League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 634: Suining death

These more than 30 Geminis are all blue. Eight ★ one Chinese network W√w√W. 81zW. CoM

When they sprinted, the sewer water under them actually condensed into ice.

At this time a few hundred meters away from them, Ye Che once again screamed in anger, he wanted to stand up, he did not want to stay in this sewer.

The scene that flashed in front of the scene is that 6 Yao broke his arm to save himself. He fought side by side with the oriental neon. He lived in the canyon with the English soul team, as well as the curtain chrysanthemum, sky blue, and all the friends who met in the east. .

If the abyss devils really broke into the city, what should they do? ?

"Get up!"

Ye Che’s roaring low-pitched, his hands swelled, and his nose blew a bright red blood because of the intense pain in his brain.

Suddenly, the sound of a slap on the right entered the Ye Er ear.

Ye Che got up and shot a piece of gold color.

In an instant, Ye Che saw these ice crystals that are the size of a baby.


Ye Cheyi stunned, but after seeing the ice water that had formed ice underneath, the dark passage was not good.


Dozens of Geminis, at this time also feel Ye Che, the faster the degree of galloping.

The next moment, one by one has already jumped up.

At the same time, a thick ice crystal mist jumped against the leaves.

Ye Che's face has changed dramatically. This kind of mist is not a good thing at first glance. If it is contaminated, there is definitely a big problem.

"Come on... hurry!"

Ye Che’s heart is full of enthusiasm, and he is full of encouragement. At this moment, he only feels that the primordial nucleus in his mind is shaking in madness, as if he wants to release anything.

And with his encouragement, this feeling is more obvious.

At the same time, this ice crystal aerosol is getting closer and closer to Ye Che.

These mists smashed the sewer pipes next to them, and these pipes were actually cracked. It is conceivable that the ice is cold.

Finally, when the fog and Gemini were only less than half a metre away from Ye Che, Ye Che’s body slammed and ignited again.

Countless flames rise in the leaves, and the red lines of the fire are no longer flowing, but they are drilled into the skin of Ye Che.


There is no pain and uncomfortable. Ye Che only feels like a cold spring in the cold, and a popsicle in the summer. The whole body seems to have reached a certain feeling of perfection.

"The amount of money..."

The dozens of twins and fog, just a stain of the leaf's self-igniting flame, actually turned into fly ash.

When Ye Che was shocked, he was trying to feel the flames carefully, but now he was in the position of the ranks and caused a riot.


In the mind, the fire of the polar body suddenly spewed out the big wave of fire red energy, these red energy, Ye Che felt a familiar atmosphere.

"It’s the owner of Dongyibao!"

Ye Che is a glimpse, but at the moment, it is only a little familiar.

As soon as these red fire energy appears, it turns into a smeared pure energy, which is directly absorbed by Ye Che's body and then converted into the power of the rank.

Ye Che originally wanted to advance, and it was dozens of times more difficult than ordinary people.

But now, with these fiery red energy, the power of the segment in Ye Che began to change with a terrible degree of terror.

This kind of horror, even Ye Che feels a thrilling feeling.

Originally, Ye Che has reached the gold iii, and the power of the gold iii segment has been half full after so many days and the devil's core.

But now, after only ten seconds, the force of the other half is completely saturated, reaching the peak of gold iii!

"I know, this fire is so many days, is it the conversion of the flame energy of the East Fort, and then I can absorb it."

Ye Che thought of it here and felt extremely incredible.

In this case, it is completely another version of the sucker! It is terrible that Nima directly absorbs the energy of the diamond-level field for its own use.

How much energy is in the field of a diamond, Ye Che is now fully realized.


As the bubble bursts, the limit of gold iii is broken without any flaws, and then it reaches the gold ii!

In the left foot, a hint of gold shines from the leaves of Ye Che.

Then, it began to spread with a very fast degree. After three seconds, Ye Che’s entire left foot bone was completely constructed of gold!

At this time, Ye Che’s arms and feet are golden and look extremely noble.

But this is not over yet. The energy contained in a diamond field is too strong. It is enough to absorb the leaves of only the golden segment.


In the leaves of the brain, the red energy of the fire rolls, and the thin red lines of the skin spread into it, making the skin of Ye Che seem to produce some strange changes.

In the blood, because of the second color of the soul of the soul, the blood is endless, and the moment of Ye Qi's breath is so strong that it is extremely strong.

On the ground, the demons who passed by here seemed to feel something and shook their noses.

"Gold ii... the liquefaction section is full of one-tenth... half... gold ii peak!!!"

Ye Che stood there, his face stunned.

By the time of the peak of the gold ii, Ye Che-Cai felt a bit of resistance. It took more than a dozen seconds to break through.


Ye Che in the body of the caudal vertebrae and chest, the bones humming.

The white silver color began to fade, and the brilliance of the golden color began to emerge on it. Soon, Ye Che turned into a golden bone except the head.

Still not stopped, the red-hot energy has been spewing out from the fire of the original body, until the golden peak! ! ! !

The horrible atmosphere suddenly rises in the sewer, and Ye Che’s body is completely cast from gold, just like a god!

If you break the first order and make a death ruling, Ye Che will officially qualify to enter this era and become a luxurious platinum! ! !

While Ye Che was breaking through two levels in the sewer, the entire Oriental Star Club has already reached its peak.

"Stop, keep, keep quiet, never shrink!"

Countless generals at the level of the people, outside the club of the Oriental Star.

Here, it is the gathering place of all the high-level areas in the East, and it is the privilege.

So the soldiers rushed over at the first time, and at this time they all died together.

"You have silver and gold, please remember your prefix, don't bend silver, glory gold!!!"

"These are the responsibilities and the supreme honor. As long as you block the invasion of these demons, you are the hero of the entire Eastern Region!!!"

Countless officers and soldiers yelled.

"Glory, glory, oh!!!"

People who have already lost their hearts and minds, the words are full of power again!

And 6 Yao and others, at this time, fell into a crisis.

Ps: First four, and there will be updates, eat first.

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