League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1618: Who dares to refuse! ?

(Four more, make up yesterday, what??? Eight? One Chinese network? W≤W≠W≈.≥8≥1ZW.COM)

Ye Che was on the sidelines, and the situation now does not require him to worry about it. After all, the two opposing teams in front of him are all hunters.

In the case of knowing that he is the hunter, his attitude will definitely be tough, and the final situation should be no different from what he expected.

Sure enough, the teams on both sides clamored to prove themselves, so Ye Che three, there are a few people, and the two teams left the lobby silently.

On the road, about the sun rain team to help out the assassin, Rose and Pu'er have revealed the meaning of the inquiry.

At this stage, Ye Che did not hide and squat, directly explaining the situation.

It turned out that this assistant was Ye Chu deliberately let go. He handed his id to him on paper, and then secretly contacted and explained the situation. Under all reasonable circumstances, the love of the wind naturally chose to believe.

So deliberately point out the identity of the assassin, blocking the way the hunters verify each other's information, so that they can only meet each other.

"Lead captain, these two teams seem to be very tough."

"It doesn't matter whether it is strong or not. If you can't tell the difference in the end, you will kill it all, and you will have to worry about it! Anyway, even if we kill all of us, we still have two hunters, and only one member of the guardian is turned over. Can't afford any wind and waves." Ye Che said.

"It makes sense. If we can't tell the difference, we will solve it! By the time, the reward of this team match, we can take it for granted! Hahaha..."

As the shadow nodded, smiled back to the information, agreed with Ye Che's intentions.

"But I suddenly thought that this would affect the overall evaluation of the team game, so it is not a last resort, can not do this, the situation of this team team is very good, there is hope that no casualties will pass, this is an honor!" Ye Che added a sentence.

"That's good, let's see how the two teams perform."

However, as soon as the voice fell, his face showed a color of appreciation. He continued to Ye Che: "The situation has changed into this. Your English soul team is taking advantage of it. If you are not trying to test the identity of the Sun Rain team, this team will be uncertain. To what extent will it be cruel, after all, the strength of the guardian team is higher than ours!"

"Generally, it is good luck." Ye Che smiled.

"How can it be lucky? You see, the identity of the Sun Rain team is determined by your team's temptation. The conjecture about the strength of the strength is proposed by your team. The design of the sea blue team is also seen by your team. This is not luck! Hey, we are the first time to participate in the team game, how is the gap so big?"

"Oh, yes, the gap between the captain and the captain is so big..." The players who follow the example are also sighing.

Just like the shadow: "..."

Aside, Rose was silent, and now he doesn't know what to say. He can't imagine what it looks like after the truth...

Pu'er's psychological quality is not bad, but he has a glimpse of the three teams in the dark.

Because it is still like this, I still want Ye Chu's good friend. After I go out, I will communicate well and contact me.

At the same time, the four teams of a total of 12 people have already stood in a hidden area.

It is a bit desolate here, like an abandoned courtyard.

Ye Che led the rose and the Pu'er two, standing with the shadows and others.

Not far ahead, the middle-aged team confronted the young man.

It is a confrontation, in fact, the two sides have begun various levels of pressure.

In the case that they all know that they are hunters, the attitude of the two sides is stronger than one, and they are directly involved.

"Don't make a noise, so let's play one game and finish our own conclusions."

Ye Che said, and then looked at the shadow, said: "If you are the captain, what do you think?"

Like the shadow of the heart and the mirror, according to the previous strength and weakness, the hard power guardian team must be stronger than the hunter team.

If they don't analyze this situation, once they start playing, their respective identities will be clear.

So he smiled and said: "Then play a first move, anyway, the party is not over yet, and the assassin has not yet reached the start."

Hearing this proposal, there is no objection to both sides of the blasphemy. After all, from their point of view, they are genuine hunters!

Soon, the battle began, and the two sides had already been stunned for a long time, and immediately shot all their hands.

All kinds of skills, with a slap in the face, swept away from each other, rolling, displacement, explosion, control, and even hegemony.

These have intensified over time.

However, the two sides seem to be playing evenly, just as the strength of the teams on both sides is about the same.

"Hey, it seems that the IQ of this last guardian team is not weak, but it is also calculated to the strength of the weak, and now deliberately hide the power!"

At this time, only one scream was heard, and one of the middle-aged teams was kicked out by the "Raptors".

He slammed on the ground for dozens of times before he stopped, and his blood was dead.

On the other side, the youth team members wanted to make up the final blow, but Ye Che was crying low: "Don't die, strive for perfect evaluation!"

Immediately after the impact, I knew that before I was clear about who was the third hunter team, the undead was the best.

Suddenly, he waved his hand and the two players behind him rushed over.

Under the command of Ye Che, Rose and Pu'er also rushed over.

On the other side, the battle continues.

The two sides are getting bigger and bigger, and all kinds of deadly moves appear frequently. If it is not Pu'er Rose, there are still players who are in the shadows and support from time to time, I am afraid that they will die.

But even so, the blood of the members of the two teams is also ruined.

At this time, Ye Che suddenly said faintly: "Okay, no need to fight!"

"Are you telling it out?"

The two teams also looked at Ye Che.

"No, this last Guardian team is too embarrassed, what should be guessed, or... There is only one way to do this, that is, to tie up all six of you! Until the end of the team!"

Ye Che said here, a strange face sweeping six people with middle-aged people and young people, said: "You will not refuse? But you can not refuse, who refused, who will be the guardian team !"

(End of this chapter)

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