League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1592: Summoners of all major genres!

Not mentioning the four people who stayed in the night language forest, Ye Chezhen went straight to the professional church with the insect teeth. August 1st? Chinese text W≥W≠W≤. ≥8≤1=Z=W. COM

After the battle of the king of locusts, his most important now is the rigid attack. This thing is used well, and its effect is no less than a hard control.

So Ye Che has been aiming at this point along the way, repeatedly in the bottom of my heart, the most important thing is to find out where its loopholes are, and the main point is to appear on pk.

If it's a low-level monster or Boss, it's okay, because they are limited by wisdom, they can't fight back.

But if they are both summoners, they can use the instantaneous displacement that violates physical inertia to avoid, so it will be much harder to make a stiff effect.

"What is going to be solved now is the combination of skill sequences, such as the wind, if five different skills are placed on his hands, and the effect and lethality of the ordinary summoner is absolutely different. When the Roland team got things done, I had to try it out right away and be foolproof! After all, there are so many changes in it, and I have to start the team game in a month."

Ye Che whispered and walked into the professional church.

Soon after the payment of the insects, the big move to buy, as well as the skills and grades of the second occupation, were all unsealed.

This means that he can now go to the area guarded by Zelas.

But now it doesn't make sense to go to nature, so Ye Che first began to look at how much killing is needed for the big move.

On the display bar, there are only three levels of big moves. If you want to upgrade to a higher level, you need to go to a higher level area. Level 1 big move, you need 5ooo kill points, upgrade to level 2 big move, you need 1oooo kills points.

After Ye Che bought and upgraded 10 skills, the remaining killing points will be only 17,000, which is enough to upgrade a big move.

Before going through the night language forest, I contributed a total of more than 100 killing points to Ye Che. This is him. Only 1o has an extra killing point bonus. Others want to get a 5ooo killing point to get a big move. A copy of the next six or seventy-seven nights forests will do.

"It seems that only a copy of the plot is the fastest place to kill."

Ye Che sighed a little, then began to browse on the Master's big move information, he plans to buy a big move, and then the rest of the kill points, all purchase skills! In this way, you can improve the operation technology as quickly as possible!

For the skill of the Master, Ye Che can force his eyes to say it. If you divide it carefully, it is divided into single hard control, group control, explosion, agility, resurrection, special effects and so on.

If you let a person who chooses a difficult disease to choose, you have to entangle yourself.

But Ye's logic is very clear. He understands what he needs now. Naturally, he is more advanced equipment and a lot of resources. How can these get quickly? That is a copy of customs clearance, or even a copy of the record!

Therefore, the faster copy of customs clearance is the most important need for him to improve.

In this way, things like resurrection, agility, and the like can be temporarily abandoned.

"First, the big move that only causes damage to the summoner can be ruled out, such as Carter's big, widow's big, etc. These don't help the customs clearance copy, then... well, Anne's big trick bear is good, instant burst damage High, but can block the knife for me, but the fire man's big is also good, buy a common skill, you can brush the mobs, but the scope should not be as big as imagined, forget it, then Annie."

Considering for a moment, Ye Che immediately confirmed his first big move, "The wrath of Tibes!".

Then, Ye Che did not rush to buy the common skills of the Master, but began to understand the current skills genre, which is around the professional church, there is information to prevent newcomers from being confused.

These genres are also the most mainstream play in the League of Legends.

The first one is the control faction.

The summoner of the genre controls at least ten control techniques in his hands, mainly to deal with special copies, against other summoners. The sect of the genre must be with the companion, otherwise the summoner The most hateful, once the enemy starts the hegemony, it will always be the first object to be destroyed, and the hatred that it provokes, far away from the nurse.

The second one, the second kill stream!

As the name suggests, it combines all the high-explosive skills with one, and the control is a ace partner. Once controlled, and the enemy has no hegemony, or does not kill the control summons in the continuous period of the hegemony, then there is no death except death. Live the road.

The third, phantom stream!

This genre is very interesting. Almost 9o% of the skills are displacement techniques. They are known as ghosts. They belong to a sticky position, and they move away with a moment of displacement. Then they look for flaws and start again. Choose the sect of this genre to operate on their own. With absolute confidence, if the figure is captured by the enemy and then controlled, it will be tragedy.

The fourth, the meat shield flow.

As the name implies, the skills are all increased armor or blood volume or various resistance, the output ability is very poor, but the level is resistant.

These four are the main genres in the current League of Legends. Almost 9% of the summoners will be targeted in them, and another 5% of the summoners are not so extreme because of their own habits. Every skill is mixed.

The last 5% is either a fool or a god, and is pursuing an alternative style, hoping to make a breakthrough.

Ye Che looked at these things with his chin at this time. He understood why these genres became the main force. The main reason is that there are too many skills. Although the conditions for obtaining a third career are very demanding, even if they are two occupations, The total number of skills will be exploding at the end. If you learn all the words, there are only a few hundred. These skills are not clearly remembered, let alone released.

If each effect in the skill is different, for example, the skill is displacement, this is damage, and the other is explosion. Some ordinary summoners are afraid that they have not hit the enemy yet, and they are faint.

Therefore, some of the genius summoners of the predecessors have revealed these genres.

Phantom flow, all displacement techniques, with the displacement of the common attack and killing the enemy, so that you can master quickly, and will not go wrong, after all, all skills are displacement skills, as long as they practiced well.

The same is true for the spike stream. Anyway, all the skills are explosive, and there is no need to worry about anything else.

Of course, in addition to these mainstream genres, there are other activities such as resurrection, combined flow, flow, and attack, but there are not many people to choose, unless they are particularly fond of these points.

(End of this chapter)

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