League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1603: Is this still human?

Rose said: "You have to break the record of the World War Alliance. You know... The Shengshi War Alliance is a first-class war alliance. You can rank in the major hero regions. You have to break it... ”

"So what?"

Ye Che asked, not waiting for the rose to return, continued: "You said that the small loop attack is only spread in the high level, and it is true that the words and deeds are stopped! Then it can be speculated that those high-level circles are absolutely What regulations have been made, even, I suspect that this rule is personally issued by the heroes and gods! Because the emergence of the League of Legends is to test out the true geniuses and test out those who have great perseverance or great courage. So these skills need to be our own and not allowed to be spread out!"

The four people looked at each other and saw their approval from the other side's face. After all, they were very attached to the logic. Otherwise, why have they never seen a low-level person use a small loop attack, of course, Ye Che is a freak. August 1st Chinese website? W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

"So it's very simple. Although these two people are the geniuses of the Shengshi War Alliance, they did not grasp the small loop attack when they refreshed the record, relying on hard operation and good equipment! In this case, they can The record has been refreshed to such an extent, and now, all of us have mastered the small loop attack. For us, breaking the 21-minute record is only a matter of time." Ye Ching said calmly.

And when I heard this, the four people began to get excited. Well, just don’t say it.

Ye Che continued: "There is still a very obvious point. There are only two Shengshi war leagues in the first team. Obviously, this kind of record is not important to them. They just join the team and break from the second place. Waiting for the forces behind it, the same is true. They don't care about this small record. After all, the night language forest is just the smallest copy, so you can definitely fight for it. When you break the first record, it is Our day of **** is difficult!"

Unexpectedly, the sugar in the most honest pocket is actually the first to get excited. He said: "Ye master, needless to say, break it!"

The blank grid keeps up and screams: "Mom egg, breaking the record of the first-class war league, I didn't dare to think about it before!"

"Nothing, the night language forest is not in their eyes, just just play it."

I like your mouth white and a blank glance, but from the point of her legs shaking from time to time, her heart is obviously a little excited.

"It can't be beaten casually. We can break it." Rose sighed and sighed again and looked at Ye Che silently, his eyes showing a gratitude.

The newcomers have learned about the small loop attack alone for so many years, but they have never appeared in front of the world. Obviously, they have always been used as taboos. After all, technology is the primary productive force, not stupid. Once popular, its own advantages. It’s gone, but this Ye Che has taught them nothing.

He still sighed in his heart, Ye Che has already laughed: "Well, our first step is to break the record of the Shengshi War League!"


"Breaking the world!"

The blank grid screamed.

Soon, everyone appeared again in the night language forest, but this time, everyone was concentrating on it.

At this time, Ye Che quietly glanced at the gray Pu'er Id, sighing in the bottom of his heart, and said in a faint voice: "Try to break once."

He wants to create a safe team for her before the resurrection of Pu'er. Only the skills of Rose and others can be brought to her.


Four people are stunned, there are small loop attack techniques in hand, although they are confident in refreshing the record, but once cleared, this...

"Trust yourself!" Ye Che’s voice suddenly condensed.

I don't know why, the four suddenly burst into blood, just think that these four words spit out from Ye's mouth, seemingly containing infinite power, suddenly, one by one staring at Ye Che.

"I am taking the lead and keeping up with my rhythm!"

Ye Che sighed low, and his body shape, like a rocket rising from the sky, rushed into the locust crawling beast, and then slammed against them, this angle card hitting his very good, actually hit Three locust crawling beasts.


The four people looked shocked and quickly rushed over.

"Tian Yin shield storm!" There is a big sugar in the pocket, white light accurately hits the locust crawling beast, then the body traverses and hits it heavily.

It was the blind sound wave/echo hit, and then Panson’s holy shield hit the stun, taking advantage of this gap, and there was sugar in the pocket for a general attack + general attack + general attack! The locust crawling beast has just waking up to fight back, and there is a circle of rotating storm on the body with sugar in the pocket. This is the master skill of the weapon master!

This set of three combos, the smoothness of the shot is like the whole.

At the end of the vertigo, there is a sugar in the pocket that will change immediately, and the locust crawling beast will continue to output as a center.

The same is true of the other three, and the body has always included the locust crawling beast into the attack range, instead of controlling hatred as before, the output is not good at all.

Seeing this scene, Ye Che nodded secretly. In fact, his heart was not too sure about a wave of refreshing records, but he deliberately said that it is to maximize their potential. Now it seems that it is very possible to directly refresh the record. .


Taking advantage of the empty space of killing a locust crawling beast, the blank grid shouted in the sky, seemingly to vent the bottom of the heart, attacking the copy monster before, but also pay attention to control hatred, reduce output, and now small loop attack mode As soon as it is out, it is too pleasing, and in this level of copying, there is no need to consider the degree of hatred!

Although Fei Lan is a little bit, but compared to the glory of refreshing records, this is what it is!

The other three are also the heart of the war. The more you fight, the more fighting you will be!

However, Ye Che has always been a word, calm face output, the same small loop attack, but the gap still appeared, Ye Che's damage value and hate degree, has been ranked in the ranks of the team.

No matter how four people try their best to catch up, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"Mom egg, Ye Ge, you are too abnormal, obviously the same output method, you hurt this degree!!!"

The blank is screaming.

His injury degree has been fully opened by Ye Che more than 10,000, clearly that his level is higher, equipment is similar, how the gap will be so big, so his words are resentful and unbelievable.

"Details... Attention to the details of the processing, you still have a lot of room for improvement." Ye Che laughed.

As a result, the four people quickly noticed that Ye Chu played every small cycle, and the number of attacks was more than that of them. The range of displacement was also deliberately narrowed down to the extreme limit. Not only that, but also at the same time. Controlled the output of three axes.

"Is this still a person?"

Seeing this scene, the four people came out with this sentence in their hearts. They couldn't wait for the displacement to be larger, and Ye Che deliberately narrowed down and then avoided it precisely. This is more confidence in himself. And it seems that this Ye Che has not mastered the small loop attack for a long time, right?

(The progress of the plot is not slow, and the night language forest is very fast.)

(End of this chapter)

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