League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 626: Happy East Field

Four black robes stopped at a distance of more than two hundred meters from the city's main government. Eight ★ one Chinese network WwくWく. ★8√1√zW. CoM

"Big brother, that kid can't be so stupid, and dare to stay in the city's main government. Isn't that looking for death??"

One of the black robes said.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. Don't let this kid hide under our eyes for a few days. We are looking elsewhere, and the face is lost. Let's check it out."

Talking to this person is red and red, it is the owner of Dongyibao.

He paused at this moment and felt a little bit later: "But now it seems that he is not in the city government, otherwise I can feel the breath of fire."

The other three Fortress, nodded.

"In any case, the city government closely monitors, the body of this kid is almost burned by me, unless it is promoted to a large rank, otherwise it will not recover. This kind of appearance will only show the wind when it comes to the head."

Dong Yibao said, turned and walked away.

The other three Fortresses also immediately followed.

The owner of Dongyibao did not dare to find the person in charge of the city. Doesn't say that there is no meaning. The key is that he does not want to expose the difference of Ye Che. Otherwise, if all the forces want to get involved, he will be a diamond. deal with.

After all, the people of the heroic city are coming soon.

Snow is falling, and silver is wrapped up.

The entire eastern region is like a deep trick in the ice crystal phoenix. There are a lot of crystal ice and snow everywhere, even the wind, there is a strange beauty.

The day falls, the night falls, and soon, the night gradually passes.

After a while, it came five days later.

Today, it is the day of the heroic match of the peak heroes. The masters of the four major regions of the East, the West, and the North have already gone out in groups in the early morning.

Coincidentally, just today, the snow that has been flying in the sky has finally stopped.

Whether it is the forces of the four regions in the southeast and northwest, or the various talented teams of the newcomers, and even some ordinary civilians, in the early morning of this day, they celebrated the arrival of the Heroes of the Summit in their respective forms.

Throughout the East, all the lights were turned on in the early morning, and hundreds of fighters patrolled the top of the East.

Outside the Oriental Star Club, the vast square plaza gathers teams and civilians from all sides, the newcomers initially, the towns, etc., everyone is in the peak hero game that is about to open. Cheering.

Oriental Nishang and 6 Yao, as well as Sky Blue, Curtain Chrysanthemum, and Yu Yu, Zheng Qin's four souls of the team, are standing on a high-rise building not far from the Oriental Star Club, watching the large square outside the club. The square is full of people at this moment, and it is completely crowded.

"Ning Sister, you said where the gods went, it’s been six days, and even the figures didn’t see..."

6 Yao slammed his mouth and his delicate eyebrows revealed a little worry.

The oriental nephew shook his head and said: "I asked Dad, he did not know where Ye Che went, but rest assured, Ye Che's ability you know, the original hero temple, then the sinister battles have come over, Now the highest in the Eastern Region is the Platinum Peak, so there will be nothing."

6 Yao heard this, suddenly a lot of peace of mind.

However, she did not see the anxiousness of the flash in the eyes of the oriental singer. The oriental singer asked Dongfang Jian as an ordinary question, but wanted to find where Ye Che was.

However, in the East, many people searched for it, but they did not find the trace of Ye Che.

It’s like that his whole steamed in the East.

While the Oriental Nishang and 6 Yao talked, the three teams next to them looked at each other and smiled at the corners of their mouths.

This Ye Che, said that the last day before, give them training, but now even the ghost shadow has not seen one, is this appropriate?

In particular, after the three teams saw the crowds below, the excited and arrogant people, the bottom of the heart was even more illusory. It was just five or six days of practice. They really had no confidence.

Just then, there was a dazzling magical light over there, and everyone looked up. There are more than a dozen heroes who are masters of the mage, where they are performing magic, a piece of fire red, the blue light is dancing, winning Hundreds of thousands of people are crazy.

Everyone knows that a place like this is more than a dozen places in the entire eastern region. After all, it is a sea election, so the location is a little more.

"The sea election has three days, just three days after the third day, the hegemony competition of each group, our curtain team, just in the last day!"

I loved the glorious eyes of the chrysanthemum, and it was naturally the best on the last day. Whether it was preparation for work or training time, it was fully strengthened.

However, the four players of the Sky Blue and the English Soul team are a bit ugly.

The British soul team's sea elections, today, and the sky blue team, tomorrow, but until now Ye Che did not appear, it really makes them very guilty.

Just when their respective feelings were restless, with the cheering of Qi Qi, the sea election of the Heroes of the Peak finally began!

Thousands of soldiers emerged, surrounded by qualified teams and entered the Oriental Star Club.

Many people with identity can naturally go in and observe the scene.

And those civilians can only watch the sea elections from the big screen outside the club.

The Eastern Star Club’s sea elections are somewhat advanced.

It includes the sea of ​​gold and platinum, and the rest is naturally the choice of silver.

These silvers are mostly the forces in the town.

As for the lower ones, those who have just won the championship in the initials of the newcomers, usually just arrived in bronze.

However, these are nothing to look at. What everyone expects is naturally the sea election in the Oriental Star Club.

"Let's enter the market!"

The oriental neon said, leading the crowd down the building and then heading for the club.

In her capacity, nature can bring people in.

Just as they just entered the club and watched the election, there was a sigh in the sewers tens of thousands of meters away from the Star of the East Star Club.

It was a young man with a red-hot line. From his tired face, it can be seen that this young man should be very delicate.

However, this delicate face is full of burnout, he seems to be sitting here for a long time.

"Damn, what the **** is this nucleus!"

Ye Che saw the red lines on his bones, and finally couldn't help but scream.

In six days, it has been six days. After he sat down in the sewer, he did not dare to move.

As long as it moves a little, there is a feeling in the brain that is more painful than needle sticking.

If it is somewhere else, Ye Che’s teeth will pass, but this is the brain, and it’s impossible to behave like this.

"No guessing, this line should have spread from my eyebrows. After six days, I have already crawled all over my body. Now I only have my right foot and my feet. I don't know what effect it has."

After a bit of anxiety, Ye Che calmed down.

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