League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1610: Guardians and hunters!

(Today's plot is a bit complicated and not very good to write, there are all aspects of the information, so update some time later, forgive me, ask for a ticket.??? Bayi Chinese? W=W ≤ W≈.81ZW. COM)

"Generation is complete, countdown 6o...59...58..."

With the start of the countdown, Ye Che sighed and stopped talking to Roland.

"Would you like to start?" Roland asked.

Ye Che nodded.

"Because of the special nature of the team's game scene, I can't help you. In short, everything is careful." Roland shouted earnestly. On the side, Xiao Lan smashed twice and also cheered.

The bubble did not speak, but just patted Ye Che's chest.

In the buddy bar, there have been blanks, like your saliva, and the blessings of three people in the pocket.

Feeling these kinds of things, Ye Che's heart is warm, but his face is a condensation. His eyes flashed and he said to himself: "So... start!"



"18...1o...3...2...1...transmission begins!"


At the end of the sound, Ye Che and Pu'er and the rose's body spewed a white light, and when the white light dissipated, the three had disappeared.


The time is not long, until the eyes of Ye Che are restored, they are standing in a door of incomparable luxury and majesty, but the location is the most side of the door, and they are around five meters. A circle of seamless masks shrouded.

Not far from the reticle, there are countless dignitaries who are talking and laughing in this door. These characters are all wearing gold-plated robes, or they are temperamental and not mortal at first glance. .

It’s just that they can’t seem to see Ye Che’s three people, even if someone’s eyes are swept to this side, they will wear them directly.

"Is it because of this cover?"

Ye Che's eyes swept toward it.

"Captain, what do we do now?" Rose also naturally saw all of this and asked quickly.

Pu's gaze also looked at Ye Che.

Ye Che is actually not clear, although according to the previous background generation, he vaguely speculated that this should be in the home of Shauna Verne, but without the task prompt, he does not know the next step.

"No need to worry, according to the copy rules, there should be a hint."

Ye Che sank a bit and said.

Not unexpectedly, this sentence was almost just a mouthful, and the indifferent voice had already rang in the minds of the three people.

"The beginning of the background, the Demasia elite family! Time, 9:47 am, the event, the Demacia Empire in the battle of God, defeated the Noxus! Demasia elite family deliberately held a grand party! The famous celebrities of the Demacia Empire came to congratulate and celebrated!"

"The number of teams in the test... After the test is completed, there are six teams in the team, which will form two opposing faces for the team! Now, please choose your identity!"

As soon as the voice fell, in front of Ye Che, Pu'er and Rose, there was a virtual big turntable in black and white.

"Is this a slap?" Rose squinted in a stunned look, and reached out and touched the turntable, which is now accessible.

"If you don't guess wrong, you need to turn it to determine our identity and other team members."

Pu'er smiled and said.

Rose has not yet had time to question, and the indifferent voice continues: "Please turn the fate turntable to determine identity!"

"Pu, you come." Ye Che turned and said.

"it is good."

Pu'er didn't ask why, just stick out the white arm and put it on it, then gently turn it.


After about seven or eight seconds, the fate turntable stopped rotating and the pointer fell on white.

"The identity of the English soul team is determined, the guardian! The enemy team, the hunter! Now announce the tasks and clues, the main task: to protect the parents of Shauna von Wein not to be murdered, the death team scored half of the evaluation, all death missions failed to eliminate Out of office, revoke the qualification of the team, not allowed to apply within three months!"

"Cluster 1: Assassin, among the guests who came to congratulate, there is a murderous, extremely cruel killer!"

"Cluster 2: The assassin is extremely good at camouflage!"

"The rest of the clues please look for yourself!"

"Last reminder: Two of the total six teams are guardians, your allies, but all teams can not directly determine the identity of the other party, before you determine the identity of the other team, please believe. ”

"Warning: Do not reveal the existence of the League of Legends to the plot characters, double the difficulty of leaking a sentence, and so on! You have five minutes to prepare for the battle!"

When the voice arrived here, it disappeared, leaving only the three people below.

Rose first horrified: "This team is too pit. If you have a guardian and a hunter, why don't you tell us who the ally is? And what the assassin, this half-hair information is not there, Said a good at camouflage, really...no words!"

Obviously, the rose is a little embarrassing.

At first he thought that the team game is a mutual strength. When you come in, you can do it directly. It is so complicated.

"I feel very reasonable."

Pu'er whispered a lingering blue silk and continued: "If you want a higher level team, in addition to strength, you need to have extraordinary insight and judgment. Don't tell us who the teammate is, just to Test us about this."

Ye Che also nodded, said: "Yes, this does not need belly, now we will keep these points in mind; first: find the assassin, second: find allies, third: protect Shaona Wei En's parents, fourth: If the hunters have attacked..."

"That's all killed!"

The glare of the rose blinked.

Ye Che calmly sighed, now, he will not be soft-hearted.

"Pu, what do you have to sum up?" Ye Che turned and asked.

Pu's eyes suddenly revealed the color of thinking. Her eyes looked out through the mask, but they did not fall on those dignitaries, but fell on the guards who passed through from time to time. After a little meditation, they said: According to the regulations, we cannot reveal our identity. Of course, even if we disclose it, no one will believe it at this time. Therefore, these guards and the guests are all unable to count on it. We can only rely on ourselves to find the whereabouts of the assassins. Judging who the allies are, but..."

Having said that, her brows wrinkled and said: "But the information is too little. The two clues only explain that the assassin is very good at camouflage. In this way, the identity of the assassin can only be calculated. This is especially horrible, because if there is any possibility, then the assassin may even have the possibility of pretending to be the person around Shaona’s parents. As a result, the difficulty is great because we don’t know what the assassin is. We will shoot, we are very passive, this will be a great hidden danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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