League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1619: Rewrite history!

As the shadow of the eye shines, I know Ye Che’s intentions in an instant, but the subsequent words are quite polite. After all, there is a Confederate team in the two teams. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

He said at this time: "The captain of the leaf said that it is good. In fact, I only want to know clearly. It doesn't matter if we don't distinguish the guardian team. After all, we have two hunters and teams, and with the assassin, this team game must be Victory! But for the perfect evaluation, the hunter team can not die without dead, so now it is okay to imprison you? After all, this is for the hunter team!"

"This one……"

The middle-aged captain’s face flashed a bit of hesitation. After all, even if he must win, his age is to be imprisoned and win, and he can’t get through.

However, the young man immediately agreed to it, and sneered: "As long as you can win, don't talk about imprisonment, I will never say anything!"

"Which is a perfect evaluation of self-cutting?" The shadow has turned a blind eye. Of course, he did not say this.

At this point, as soon as the young man agreed, the middle-aged man did not say anything, and naturally agreed.

In fact, there is no way to disagree. Now he and his team members are all bloody, and there is no qualification for rejection.

So after this method was finalized, Ye Che and others immediately chose an abandoned house, and they found a chain to tie the six people to the pillars, so that they could look at the six people.

Aside, the shadows and his team members walked around the six people, and the expression was weird.

"Oh, miserable, your guardian team is too miserable. As long as you admit your identity, can I give you a good time? Is it also useful to hide the struggle? Is it still hope that the win will not be achieved? Your guardian team, now only one member has not been seen!"

In the shadow team, a team member touched his chin and said.

"Yeah, some teams are still struggling with something, do you admit that your identity is not good!?" The youth captain sneered.

The middle-aged man was crying out, and he was too lazy to answer the question. Anyway, he has already won.

"In case, just in case, like the captain, you should leave a guard, and then confiscate their blue and red, lest they reply." Ye Che said.


As the film goes with me, "Why send my team members..."

"My team members are all assistants. Does it help to guard them? It doesn't make much sense of deterrence." Ye Cheli said of course.

"Amount, that's okay."

As the film accompanied, I left a front-line main force to guard them.

Seeing the captain of his own team weakened the power of the hunter team, Rose and Pu'er looked at each other and saw the smile in the other's eyes.

"Well, now the Guardian team is almost completely annihilated!"

Having said that, Ye Che had a slight meal, and then a bright smile on his face: "Only after the night is over, you are ready to celebrate!"

Suddenly, including the two teams tied to the pillars, all the four teams on the scene showed a smile.

But only Rose and Pu'er understand that Ye Che's words are for both of them...

"High! It is really high! Mudma three hunters team, all played by you, and there is a shadow... Hahaha, laughing at me, actually sent the news of the assassin to you personally. come."

On the way back, Rose 殇 began to send a message to Ye Che.

Obviously, he has been for a long time, and he does not spit.

Pu'er also praised a few words, and apparently she did not expect the situation to become such a look.

Think of it initially, the assassin's message is unknown, the hunter is unknown, the guardian is unknown, but now, not only know who the assassin is, but the hunter team has gone to the second.

The last hunter team, also the side of the iron station Ye Che.

Ye Che is also a little more relaxed now, for the two people: "Now the hunter team is almost solved, and the assassin should not have their interference, we will be more convenient, just solve it, or let him assassinate the failure, Weien parents With defense, we won in this game!"

"Want to win!"

Rose 殇 is a little excited.

Teams that have not been successful in the team game cannot be called a team at all. Only when they win the team game can they enter the real team circle!

Along the way, Ye Che and Ruying are negotiating plans for assassination.

As the film accompanying, it puts forward a lot of good ideas, such as drilling underground passages, such as posing as guards. Although it is finally denied, it is very enthusiastic to see that the accompanying people are assassinating the parents of Weien.

But the more this is the case, the more the rose and the Pu'er heart are silent for him.

In this way, in addition to staying, a group of five returned to the inner hall.

In the hall, the anger is extremely high, and various exciting performances are frequently performed.

Many times, those dignitaries have not cheered, and the young Weien has stood up excitedly, with a red face and a flutter.

Looking at this scene, Ye Che’s face showed a gentle smile.

Obviously, if no parents were killed and killed, and she did not see the scene with her own eyes, Weien’s character was actually innocent and lovely.

Not at all a woman who is as cold as an iceberg.

"If she can keep this character all the time..."

Ye Che smiled, after all, the hero of Weien, is also one of his favorite heroes.

If I can rewrite her history, then...

No, rewrite, rewrite history! ! ! ?

Suddenly, Ye Che’s pupils shrank, only to feel a cold air rushing directly from the feet, going straight to his own heavenly cover.

He suddenly thought of a very important point!

Rewrite... Rewrite... If Weien’s parents are not dead, if Weien’s parents are not murdered, then Weien will not change her temperament, and then there will be no later night hunters... then...

The more I think, the more I am scared.

If it is a general summoner, I don’t think so much at all. After all, in their opinion, this is just a copy.

But Ye Che knew the plan of Black Modinger and knew that the League of Legends was created by Victor and immediately guessed that things were not that simple.

First of all, the plot here is no different from the background information given to him by Ai.

In other words, these plots are actually true, combined with that rule...

The stipulation is that it is not allowed to disclose the existence of the League of Legends. To reveal one sentence, the difficulty is doubled!

Why can't you disclose it? If it is a fake world, it doesn't matter if it is revealed. It is virtual.

So there is only one possibility, here... and now on the stage, Weien, Weien’s parents are real!

It is a real person with flesh and blood!

Only in this way, this regulation has emerged, in order to prevent the summoner from revealing the League of Legends and rewriting the truth!

(End of this chapter)

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