League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1597: Small loop attack! (four more)

There are some sugar in the pocket, and there are some embarrassment in the pocket. After all, as a master, they should be very kind of image in their hearts. How can they eat this kind of sugar in person? ??? Bayi Chinese? Network W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

"Do you want one more?"

Ye Che did not care. He glanced at the rose and asked for a red stick of sugar.

Rose's face was black, and the red candy in front of him almost took out an old blood. This Ye Che is not able to understand people. He is despising him. Now he still asks if he can eat or not!

Aside, like your saliva, see the rose, do not pick up, directly reach out and take it, peeling off the outer packaging into the mouth, in one go.

"So skilled?"

Blank grid channel.

"It's not what you teach." I like your mouth with a blank glance.

The blank space is so idling, and when I turn around, I have a sugar in my pocket, and there are roses and cockroaches all looking at me.

"This rot, my image is completely ruined."

The blank grievance looked like your mouth.

Or there is a sugar in the pocket to swear: "Cough, since people are coming together, then let's get it."

Said, looking at Ye Che continued: "Difficult and difficult night language forest, all the monsters in the state have all been more than three times more, the same time, within forty minutes to pass, can be considered successful! How do you think?"

"That's it."

Ye Che did not have any suggestions, said directly.

There was no sugar in the pocket and there was no ink. Seeing Ye Che had no suggestion, he directly joined him into the team and then entered the night language forest.

Ye Che has no need for equipment this time. The most important thing is the level, the fastest way to upgrade the level. It is tantamount to breaking all kinds of records. This will get a lot of experience points, so for the difficulty of customs clearance, the night language forest, Ye Che Still quite want to try.

At this time, in the night language forest, as always, the sky is hung with a round of hairy moon.

However, because of the difficulty and difficulty, there is a hint of blush in the darkness.

"The first wave, there are about twelve common locusts. Don't be afraid to waste the amount of blue, so quickly remove the time!" said a sugar in his pocket.

The crowd nodded.

Ye Che also nodded, and when the twelve common locusts appeared, he did not save the amount of blue, a skill like no money. The rest of the people did not notice the release of Ye Che's skills. In this difficult situation, even the help of Rose, there is not much time to distract, and they are all working hard.

"Well? If the fraudulent orb connection breaks down, it won't work. Both of them have the skills of post-shake, let me think..."

Ye Che's heart is deductively, but the movements in his hands are not slow. The skills that seem to have no rules can be released again and again, with precise hits.

Soon, the twelve locusts were annihilated.

There was a sugar in the pocket, and I looked at the time, and it was seven or eight seconds faster than their difficult night forest.

"It seems that the quality of his equipment is also good, only 1o level has such high-quality equipment, the body has the power to support it, just do not know why he will mix with us to copy."

There is a sugary dark road in the pocket, the blank compartment and the mouthful of water that you like are heartless, and naturally there is no such thing, and it is rushing forward.

The rose fell over and thought of this, but it was also black face for the candy.

Continue to advance, Ye Che is based on the extreme familiarity and control of skills, is quickly matching the skill set.

I don't know how long it took, finally, the first skill match, he was initially researched.

"The rocket jumps, **** shock!"

Ye Che violently leaped high, and at the moment of landing, his body suddenly swooped, hitting a locust heavily, and the locust was immediately stunned.

"The effect is good." Ye Che whispered.

The "**** shock" skill is the collision of the wine barrel. The range of movement is not large, but now with the "rocket jump", you can instantly approach the enemy's body at a distance, and you can add a "cold pursuit" during the period. ".

However, Ye Che is not in a hurry. Because there are more skills, it is easy to mess. He has to step by step to match each skill into his own instinct before he starts the next combination.

Feeling the effect of the combination of the two skills, Ye Che's eyes gradually light up, this moment, a crazy idea, rose from his heart.

However, it is only a matter of stopping the idea and trying to implement it perfectly. It takes a lot of effort.

Soon, over time, the king of locusts appeared in front of everyone, this time the king of locusts, filled with blood, looks very suffocating.

Everyone has nothing to stop, and they all embrace it.

Ye Che, as the archer wizard, stayed in the final position to release the skill, but after each release, he stopped with a touch of thought, but only used the skills again.

Gradually, everyone has shown that Ye Che’s hatred is in the third overall position, and even the blanks are inferior.

"Ye master, give some strength, otherwise it will not pass."

There is a sugar in his pocket shouting.


Ye Che’s sigh of relief, the whole person seems to be immersed in another state, and the axe that still appears from time to time is also frequently missed.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes passed...

The king of locusts has half the blood, but only the last five minutes from the limit time of customs clearance.

"What to do."

Rose whispered a frown, and looked at Ye Che with a sceptical look. He thought that this Ye Che was not a substitution. The axe always fell, and the skill release was inexplicable. He observed it for a long time, but he could not see it. What genre.

Five minutes passed, Ye Che was still immersed in the inexplicable state, and the output capacity dropped across the board.

At this moment, the body and mind of the sugar and other people in the pocket are all relaxed. At this point, there is no difference in killing the king of locusts and the late step. Anyway, it can't pass.

After killing the king of locusts, all four frowned and looked at Ye Che, and then they went into the copy again.

A copy of the night language forest ended, Ye Chesheng rose to level 1, reaching level 11, but this time Ye Chu's output ability has not improved, although in terms of output damage value, other summoners who are completely higher than level 11 .

However, according to the level of Ye Che before, it should be more than just this damage.

Everyone didn't say anything in their mouths, but the bottom of my heart was incomparably confused. I just asked Ye Che, but Ye Che was ah ah ah.

I was waiting for a sugar in my pocket to formally discuss with Ye Che. When I figured out the problem, suddenly, Ye Che’s eyes brightened and her body suddenly rushed out.


After a dazzling array of skills, a locust crawling beast that had just stepped out of the corner, even if no attack was made, the blood fell to the ground.

"This is... a small loop attack!!!!"

The rose screamed out loud and screamed.

(Four, the story will never let everyone down, haha, wait and see, support ^_^.)

(End of this chapter)

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