of this, there is a sugar in the pocket, and I continue to say: "You see his movements, the degree is really good, but with the body of the locust king, it is easy to catch up, but it has not been until now. Even if I met Ye Che, it was because his range of movement was very small. This is a performance that is easy to use. According to my estimation, he estimates that he still has a layer of spare capacity to deal with the sudden..."

A sudden burst of words has not been finished, there is a sugar in the pocket but it is a cry.

I was listening to the blank space of God and the saliva that liked you. I quickly looked down in his direction and saw Ye Che’s hand. I don’t know when the fourth axe appeared. At this moment, the whole sky seems to have been dyed. Gold, only four golden axes jumped in the sky.

“One layer of spare?”

The blank grid and the mouth that likes you have a glimpse of sugar in your pocket. Nima has enough to control the four axes, and the output is connected to the axe while playing a stiff effect. This is only one layer left! ?

There was a bit of sugar in his pocket, but immediately he looked up.

If he can just speculate on the strength of Ye Che, but now he is completely uncertain.

He also thought of Ye Chu’s record of a copy of the plot before, which made him completely shocked. Obviously, this Ye Che can pass a copy of the plot, not just the luck of Rose.


The roar of the king of locusts is getting faster and faster, and the body of white fat begins to have a tendency to turn red. The attack and the degree are quicker and stronger, and the attack frequency is also greatly increased.

"Boss is going to be red!"

The blank grid whispered, then swept the sugar in his pocket and said, "Want to support??"

There is no sugar in the pocket to talk, but the rose is a low drink: "Don't go!"


The brows of the three people are all wrinkled. Like your saliva, it is straightforward: "Hey, have you done this? The gambling appointment is what you proposed. If you lose, you still want to retaliate? Before you smashed him. Luck has passed the copy of the plot, and now I want to take our eyes and watch him die!?"

Not only him, but the other two are also looking at the roses.

Like Ye Che, who has the strength to operate, the three of them have formed a heart, so they don't want to be a bystander.

The rose snorted and said: "My rose is not a good person, but it is also a principled person! How do I watch him die in the same team? But I ask you, don't you want to explore his bottom and see him. Is there any hidden operation card?"

The eyes of the three men suddenly became bright, and frankly, they did have a strong curiosity about Ye Ke, who only had ten levels. After all, only ten can play such an operation, and it is estimated that the origins are extraordinary!

Rose said: "We... or 99% of the summoners in the League of Legends have a high starting point. In reality, the attack method is either a dimensional attack or an elemental attack. It is simple and simple. But it is extremely weak! This Ye Checai can have such operations and consciousness at the 10th level. I guess, there is either a big force behind him or his own talent is extremely high! I guess, the latter!"

“How come you see?”

I asked for a lot of sugar in my pocket.

"It's very simple. You didn't pay attention to it along the way. I noticed it as an assistant! He didn't attack at all. He was always observing the attack method of the locust crawling beast, then his fingers swayed on the side of his body, and his mouth was also What is meditation, I guess, he is definitely practicing the enemy way! After such a short time drill, you can pass the locust crawling beast and evolve to the king of the direct battle locust. If I don’t make a mistake, his operation and consciousness talent estimation There is no difference with those of the second-rate battle group, and even the first-class battle group!" Rose said.

"Two streams, first-class battle group!?"

The three men widened their eyes. They didn't even touch the three-way battle group on weekdays, let alone second-rate.

"I don't know if you noticed that when he first confronted the king of locusts, he did not use four axes. Obviously, he is familiar with the attack mode of the king of locusts. Now he is familiar with it, so he gradually began to use his full strength! But I am sure that this is not his full strength, because he has not called for help until now!"

When I heard this, the three people suddenly felt a shock. This is indeed true. If they want their support, this Ye Che should have been crying for help. Obviously, until now, the red blood of the locust king has not heard the cry for help.

"So, we just watched it quietly, look at him...what can be achieved..." The rose eyes are bright, but they haven't finished yet. Ye Che has already heard shouts.

"Call for help?"

"I don't think I guessed it wrong, it shouldn't be!" Rose also stabbed.

It’s just the words from Ye Er in the next second, but they make them collectively speechless.

"Hey, you don't come to help me see my performance again. The thing that the king of locusts broke out is all for me."

"Nima, let go of that Boss!"

In addition to the rose ,, the three people were all excited, and the rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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