League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 627: Breaking back

There is no effect in the rush now, only wait, look at the body of this fire, what do you want to do. √八一中文√网W√wW√. ★81zW. CoM

The time passed by, and finally, according to Ye Che’s mental arithmetic, at least three or four hours passed, and the entire foot of the right foot was finally filled with red-hot lines.

Ye Che suddenly opened his eyes and waited to see if there was any reaction.

1 second... 2 seconds... 1 minute... 5 minutes...

After five minutes passed, looking at the body without any change, Ye Che’s face suddenly sank.

I want to shake my body. I am going to try it and it will still be so painful.

But this move, things suddenly became big, and under the eyes of Ye Che's horrified eyes, the bones of his whole body actually ignited.

Yes, it is self-igniting. At this moment, the raging fire burns on Ye's golden bone and silver bone. Ye Che has become a fire person.

"This Nima!"

Ye Che snorted and looked very surprised.

He was trying to resist the power of the paragraph, but in his mind, as if he had been hit hard, his eyes suddenly turned black and he fell on the wall behind him.

Although Ye Che was unconscious, this natural blazing flame did not stop.

The boiling flame is getting higher and higher, and the hundreds of millions of red-hot lines, at this time, are as bright as blood, as if they are alive, they flow on Ye's bones.

Numerous waters in the sewer are steamed. In this area, within a few tens of meters, all of them are white water vapor.

A fireman, looming in the white water vapor, is really amazing.

At this moment, the hot air around Ye Che suddenly became cold, and a woman wearing a blue robe with a cool face was slowly appearing in the air.

She is a crystal-blue bow, her eyes are light, her white and crystal-clear fingers hang down from her sides, and her beauty is amazing.

This face is exactly Aich.

As soon as she appeared, she fell her eyes on Ye Che's body.

Looking at the raging fire, there was a slight surprise in his eyes.

"The power of the flames destroys everything and burns everything, but after it is destroyed, it is a new life..."

"Flame is from nothing, it is creation. From faintness to raging flames, it is creation. The sparks of the fire, the endless life, is also creation. The rice grows on the ruins of the flame burned, and it can get a good harvest, the same is The sun itself is a burning fireball. Under the sun's rays, everything is flourishing, or creation. In the history of mankind, it is also because of fire, it is out of ignorance, it becomes prosperous, and finally it produces a splendid martial civilization. Destroy all things, but they can also breed all things. "The wildfires are not burning, the spring breeze is born again." After breaking down, it is created after the destruction. He...is there really a person with air, is he really? There is a possibility of one in a billion, for us Valoran..."

When she came here, the woman with the ice crystal bow slowly shook her head, and she did not know what was ringing in her eyes.

The possibility of one in a billion is really too low and too low, but there is always a silver lining.

With a sigh, ethereal and cold, the ice crystal bow woman immediately lost the trace.

At this time, Ye Che, with the burning of the fire, a trace of new meat, actually grew out of Ye Che's body.

Although this new meat is only a little bit, but at first glance, it gives a feeling of thrilling, as if it is full of infinite power.


"Congratulations, congratulations to the Wang Tu team for winning this round and qualifying for the finals!!!!"

"Congratulations, congratulations to the Brotherhood team, won this victory, qualified for the finals!!!"

"Congratulations, congratulations to the Flamingo team, win this game and qualify for the finals!!!"

In the East, in countless competition venues, calls like this come one after another.

The winner is naturally ecstatic and excited to embrace.

The losers, downcast, silent, they know, lost, this year's peak hero game, they are not qualified to stage.

This is a sea election, only one chance!

"The English soul team has 6 Yao, come on!"

The oriental glamorous, as well as the sky blue team and the cemetery team, and the British soul team and 6 Yao sighed.

After so many days of training, the three teams are already very familiar and harmonious.

This game is the five players of the British Soul team, so everyone did not even watch the game of the Eastern Star Club, and went to another competition production, to cheer for them five.


Yu Yu, Zheng Qin, Song Yi, Qin Tian and 6 Yao five people, nodded heavily.

Although my heart is very embarrassing, but this is only the first sea election, they are still confident.

The ace's students personally taught that if they couldn't get the first match, it would be alive.

Opposite, it is a team that has never heard of it.

As soon as I played, both sides said nothing, and it looked very heavy.

"The rules are clear, a win!"

The person who spoke is the supervisor of this stadium. In each game, there are ten teams starting at the same time.

However, the supervisor can not only have one, but there are seven or eight photos to watch the game.

Because they don't have to worry about cheating, they are very easy. Just judge who wins and who is the winner.

The five men of the British Soul team, after shaking hands with the opposing Black Warriors, began to cheer with the cheers of many people.

Yu Yu sat on the seat and watched the densely watched people under the stage, swallowing himself.

Although it is soundproof, but the kind of sorrow is watching the excited faces of these people, I can fully imagine how passionate they are outside the sound insulation layer.

"Don't be under pressure. The League has said that as long as we follow their style of play, it should be no problem to support the election!"

Song Yi is a little older, so he is much calmer.

And after 6 Yao’s many events after the Hero Temple, it was much more mature, and it was calm at this time.


With the roar of the drums, the hero ban, started!

In another division a few kilometers away from the English Soul team, a screaming screaming sounded continuously.

"My grass, this stone is really awesome! This is only 2 minutes, the killing book is 25 layers, or playing wild stones!!!"

"Who is this stone? Who is it? It’s a second word, it’s terrible!"

"Who is this man who controls the stone?"

The audience exclaimed constantly, and some people asked.

"I can't see Peugeot!? Baiting Town, one of the top ten towns in the Eastern Region! This boy is called Wang Hao, the son of the mayor, with the battle team, it is really fierce, this game is completely crushed! ”

"I have never seen this set of roads, teammates let the soldiers let the line, so that the stone has reached level 6 without knowing it, and then the rhythm will be there."

"This Wang Hao is really a genius, very powerful!"

The audience was screaming and screaming, but the corner of the stage was stunned.

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