League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1591: Touched him!

(About the problem of gold coins, because the original 5oo gold was Ye Qi’s own, so he thought it was extra for himself, and deliberately did not count into the 3ooo gold. The skills and data involved in the update now have data. Too many questions are too complicated. I hope that everyone will be tolerant of the update time ^_^. Eight? One Chinese? W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1?Z (eight) W?. (eight) C?O (eight) M)

"This group of animals!"

Rose 殇 殇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

No way, since it’s all on the top, it’s not the same thing to do it here, so it’s also rushed over. The king of locusts has been red blood, and all aspects of his ability have been greatly improved, but now hatred is completely in Ye Che. They only need to do their best to output.

Soon, in a matter of ten seconds, the king of locusts has fallen.


With the death, the items that are everywhere are appearing. The gold coins and equipment are not mentioned. There are mainly a dozen insect teeth, so that the task items of Ye Che are definitely enough.

“Congratulations to the general difficulty night language forest, the difficult difficulty night language forest has been activated.”

A message that drifts through the three-dimensional space of everyone.


There was a sugary fist in his pocket, and he was in a good mood.

The blank grid and the saliva that I liked you also showed a smile, and began to pack up the spoils, and then began a random extraction.

This extraction, Ye Che got three insects, more than four hundred gold coins, and a piece of equipment, but after adding the rose, the king of locusts is equivalent to contributing five insects, more than nine hundred gold, and two Equipment.

"Haha, it’s a master of a copy of the customs clearance, it’s amazing!"

The blank grid suddenly laughed, then walked over to Ye Che, handed over a worm and a hundred gold said: "This time the king of locusts is almost all your credit, we have not made any effort, this one hundred gold you take Buy a mixture and the like."

He knew that before he saw Ye Che alone, he was somewhat immoral against the enemy, so he proposed compensation.

Like your saliva, I also handed out a hundred gold and a worm tooth, and looked at Ye Che with a smile. When I saw it, there was a sugar in my pocket and I came over, and I also distributed some resources. .

"You're welcome."

Ye Che smiled and refused. After all, he alone against the locust king, it did consume a lot of blue medicine mixture, these are Huang Chengcheng's gold coins.

"Rose 殇?"

The blank grid slanted the rose and glanced at it.

"Hey, have you forgotten that I have given him thousands of gold coins before? And I have not taken the things of the king of locusts, but also asked me for gold coins?" Rose was not full.

The blank grid listened to music and said: "That seems to be the price of your gambling loss? It has nothing to do with it. Hurry up, a big man will grind something on a hundred gold coins!"


The rose 殇 looks black.

"Forget it……"

Ye Che did wave his hand and said: "No need, it is only one hundred gold coins, all teammates."

However, the blank grid is to know the plan before Rose. He is planning to drag everyone to help. At that time, I felt nothing. Now the blank is a bit shy, but since Ye Che said so, he did not intend to bite. The rose lingered, but asked Ye Che to smile: "That's it, but the master brother, what are your plans now? Are we going to pass the night language forest difficult difficulty? With your operation, we are fully committed If you cooperate, there is hope!"

It was said that the rose licked his ears and stood up.

Difficult difficulty...

Ye Che sank a bit, then shook his head and said: "I will go to the second career task, then go to the team to report, then come to you to have a copy."

"The team!"

The four people were shocked together, and sure enough, this Ye Che really came from an extraordinary source. This is just the tenth level, and even the team has joined!

For a time, even the eyes of Rose Cheung are different. In the League of Legends, the copy of the people who are temporarily patchwork together is completely a miscellaneous army. Only the team is the regular army! After all, the team is subject to the captain's talent passive skills! On the degree of customs clearance, it is much faster than them.

At present, the top ten of the copy clearance time, the brush is held by the teams!

However, the conditions for joining the team are not simple. At the very least, you must achieve excellence or excellence in a certain aspect, such as good hate control, such as strong pk, such as a wide network of people, or commanding ability.

So at this time, I heard that Ye Che had joined the team. The four people couldn’t help but sneak a sigh of relief. I wondered if his phrase ‘Let’s come back to you for a copy’ would be an excuse.

After all, it’s just a copy of it. It’s impossible to take care of their feelings.


There was a sugar in the pocket that was stabbing two times. I was about to say something. Suddenly a bang, a message prompted to pass.

"Ye Che applied to be your good friend, do you agree?"

Not only him, but the other three, including the rose bud, also received the application of Ye Che.

After a little excitement, without hesitation, all four agreed.

"That's good, I will withdraw first, and I will contact you after the matter is finished."

Seeing that they all agreed, Ye Che smiled and chose to quit the copy, leaving only four people standing in the same place.

"Little white... Did he add us?"

I like your saliva. I don’t think I can imagine it. She has been in the League of Legends for a few months. I already know that the people in the team are all above the top. There are fixed teams in the organization on weekdays.

Although she has longed for the team, she knows her technical level and she has no hope in a short time.

But now, there are actually the team's masters to take the initiative to add her, or the level of potential stocks that have been notified!

"Oh, it’s not your husband, I am amazing! Obviously, I finally took the initiative to give him materials and gold coins, and moved him! This time I want to make a copy with us again!"

After the blank grid reacted, he immediately said with enthusiasm, and at the same time licked the rose and glanced at it.

It seems to be saying that your kid is lying in the water.

Rose also naturally noticed the blank gauze, his face was a little embarrassed, but his mouth was hard and said: "What's wrong with your friends, you don't have to contact us, you can see it, it will not forget how long we will forget us. of."

There was a sugar in his pocket and he shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, otherwise he does not need to take the initiative to add our friends."

"It’s still a matter of sugar, you are yelling at us, afraid that he won’t pull you together, hehe.” The blank gag said.

"Get out of the way."

The rose is angry.

"Ah, it’s so fierce, my wife is helping me, my spirit has been seriously hurt!"

The blank cell immediately presses the chest with your hand and falls to the mouth that likes you.

"Get out of the way!" Like your saliva, your face is disappointing and let go, and the blank space is hung up and falls directly on the ground.


The blank snorted and pointed his eyes at the sugar in his pocket.


It seems to have been affected, and there is a word in the pocket of sugar and **.

(End of this chapter)

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