League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1623: God's prejudgment!

As the shadow begins to predict the target of Saco to attack, first exclude it. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

After all, there are three people who are guarding Weien’s father. If Sacco is not stupid, he will not shoot on this side.

The wooden hammer has been attacked once, and both the big move and the hegemony have already been opened. It is very likely that Sacco will continue to attack him.

However, it is also possible to abandon him directly and attack Ye Che!

After all, Ye Che's body, but there is a toon, the mother of Wei En!

"Now, he should be frightened..."

As the shadow accompanied by a dark road, the eyes swept away, but it was a glimpse, because at that time, Ye Che's face, where to see a trace of heavy, but has an expectation...

look forward to? ? ?

If the film is accompanied by some stunned, this Ye Che crazy, actually still looking forward to?

But all of a sudden, I only heard the sound of "砰", Ye Che's left side less than a meter, suddenly exploded!

Along with the explosion, there was a strange figure in the aftermath.

This figure seems to flash a trace of surprise in the eyes, apparently did not think of this Ye Che's side, I do not know when it is full of thunder!

"Popular dumping!!!"

The rose whispered.

Others, one by one, all shocked and happy.

Surprised, naturally shocked is the goal of Sacco this time, and it is aimed at Ye Che.

The joy is that this Ye Che did not know when he had buried a lot of lotuses around him (the e-skills of the embarrassing), and Sacco stepped on it and exposed it!

"Great, this is a good pre-judgment!" As the shadow sighs, then the figure moves and rushes directly to Saco.

He dared to do it, naturally because of the effect of the dumping.

"Popular dumping" not only produces damage reduction, but the most important thing is to expose the enemy's position for 4 seconds!

Nowadays, things like guarding the eyes can't be invisible, but the skills can be!

4 seconds said that the length is not long, the short is not short, but everyone has grasped this opportunity!


As the shadows followed the form, the whole person was squirted like a big knife. When he slammed a few times, he approached Sacco. The last blow was a heavy blow to Sacco.

Pu'er and Rose 殇 just want to move, Ye Che is a high drink: "Don't move, protect him!"

"Protection? What is the protection of Wien’s father now?"

Pu'er and Rose 殇 are very unexpected. Has Sacco already revealed its position?

As long as everyone cooperates, I am afraid that he can be a second, and what is the meaning of protection.

However, because of the previous incident, the two had some blind trust in Ye Che, so even if they were puzzled, they immediately set their bodies.

At this time, as the shadow accompanied by the attack of the wooden hammer, such as heavy rain hit the stone, and continued to fall on the body of Saco.

Sacco is weird and powerful, but it is without revealing whereabouts.

Once the stealth is broken and set fire, as an assassin who can't get away with a blow, it is not so strong.

This is the case at this time, under the attack of the shadow and the wooden hammer, there seems to be no chance of counterattack, and the blood volume is mad.

"Ha ha ha, I still want to grab the trophy from the uncle, dream! Go to hell!"

As the film accompanied, I did not care if Ye Che and others did not come to help, but just wanted to solve the problem of Saco.


The last knife, like a shadow, squatted on the head of the devil clown.

Suddenly, the clown's blood was empty.

"Get it! Hehe..."

As the shadow accompanied, spit out a breath.

However, as the devil's clown's blood was emptied, there was no item to smash down, and there was no hint to kill the enemy. Instead, he only heard a bang, and the body of the demon clown blew open.

Then, there were twelve boxes that were shot out of his body, and then surrounded by shadows and wooden hammers.

Then, both of them were feared by the magic box!

The sudden changes made the faces of both of them horrified, they... seemed to think of something!

"Divided... especially, this is a avatar!!!!!"

As the shadow is accompanied by this scary, you must know that he is a purely attacking warrior. Once he has lost his ability to act, he is afraid that he will be defeated by the second.

Damn, this clown is too cunning!

The two have a big heart and hate.

As the shadows follow, he does not hesitate to activate the hegemony, eliminating the fear effect, and then staring at the real body of the clown.

Suddenly, he is now Ye Che actually facing his own feet, leaving a "smoke bomb"!

Empty smoke bombs?

As the shadow goes with the shape, but the next moment he knows the reason why Ye Che did this, because this "smoke bomb" has just been left behind, a strange figure has suddenly appeared on the side of Ye Che!


The wooden hammer on the side was called out, and Rose and Pu'er didn't need to say that a heart was fierce.

This demon clown is too cunning, and it seems that Ye Che has long set a trap, so he uses temptations.

And the real body, but I do not know when to bypass the "popular dumping" came to Ye Che to play a fatal blow!

At this moment, Ye Che was a light smile, "Wait for a long time!"


With a hand, Vain’s mother suddenly exclaimed and was pulled away by Ye Che.

At the same moment, the clown's cockroach stabbed from the place where Vaughn's mother had just stood, but was blinded by the influence of the smoke bomb.

"Beautiful!" Can not help but admire the sound, before he still wondered why Ye Che was so empty.

It turned out that this Ye Che had already expected the devil clown to shoot him.

It's no wonder that he and his team members didn't support it. It turned out that this demon clown was fake!

However, how did he judge it! ?

"This team match, our hunter team configuration is very high, the guardian team in addition to the sea blue team, are idiots! Hey!"

On the other hand, when the clown hits the plane, he wants to escape invisibly, but because of the smoke bomb, he is still hit by the leaf, and he hits him.

However, a flat a, no harm, he thought, then broke into the air, intends to wait for the next hit.

However, in the state of stealth, he just stood still, and he felt a pain in his back. He only heard a loud noise. He was actually hit by Ye Che’s “meat and bullet impact”!

"How is it possible!" Saco's various face control of the magic lines, twisted up.

I am invisible, with stealth and displacement, how can this guy hit her own! ! !

Ye Che's faceless expression, according to the direction of the white light of the clown's last disappearing trajectory, after accurate prejudging the stun of him, a "popular dumping" was buried in his feet by Ye.

Then, "Fatal Huacai!"


The clown was imprisoned to the same place, and at the same time touched the "fatal sorrow" of the exposed position, so it was unbelievable, and Sacco, who was blinded to the spot, appeared.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden and violent scene. The devil clown was caught.

"What are you still doing?" Ye Che frowned.

"Oh... it’s coming!"

As the shadows follow a light breath, after reacting from the operation of the pre-judgment of Ye Che Shen, immediately rushed to the Saco who exposed the body!

This time, it is absolutely true!

(End of this chapter)

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