League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1602: First broke the record

At this time, Ye Che’s words came far away. “Well, now the first set of new skills has cooled down!”

As soon as the voice falls, the "Rotating Chasing Arrow" starts again, and the small loop attack is perfect! This shows that everyone is in a thrill, and they all want to try. Eight? One Chinese network? W? W? W (eight). ?8 (one) 1? Z? W (a). ?COM

However, in order not to overlook the omission, they still watched for another two minutes or so before they rushed to support. In the two minutes, the amount of Ye Qinglan had bottomed out, and the drinking water could not catch up, so even if they didn’t, Ye Che planned Call them to come to support.

This is also the only flaw in the small loop attack, which is too blue.

The four people kept up with the output. After a while, the king of the locust was solved, but because of the delay in a lot of time, this difficult night forest did not reach the conditions for customs clearance.

But at this time no one cares about this, one by one is very excited and full of energy.

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye master, you are too cow!"

There was a sugar in his pocket and he was very laughing. He wanted to take a lot of Ye Che’s shoulder. After all, his age seemed to be much larger than Ye Che, but somehow he didn’t dare to shoot. Obviously because of this teaching, Ye Che was in him. The status in my heart is already very high.

At the same time, the blank grid, like your saliva, and the rose 殇, have also surrounded Ye Che amazed.

"Nothing else, if there is anything in the future, I will not deny it!"

Rose said in a positive color.

"Yes, the matter of Ye brother is my business in the future. If there is anything, even if he orders Xiaobai, he dares to swear that I am cutting him!" The mouth that likes you is also the interface.

"Just sell me like this?"

The blank grid is awesome.

Ye Che looked at this scene, and he was a little gratified at the same time. When he thought about it, he said: "This is nothing. I just helped you to clear the way of thinking. You want to make a perfect small loop, or you have to rely on yourself. Practice, and come up with new skills that suit you. And the other summoners and battle Boss are different. The skills of other summoners are unknown. You don't know how they play, so this requires more new skills. Effective in order to deal with various situations."

The four men nodded cautiously, and there was a little sugar in their pockets. "Not only other summoners, but also in the more advanced copy monsters or Boss, their skills have changed a lot, and even they can produce a hegemonic effect. Immune control technology, so we should be more cautious when playing new loops with new skills. After all, new skills can't be separated from ourselves."

"It’s right." Ye Chedao, then glanced around for four weeks and continued: "If this is the case, continue to start the copy battle. If you encounter any problems in creating new skills, you can ask me!"

"it is good!"

All four were excited and responded with a cry. Obviously, this moment has long been expected.


A minute later, a group of five people once again entered the night language forest.

The size of the copy is large and small, some can accommodate five people and ten people, some can even accommodate 30 people and 50 people, and even 100 people fight, and the night language forest is one of the smallest copies outside the city of Demasia.

This time into the night language forest, in addition to Ye Che, the four people have some thoughts, and even nervous.

Obviously, they have begun to divide the new skills in the bottom of their hearts, immersed in the state of the beginning of Ye Che.

This is very time-consuming, because the birth of new skills, and then re-optimization of the battle will take a lot of time, but Ye Che did not care, as the saying goes, sharpening the knife is not wrong, only more harmonious with them, clearance It is more efficient and efficient.

Therefore, Ye Che has been following them to see their experimental skills, sometimes the test failed, Ye Che will make up for it, but there is no big trouble.

"Ye master, you said that I am displacement to silence or dizzy, or to add silence and dizziness in the past, wait until the enemy wants to escape and then take the displacement?" There is a sugar in the pocket during the test phase, and met the problem.

Ye Che did not think much, directly said: "Then you can create a new skill for this situation. In the face of displacement, you can directly shift + silence or dizziness. If you have never used it, you will be forced to open it. ""

"What about me? I want to use explosion + displacement + explosion, but I feel that the explosion + displacement + control effect is more stable."

"That's more stable, just practicing, don't be too radical."

"Ye Ge, my..."

Along the way, the four people have expressed doubts and problems, and Ye Che answered them one by one.

Soon, this time the night language forest was finished again. Because of the relationship between the experimental skills stage, there was still no customs clearance, and because of the many night forest relationships, the experience was greatly reduced.

But the harvest is also gratifying, and the rose enamel and the blank grid are each combined with a cycle of respectful juvenile.

There are sugar in your pocket and your saliva, and two new skills are combined.

"Haha, continue!!!"

Feel the harvest, the more excited the four people.

Once... twice...three times...

Under the guidance of Ye Che from time to time, they only took two hours from being unfamiliar to skilled.

“Congratulations to the difficulty of the forest through the night language! Use 34m41s!”

With the sound, "Boom" two sounds, Ye Che straight up two levels, came to level 13!

"Ah? Clearance?"

Hearing the tips, the four people are all a glimpse. After listening to the customs clearance time, it is a big joy, 34 points, the third night language forest, they actually only used 34 minutes, or in Ye Che did not take a shot. under!

I looked at the customs clearance record list of the night language forest and directly reached the top million in the past generations!

"It's so cool!!!" The blank screamed out and turned around and picked up a sip of your mouth.

"Let me down!"

Like your mouth, the white face of the saliva reveals a touch of tenderness. As she speaks, she kneads the blank face. This is really pinched, and it is pinched red, but the more the pinch is turned, the faster it is. The dead branches are screaming.

"Hey, tons of dog food."

There was a sigh of sugar in his pocket, but he quickly looked at Ye Che and said: "What to do next? Is it difficult to play hell?"

"Not urgent."

Ye Che smiled.


Rose reveals the inquiry.

"First break the record." Ye Che said, his eyes crossed over one million, and he fell on the front of the customs clearance time of the difficult difficulty night forest. The top three names, each with five people .

The first five people, two of them are named at the beginning of Shengshi, their total time for customs clearance is 21m13m, which is very horrible data, which is 13 minutes higher than 34 points.

At this point, I heard Ye Che’s words, everyone sighed, Rose tempted and asked: “Where do you want to break?”

"Nature is the first." Ye Cheli said of course.

The four men immediately looked at each other and took a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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