League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1622: The strength of the devil clown!

(To go to Chongqing today, take the car, so it should be two more, make up for the four more tomorrow, so I updated it early.? Eight? One Chinese W (one) WW.81ZW.COM about the canyon war is there, just the way, Maybe it’s very unexpected...)

It can be seen that the shadow of the head of Wei's parents is more than the heart of Ye, and it seems that there is no jealousy for Saco.

This is also normal, after all, at this time, Wei En is still in his childhood, without the slightest strength, Saco's strength is estimated to be nowhere to go, otherwise there will be no Wei En hiding in the cabinet.

Coupled with the challenge of the Assassin itself, the current strength of Sacco has certainly not reached the level of no solution.

This is exactly where Ye Che is confident!

"Oh... interesting..."

Sacco screamed at this moment, and then only heard a "squeaky" sound, his whole person suddenly disappeared into the air.

"Fraud magic!?"

Ye Che's pupils shrank, and the footsteps were a momentary slip, bringing a phantom directly to the face of Wei's mother, while the mouth shouted: "Pu, roses, shadow!"


The three immediately snorted and instantly protected Weien’s father.

The member who was called a wooden hammer, this moment did not respond, standing in the same place, I do not know is to go to the captain of his own, or come to Ye Che here.

It can be seen that he is very hesitant. He wants to go to the captain of his own house, but there is only one person on the side of Ye Che who is guarding the mother of Wein.

Because of the habit of following the thoughts of his captain, he made no choice at one time.

And in this ten thousandth of a second, the disaster has come!


At the moment, the wooden hammer seemed to feel a slight, chilly breathing sound in his ear, and a strange face was printed in the field of view of his eyes.

The next moment!


Just listening to the sound of a sharp blade, the back of the wooden hammer was directly cut open, and a black and half-length scorpion slammed open a half-meter long mouth.

Suddenly, the blood flies and the wooden hammer is miserable.

Obviously, this attack by Sacco is not an ordinary attack. It seems to be mixed with the passive "backstab" damage, and the lethality is enormous!

Visible to the naked eye, the blood volume of the wooden hammer, directly fell by a third!

But this blow was only the beginning, because at this time the phantom flashed, the scorpion in the hands of Sacco suddenly broke away from his control, turned into a poison dragon, once again tied on the back of the wooden hammer, directly tied out a blood hole !


The wooden hammer screamed, but like the mother of Wayne before, his screams did not make any sound.

He was scared by Saco's "Frightening Box"! ! !

From Sacco to the wooden hammer was feared, almost in the blink of an eye, all of Sacco's attacks in one go, the wooden hammer did not have any chance of reaction.

"Not good! Save him!"

As the shadows follow the shape, at this moment, only the auxiliary shield and blood can save the hammer.

Rose and Pu'er naturally do not want to save, but if the words follow the form, the words are too fake.

Therefore, the two people are left and right, and they have to walk a few steps, and they need to release the shield skills such as the wooden hammer.

However, Pu'er's position seems to have made a mistake. After a erratic, it actually hit the six "scare box" that Sarko had left in advance.


Ye Che saw this scene far away, and could not help but sigh.

In contrast, the rose 殇 is a lot more honest, in the shadow of the shadow, the old man has a shield for the wooden hammer, as well as treatment.

The wooden hammer finally breathed a sigh of relief. The next second, he did not hesitate to open the hegemonic state, and escaped from the reduction and fear of Saco.

At the same time, he screamed, and saw a **** light rising from his body, and Mengdu’s **** tricks started!

Suddenly, the blood volume of the wooden hammer is like a hormone, and it rises wildly.

This is not over yet. As the blood volume rises, he suddenly appears numerous innumerable spikes of light. They are like lightning, flashing around the body of the wooden hammer.

"Spike defense!" Ye Che's eyes are slightly stunned.

This skill is disgusting. At the 5th level, not only the armor magic resistance will increase the extra 12o point, but also the rebound damage.

At this point, the "spike defense" came out, the confidence of the wooden hammer increased greatly, and after a roar, he turned back and tried to restrain Saco.

However, Sacco was fascinated and once again hidden in the air!


This time, almost everyone's body is a cold.

From the time Sacco started to the present, it will be less than three seconds. Sacco’s “fraud magic” has cooled down, which is too exaggerated! ?

Ye Che also stunned, and apparently did not expect this.

"Fast, keep the good man, the wooden hammer, you are going to the captain of the leaf! Be careful, be careful!"

As the shadows shouted.

The wooden hammer nodded heavily, then carefully moved the pace and approached Ye Che.

Night, quiet and terrible, the room, even the wind can not feel.

At this moment, everyone is staring at the wooden hammer to see if he will be attacked again.

As the shadows are ready, once Sacco appears again, he will shoot directly!

However, his heart is not too big, after all, Saco's skill cooling time seems to be very wrong.

After Sacco's "fraud magic" is full, the stealth duration is 4.5 seconds, the full-level cooling time, and after the cd is full, it is about seven seconds.

But now only after three seconds, Sacco's "fraud magic" has cooled down, and it seems that there is only one possibility.

That is, there are several pieces of netbsp on his body; if this is the case, then the stealth of 3 seconds is simply no solution!

Once the League of Legends, stealth can still be cracked, only need a real eye.

But now, it is difficult!

In particular, the invisible clown has no solution at all. When he does not attack you, whether it is a big scan or a guard, he cannot be seen.

If you want to perceive his position before you fight, you can only rely on the sixth sense, or happen to be.

However, Sacco's stealth skills can not only be invisible, but also can be displaced in the moment of stealth!

This is a metamorphosis. The only way to break the stealth technique is that after you attack the stealth enemy, there will be a white action track on him.

According to this trajectory, it is possible to preliminarily predict the enemy's position.

However, the moment when Sacco was invisible, it was able to be instantaneously displaced, so that it was impossible to predict.

It’s just like the shadows can’t be done.


As the shadow accompanies a number, the time has passed 3 seconds, the clown appears, only 1.5 seconds left!

(End of this chapter)

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