Knowing this gap, the people began to work hard in the dark, their eyes always sweep the hate value and the damage value from time to time, one by one to catch up. August 1st? Wenwang?W?W(1)W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). COM

But very quickly, they are now chasing after this, but they are easy to operate mistakes, so they can't help but calm down and keep their own frequency. Only then can we know that even if we have a small loop attack, small loop attacks have strengths and weaknesses.

"Don't worry, take your time."

Ye Che reminded me.

The four people laughed a little and knew that some of them were too hasty.

Soon, after everyone calmed down, the locust crawling beasts were all cleaned up. The time was only 16 minutes. That is to say, as long as they can solve the king of locusts within 5 minutes, the record is broken.

"Fast... too fast! Never clean up the night language forest so quickly!"

Some sugar in the pocket is quite exciting, and the black beard on the lips trembles from time to time.

"It is a bit of a serious blue consumption." I like your saliva, and dissatisfied the twisted blank waist.

"You are a mother-in-law, and it is a serious matter for me!"

A blank, painful grin.

"Blue consumption is a must. After the night forest is passed, you will sell all the extra equipment, and all the blue medicines will be used to practice!" Ye Cheyu said swiftly, and he has already rushed out without waiting for everyone to answer. Far from saying: "I will come first!"

At the same moment, I only heard the sound of "嗤吼", and the king of locusts appeared again.

"All for the blue medicine, isn't it? I am working hard to get the equipment, but also intend to be equipped with dimensions!"

The blank grid was horrified.

"Let you buy, you buy, Che Shen said something wrong? Can you still he can?" I like your saliva and smile, then scream: "Chu Shen, I will help you!"

After that, an "Arcane Jump" will pass.

"Ah, ah, this woman can't ask for it. It's only how long it took, and the nicknames are coming out!"

There is a sugar heart in the rose and the pocket, and it’s not going to turn over.

What I want, the anger of the blank face, turned into an anxious moment, and shouted: "You give me a little farther away, the clear God is mine!"


At this moment, it can describe the blank grid.


The rose 殇 and the sugar in the pocket almost didn't hold back. I looked at the blank space and the mouth that liked your mouth, and shook his head in conviction.

Immediately, I quickly followed.

No suspense, in Ye Che’s guidance from time to time, and their enthusiasm, 19mo9s, gg lost the king of locusts, more than 2 minutes ahead of the records of the Shengshi War League!

"Night language forest regional notice, congratulations to the pocket of sugar, Ye Che, like your saliva, blank grid, rose 殇 successfully refreshed the night language forest difficult difficulty record, 19mo9s!"


Two golden lights were blown up, and Ye Che was up two levels. Among the other four, in addition to the highest level of roses, each person was upgraded to one level.

This is an experience reward for refreshing records, which can only be obtained once per person.


"Ye master, this is too strong!!"

Everyone cheered in an instant, including the rose enamel, everyone was full of red light, excited.

In particular, there is a sugar in his pocket, and it is a drunken appearance. He sighed: "It has been seven or eight years since I came to the League of Legends. For the first time, I am so arrogant!"

The blank is even more laughable and embarrassing. I wonder how excited he is. After all, as the original resident of Valoran, his age is not big, his heart is still like a teenager, and he has a big arm and a straight shoulder on the shoulder of the rose. A look of excitement: "Have you heard? Did you hear? Hahaha, this is a regional notice, I am on a regional announcement!! Now as long as the Summoner of the Night Forest copy battle, I am afraid I have heard of me. The big name, Huanhuan, you are miserable, there must be a lot of girls admiring me to worship me, hahahahahaha!"

When the words came out, Ye Che and the sugar in his pocket looked at the blank grate with pity. The rose 殇 was quickly taken away from the control of the blank space. Sure enough, after a second, the laughter of the blank grid became It’s miserable.

"Hey, look for death!"

I like your mouth patted the palm of your hand, and there are five bright red fingerprints on the blank arm.

"Mahjong, you murder the pro-father!" The blank cell screamed, while madly licking his arm and licking your mouth, and I like your saliva without any weakness, and report it directly.

"Young is good, and the pattern is dead without gasping."

There was a sugar in the pocket and a sigh.

"It seems that Uncle, you are a storyteller..." Rose licked a sugar in his pocket and smiled.

Obviously, because of learning small loop attacks together, Rose also actively jokes and seems to want to integrate into them.

Seeing this scene, Ye Che’s heart smiled slightly, but he said in his mouth: “Well, everyone should not bother, give you half an hour to correct the supplies, remember that the gold coins are not enough to change with equipment, then we go to the next copy, the waste cave In the later copy, I don't want to hear the word "blue"!"

Just finished, Ye Che himself was stunned. I didn't expect to use the harsh words of the former captain. I quickly corrected: "I mean that the equipment at this stage is not precious. It is better to buy it out. Sufficient blue is used to improve the operation technology and the operation technology is up. So for us now, the acquisition of better equipment is only a matter of time. At the same time, it is easy to refresh the highest record and get a lot of experience reward!"

It turned out to be the case, and the four people suddenly understood.

"Okay, let's go buy blue!"

There was a sugar in his pocket, and the other three responded, then quit the copy and went straight to the trading area.

At the same time, the people who are working on the copy of the night language forest are involuntarily turning their eyes on the latest record of the copy. Naturally, the names of five people, such as sugar, appear in their eyes.

"Hey, there are sugar, leaves, and blanks in the pocket. Who are you? I have never heard of it."

"Great, actually broke the record of the Shengshi War League."

"This is not broken, the Shengshi War Alliance is not serious at all? You see their team, also two members of the prosperous, or ordinary members, if it is a combination of several talented and operational summoners Further research on the night language forest will definitely break it."

"It makes sense."

"But it's not bad anyway. The night language forest records are ranked first. They are some powerful war leagues, and they are very talented in the operation of the Summoner. These five people have studied the night language forest, and their technology. It should be good too."

In the night language forest, the various teams were talking about it, but it quickly subsided. In their view, the record of a small copy of the district is not worthy of their attention.

(End of this chapter)

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