League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 602: Strong collision

One step, two steps, three steps...

The emptiness of the beast is slowly approaching the red buff at the bottom of the earth. At this time, the blind cockroach is in the grass next to the red buff. As long as the emptiness of the beast moves a little further to the front, it will enter the blind vision. Bayi Chinese Network WwW★.く8く1√zW. CoM

The emptiness of the beast is not flashed, and there is only one level, that is to say, as long as you enter the range of q skills of the blind, no accident, the void will die!

Everyone's eyes are wide open, Ye Che is also slowly holding his breath, and he now feels an unusual atmosphere.

Ye Che did not insert fake eyes, and did not dare to move the slightest.

The emptiness of the beast will gain the earth's hearing when it is opened, and as long as he moves, it will be felt by the beast.

With the full blood of the beast, it is very likely to escape to the bottom of the tower.

Finally, when I saw that the beast had to step out of the fourth step, no one noticed the sneer of the purple woman’s mouth, and then the emptiness of the beast suddenly turned back and rushed directly to the f4.

At the same time, the fake eye fell on the red buff area.

"Wow, this beast, is it dangerous?! It was only a little bit away, and suddenly turned back."

"It is a coincidence that she is trying to rise to level 2 first, then go to the red buff!"

"This cargo is so good..."

Everyone whispered, and obviously did not catch a cold on the woman in purple.

Ye Che looked at the fake eyes of the red buff, and the brow was slightly wrinkled. If nothing unexpected, he was already present.

This guy's consciousness is really good, the general platinum or even diamonds, it is estimated that it will straighten into the grass, at most, directly in the grass to insert an eye, and she can judge their position by feeling alone, it is indeed not ordinary .

However, Ye Che is not going to give up this opportunity. The void is only level 1, and it has not flashed, so Ye Che intends to play a wave.

As soon as the body moved, Ye Che walked back, then detoured the partition wall on the back of the red buff and slammed it down.

There are two more flashing distances from the f4, but Ye Che doesn't dare to move any more. If he moves again, he can feel it by the earthly beast.

She has not played f4, Ye Che can not judge whether it is in the state of depression, Ye Che does not dare to gamble.

As soon as he is exposed, he loses the chance to kill the beast.


Ye Che controlled the blind cockroaches in the grass for three seconds and suddenly moved.

Insert the eye, the golden bell!

These two are almost in one go, and everyone even has an eye that has not yet landed, and the blind figure has already appeared in the eyes.

In the next second, the bright white "day sound wave" was beaten by blindness.


Everyone has a look.

Because the position of the emptiness of the beast is in the center of f4, that is to say, the emptiness of the beast has already prevented blindness, so when the f4 monster is opened, it is squeezed in the inner circle, and it is deliberately left. Three little wild monsters.

This blow of blind blindness is impossible...

It is impossible to hit the game yet. A thunder suddenly appears, and the side of the blind is flashing. The result of this flash is that the "day sound wave" that has just overflowed in the hands of the blind hand changes direction in an instant.

As the direction of the blind cockroaches came together, it appeared on the side and hit the beast.

And that thunder, it is straight to the head of the f4, to straighten the punishment, so that the "day sound wave" is the **** of the gods.

"The trough, this reaction degree!!!"

"6 fried days!"

"F4 obviously has no field of vision, but the action of blindly blindness is estimated to be less than a second. Plus the blind spot to see the position of the beast, and then the transition operation, this reaction is simply against the sky!"

"To tell the truth, he suddenly changed direction. I didn't understand it very well, but I flashed the head of the sneak beast.

Everyone looked at this scene and suddenly boiled up.

The Sky Blue team, as well as Qin Tian and others, are also somewhat excited.

This is called blind blindness. I used to insert my eyes and slowly swallow it on it. I hesitated to q again. Compared with the scene of this destructive and resolutely popular, it was a bad day.

Ye Che said nothing, this operation is too common for him. At this moment, seeing "Tianyinbo" has already hit the beast, and the second "Echoes" suddenly started.

The purple woman’s eyes flashed a violent color, and apparently did not expect that the blind man not only grabbed the leader, but also the skill.

To tell the truth, it is just a coincidence. When the beast is planning to punish, the blind man will come out, but if he grabs it, he will grab it. The purple woman has nothing to say.

The most important thing now is to get out of danger.

"call out!"

Blindly leaping and coming, the momentum is fierce.

The beast is still only level 1, the blood volume is not full, and there is no flash, only one skill left.

After all, the skill of the beast is cool, only 4 seconds, and it has already cooled down.

But blind, but with buff, if there is no accident, she simply can not escape the defensive tower, they have to be killed.

Everyone seems to have heard the hint of killing.

"Single kill diamonds, it is a ace tutor!"

Someone has already made a happy prediction.

But only one person did not think so, that is Ye Che himself.

At the moment of launching the "echo hit", Ye Che will appear in the three little wild monsters, not full of blood, even the amount of blood is still a little disabled, and if he is a hollow beast...

The unimaginable reaction, the whole body of the emptiness of the beast, in the moment of the punishment of the scorpion, the whole body has sneaked into the ground, and then suddenly picked up.

Because the squatting of the beast is open, there will be a second of cooling time before the ground can be used, so just in the early release of this second, when the blind rushes straight, the sly beast just smashes up. .


The sound of an explosion, the blindness of the flying, and the beast that rushed straight from the ground, just at this moment, a strong collision.

And the consequences are...

The second paragraph of the blind, q, was interrupted! !

The whole person is even hit high! ! !


Everyone is stunned, and the degree of reaction of the beast is almost too much compared to blindness.

They noticed that when the blind scorpion had just flashed out, the scorpion beast had already entered the ground. Otherwise, it was too late to open the second paragraph, "breaking out of the ground."

After all, the blind set is too fast, and q hits it when it hits. If there is no pre-judgment, because the second paragraph has a second of cooling, it is simply too late to release.

This scene, Ye Che's teammates also noticed, one by one shocked.

Not only that, everyone is now, with this, the beasts are even more than three small wild monsters, came to level 2!

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