League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1611: Weak team, still a strong team! ?

Speaking of this, Pu'er ignored some surprised roses and continued: "So! The most important thing for us now is to find out who the assassin is! Those hunters do not care, with their unknown origins, It is too difficult to rely on the assassin to get close to Wayne’s parents. Those guards are not vegetarian.????????? W=W≤W≈.81ZW.COM”

After the speech, Pu'er's face showed a dignity and looked at Ye Chewen: "What do you think?"

"As I thought, first find out the assassin!"

Ye Che smiled slightly, he could be so relaxed, naturally there are some bottoms in the bottom of my heart. Pu'er Rose and other teams don't know the background of Shauna Verne, Ye Che knows.

Although I don't know what it is, I still know something about it.

If Aich’s background information on the League of Legends published on Earth was correct, killing Shauna Wein’s murderer is a cruel witch!

Of course, this witch is disguised. As for who is the true identity of the witch, where it came from, and why it was done, Ye Che did not remember it. At the beginning, she did not spend any time trying to find it.

But even so, he has more information than other people!

"Well, let's go."

Pu'er said.

Ye Che nodded and began to go outside the mask, Pu'er followed.

When Rose saw this scene, he immediately recovered from the surprise and quickly said, "Hey, don't you ask me for your opinion?"

"Don't you say that half-hair information is not there?" Pu'er laughed and turned to look at him.

Rose 殇 语 语 。 。.

But he didn't entangle for a long time, while he followed up and praised Pu'er: "I didn't see it, you are so smart."

"Is it smart? I think it's normal. The information is clear." Pu'er strangely glanced at the rose and said.

"Is it clear, isn't it... I am so stupid?" Rose whispered silently.

At this time, the three of them had already crossed the aperture, and there were bursts of laughter or high talks falling into the ears of three people.

"Ha ha ha, I am overjoyed!"

"With the same joy! Noxus defeat, it is really fast!!!"

"Hey, isn't this the Duke of Morin? Good guy, in order to celebrate the victory, have you worn out the robes that have been dusty for decades?"

"Haha, my jersey..."

These powerful people talked with a red face, and went to the inner hall. Ye Che and the three men looked at each other and did not show their voices.

Suddenly, a neat guard army walked by, and there were suddenly three big men wearing shirts in the powers, and they shouted, "Demasia!!!"

This loud drink, not to mention the sound of the nine, is absolutely grand, immediately, these four words are like gunpowder barrels, detonating everyone.

"De Masia!!!"

First, the guards of the army were set up one by one, and then they burst into awe-inspiring sounds. Then, those powers were all drunk.

"De Masia!!!"

"Long live Demasia!!!!!"

"De Masia, go forward!"


With this sound bursting, the air around the world oscillated and vibrated, even if Ye Che was also affected, only feeling the blood in the body boiling, there is a feeling of having to.

"Good cohesiveness." Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly and snorted.

"The call is so loud and hairy. If we don't come, their bosses will be stabbed to death." Rose said.

Pu'er silently, but his eyes have been scanning in the crowd, seemingly looking for something, Ye Che knows that she is observing suspicious people.

“Can you have it?” Ye Che whispered.


Pu'er brows slightly wrinkled and continued: "I deliberately watched as they slogan, because at this time the assassin may have some reaction, but there is no one who is now suspect."

"No hurry, now everyone is not concentrated, I will see it later."

Ye Chedao.

Then, he looked at the rose and said: "Your casual disdain has to be changed. The small loop attack is not a panacea. If Weien’s parents die, you will be twice as strong as a small loop attack. Now Looking for an assassin."

Rose licked his face and immediately realized that he had inflated because of a small loop attack.

Suddenly, he looked positive and said, "I understand!"


Ye Che nodded.

The three continued to move with the crowd, and soon they came to the church.

There are already two or three hundred dignitaries in the church. Everyone sits on either side or leans on each other, or relies on conversation.

Because people still have no relationship, so the party has not officially started, and it is more than an hour after the arrival of all the people. Of course, for more than an hour, Ye Che is not empty, but Looking for suspicious people one by one, just nothing.

However, they are now members of several other teams. Because of the style of clothing, Ye Che recognized it at a glance.

However, they are not currently Ye Che and others, Ye Che three specially selected the most backward position of the corner, it is difficult to be seen, taking up some advantages.

A stunned scene was born, and another team came to this corner, just in time with Ye Che and others. Obviously, both sides are holding the same first lurking mentality.

"Hunter, or guardian!?"

Ye Chexin thought about it and asked directly.

This team is also three people, led by a tall woman, it seems that she is the captain.

After hearing Ye Che’s inquiry, the woman and her two eyes were alert in the eyes, and she was cold and cold: “No comment!”

As soon as the voice fell, he turned and took his teammates and walked over to the other side.

"What do you think?" Ye Che's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the back of the team, asked Pu'er.

"6o% may be a weak team, 4o% deliberately weak." Pu'er path straight.

This time, even the rose cockroaches reacted and quickly said: "I know that the weak team is because they dare not compete with us for this position. The second point is to deliberately do this, let us look at them, right?"

"Not bad."

Ye Che Ying sounded, while the eyes swept to other places, said: "There are three teams that we have seen now, and two teams because of the perspective, we are not present, but I think it should have been seen by other teams, such a Come, look at the guardians and hunters who first find the assassin!"


Pu'er whispered, her gaze, always lingering on the faces of those dignitaries, trying to find some clues through their looks, but it hasn't been achieved until now.

At this time, people have arrived, and in the eyes of everyone expecting, a rather majestic middle-aged man carries a charm, a woman holding a young girl, who has stepped out of the cabinet and then at the highest The location is fixed.

(End of this chapter)

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