"Leave people!"

Ye Che's face changes, and if the level 2 squat beast learns q, the damage is very high. August 1 Chinese √ WWWW.く81くz√W. CoM

In particular, my own q has been used, and if I keep the fight, it is only bloodless, and the fire man is also surrounded.

Thinking of this, the blind man did not return his hand. After being smashed in the white for three times, he finally got out of her output range.

"This... full of details. Before I saw her, I didn't take away the three wild monsters first. I still think about why, it was just to lure the flash of the blind, but this is too exaggerated. Is it coincidence? ”

"How do I feel that this wave of beasts earned, although the wild heads were robbed, but they scammed the flash of blindness and played a few more blood."

"To tell the truth, I still thought that this woman was arrogant, but now I feel that people have arrogant capital. I like this kind of queen personality."

"Ye Che Great God really met his opponent..."

Listening to these words, Dong Bang, Tian Lan team, Oriental Nishang 6 Yao and other people's look, suddenly dignified.

They also saw that the strength of this purple woman is really strong, especially in terms of details, it can hardly catch the loopholes, and there is almost a feeling of seeing everything.

Moreover, this purple woman has a fan with this wave.

The most important thing that Ye Che chooses not to fight is that the beast is moving in the red buff area, and there is no disciplinary action, but the beast is there. When the red buff starts playing, the beast is A punishment red buff, well, the blood volume returned more than n.

"The red buff seems to be robbed..."

Ye Che secretly said that he had already felt a bit of pressure.

After leaving the area of ​​the beast, Ye Che controlled the blind man to go on the road, but the enemy's emperor was not stupid. After knowing that the blind man had appeared in his own side, he did not push the line, but was wretched.

Ye Che had to control the blind man to start playing blue, while his eyes were searching on the battlefield.

The fire man did not flash, so he began to play, and did not press the dead song.

The only chance is that the road is down.

Because the mice and Nami, each had no treatment and weakness, they were being pressed and the line was pushed to the tower.

"With her level, it is impossible to expect that I will go down the road. It seems that I have to go to 6 to make another plan. Now, apart from the road, the upper middle is too stable."

Ye Che said to himself, he has already guessed it faintly, which is estimated to be arranged by the beast.

Level 1 grabs the advantage, and then trains in the middle, so that the beasts are desperately pressed down the road, and then open the advantage.

After all, this time period, Ye Che's side of the road, summoner skills are less, even if they have been caught in the past, in the case of a beast, 3v3 can not beat.

If you don't go, the road has been suppressed.

"Go to 6 and say it!"

Ye Che thought, began to brush up the wild.

On the other side, because the beasts of the earth have not flashed, and the problem of the line of soldiers, so they have not begun to arrest people, and began to brush up the wild.

For a time, the two sides actually had a feeling of calmness.

Except for...the way down.


A headshot, awkward hit on the mouse, Naomi quickly added blood, but her blue amount is not much, so add up, if the opening, it is simply unsustainable.

The policewoman occupies one more treatment, and she is not afraid to fight against the mouse. In particular, when there is a glare, he consumes more energy.

Plus the strength of the heroic community itself, it is better than the competitive club, so the start is less than 6 minutes, the mouse was pressed nearly 16 knives.

Ye Che can not let it go, so after brushing the stone, deliberately went down the road once, the mouse is better than some.

Time, slowly flowing, finally, the middle of the road, the wilderness, the order, have come to level 6.

Everyone knows that there will be a fierce battle soon.

"Give your eyes!"

Ye Che immediately snorted.

At the 6th level, it is very attractive to attract the wilderness.

Especially in the case of getting the head in the early stage of the game, if the brush is fast, it can reach 6 levels at the same time with the middle and upper, so the vision must be done well.

Luo Jinxu, who is on the order, naturally knows that this issue is very important, so he converges on the temper that he refuses to accept, and on the other hand is a prince, especially the prince is out of the meat, so he also plays education.

At this time, after hearing the words of Ye Che, he quickly retreated, and at the same time, he inserted his eyes into the triangle area of ​​the purple side.

Almost in Panson's eyes, less than 1o second, a purple-red shadow has already appeared in this eye position.

"Fortunately, I’m in the eye..."

Luo Jinxu snorted and then looked at the direction of the blind, now he has rushed over.

If you don't come, Pansen will not be able to make up the knife under the squatting of the beast.

And if Pansen doesn't care about these waves, he chooses to take a wave around the middle road. It is impossible. If there is a woman with a purple dress on the opposite side, he will definitely remind himself that Pansen is not going to open up.

Therefore, Ye Che intends to go against the wave, at the very least, let Pansen fill the waves.

Originally Ye Che wanted to take the little dragon, but the details of the opposite side were too in place. When the beast was going on the road, the dragon range had been inserted into the fake eye by the purple square. Obviously this must be the purple woman’s command.

Just when everyone feels that there will be a big battle on the road, the woman in purple has a sneak peek at the road, faintly said: "Begin!"

At this time, a large wave of soldiers had entered the mouse and the tower of Nami, because they went back once, so Nami and the mouse did not reach level 6, and the dawn of the other side was already level 6.

Very simple, in the middle of the way, the beasts told the policewoman to go back once, and Twilight alone monopolized all the experience.

This point has not been noticed.

After hearing the indifferent voice of the woman in purple, the policewoman and the blind eyes immediately revealed the killing.

Twilight was in the moment when the line entered the tower, and he raised the golden sword: "Sunlight flares!"

The big move started, and no one expected that the dawn would be like this. Rats and Nami are full of blood.

At the same time as everyone was shocked, an explosion that made people frightened and screamed, and suddenly rang from the entire Summoner's Canyon.

This kind of fierceness is full of oppression, more like the drums before the battle, making everyone's heart shake!

The emptiness of the beast is on the road, suddenly opened up! ! !

In the blind rush to go on the road, when Pan Sen intends to calculate the anti-killing, the sly beast is standing in the eye position, has opened a big move one second ahead of time!

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