League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1596: How old is it, still eating sugar?

Several people in the Roland team suddenly looked at each other, a feeling of being on a thief boat, and they were all over their hearts. ??八?一中文网?W≤W≠W≈. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

Or Roland comforted: "If you forget it, you will have 19 skills. The impact is not that big. After that, he will choose the skill to determine the genre."

The bubble marched and Xiao Lan and others looked at each other and knew that things can only be so now.

"What are your plans for now?" Roland asked.

"Upgrade first! There are many restrictions on the surrounding copy, but it's okay, don't worry, wait for my level up, you can make a happy copy of the team together." Ye Che smiled.

"We are in a hurry! Your hodgepodge skills are completely dragged down!"

A few people in the Roland team roared in the bottom of their hearts, a little crazy.

Bubbles marched into the strong laugh: "We are not in a hurry, you are coming slowly, upgrading is one aspect, safety is the most important."

Ye Che’s face showed a touch of emotion, saying: “Your Roland team is really good, I already feel the warmth of home, but... oh... I’m a little lost in your face, I decided, I’m going to level up now, you wait. My good news!"


Roland, the bubble marched, and the little blues were dumbfounded, and they only came back to Ye Che.

"This... What is the warmth of this house?" Xiaolan looked at the monotonous facilities around him, the old tables and chairs, and asked sillyly.

The bubble marching is also a sigh: "I said that safety is the most important. Is this sentence so warm?"

Roland looked at them with pity and said: "You should do it for yourself, but you don't have to worry about it for a short time. He can play a copy with you at 3o level, so you still have a spare time."

"Lan sister!"

Bubbles marched, Xiaolan, and the two ordinary members suddenly turned black.

"Cough... I will go back to Xinren Town first, and come back to see Ye Ke's situation next week." Luo Lanxiu swayed and turned and left.

Looking at Roland's long-distance figure, the bubble marching and others began to slowly grow up.

"Boss, what should I do?" asked the ordinary member.

"How to do?"

The bubble entered the sinking and said: "Look at whether he can take out the captain's badge. If it can, then it is not a big problem to bring him a copy."

"The skills that can be hodgepodge... It’s completely dragged down. The hatred is also very difficult to control when facing Boss. You know, most of the wild copy in the copy above 3o level, it is easy to meet the people of the Violet team. It was originally evenly matched. But when I joined this Ye Che and replaced one of our main players, the day I tilted too much."

Said the member.

The Violet team in his mouth had a purple character with the Roland team, because the team names were similar, which made them grieve somehow.

If you just play the game casually, you can understand it as a fate, but in the League of Legends, this similar team name is like genuine and pirated, it is not allowed!

At this point, after listening to this member said, the bubble has not yet spoken, Xiaolan has said: "In fact, it is not so serious? Since he can pass the copy of the plot, the strength is certainly not so simple, although the choice of skills is out. The problem, but I think that as long as we are stable, it is still possible to take him."

"Little Blue said it was good."

The bubble nodded and continued. "In addition to this, the captain's badge is an important point. This is related to the exhibition of our entire Roland team. For this, we are tired and have nothing to do."

"Amount...that's okay."

The two ordinary members nodded, but still prayed that Ye Che’s strength is not too bad.

Just when they were discussing this matter, Ye Che had already pulled the friend bar and fed the "Golden Rose".

"Where are you?" Ye Che asked a blue sugar stick and asked vaguely.

In the king city of Demasia, such as the training room of the Roland team, there are many stores that are operated by the summoner. This sugar stick is purchased by him. The price is cheap, 1o gold coins can buy a group, a group of 6 !

The purpose of Ye Che's purchase of sugar sticks is very simple. Sweets can keep people in a state of excitement and joy, which is very helpful for copying customs clearance.

When he was on earth, he used sweets or chocolates from time to time to maintain his mental state.

"It’s Ye Che!"

In the copy of the difficult difficulty of the night language forest, the heart of the rose stunned, and the movement in the hand could not be slowed down.

But this silk has a problem, you know, this is difficult difficulty, the blood volume of the locusts and the attack strength and various states have greatly improved, he is slow, the treatment is not hit, like your saliva The blood volume suddenly fell to the endangered.

"Rose! What are you doing?"

I have a sugar in my pocket and suddenly screamed.

The rose was so cold that he continued to heal, but he said in his mouth: "Do not blame me, the direct voice of the surname Ye calls me."

"Who? Ye Che!?"

Blank grid, like your saliva and eyes with sugar in your pocket, all brighten up.

There is only one new summoner left, with no expression, obviously who does not know who is the name of the rose in the mouth.

"Haha, I know that he is not a dodge!"

The blank grid laughs.

"Quick and fast, do your best, don't let Ye master wait for a long time!" There was a sugar in his pocket and he said quickly.

At this time, after the reluctance of the communication between Rose and Ye, they informed them of the difficulty of trying to clear the night forest.

Rose 殇 is actually very contradictory. On the one hand, Ye Che’s strength and background have actually been recognized by him, but what he did before has made him very embarrassed, making him not want to face Ye Che.

"Night language forest? Come!"

Ye Che changed the sugar stick in his mouth and said something, then went to the night forest and walked over.

I didn't wait for a long time. After about 30 minutes, there were sugar in the pocket and four blanks. It came out of the night forest, but the faces of the four people and the one next to them were not very good. Obviously, the customs clearance Time has passed and no extra rewards have been received.

But when I saw Ye Che, except for the rose 殇 殇 装 若 若 若 若 若 若 , , , , , , , , , , , 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人 三人

"Hey, what are you doing? You can't fight this!!"

The newly joined summoner asked, frowning at the back.

"Do not fight, don't fight!" The blank does not turn directly and waved, joking, the level of the summoner he also saw, although the level is higher than Ye Chu, but the level of operation is ordinary, he does not unfortunately.

"There is something wrong."

The summoner snorted. In general, the efficiency of a fixed team for copying is the highest.

After all, knowing each other and knowing each other's skills and style of play, he had already had three nights in the forest with the sugar in his pocket. He also had some understanding of their skills. Now he suddenly does not fight, naturally let him accurate.

But he also complained, and then left to find the team again.

This kind of thing is always alive, everyone is not strange, at this time, the four people just walked to Ye Che, the rose suddenly frowned, said: "How old, still eat sugar?"

(End of this chapter)

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