League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 635: Fall in the east

6 Yao, the Oriental Nishang, the Sky Blue team of five, and the British soul team and the Curtain team, these people formed a small group, together to resist the abyss demon. Bayi Chinese Network W★wW. ★81zくW. CoM

Because of the special identity of the oriental nephew, there are many people around her to protect.

The situation was not dangerous, but now with the anger of people, many people who protect them have rushed to the forefront, and they have been exposed on the side.

The scene is too confusing, the whole number of 100,000 people, who is not with whom at this time.

"Snow sister, be careful!"

Wu Hao screamed and quickly reminded.

Their power contrasts with these demons, it is too insignificant, always hiding in the innermost, releasing heroic skills far away.

But now, there are three snakes and terror birds that broke through the human defense line from the air and rushed at them.

The strength of snakes and terror birds, at least above gold, is not what they can handle.

At the moment of life and death, they are all nervous to the extreme, and their breathing is heavy.


The three-headed snake screamed, and the body twisted and slammed down against the girls of the Tianlan team.

"Is it dead?"

The five sister papers of the Tianlan team, all in a cold, almost no hope.


When it was said that it was too late, the Oriental Nishang suddenly gave up the two demons that entangled with him, and turned straight and waved to make a crystal light group.

Then the wand waved, a layer of milky white shield, appeared on the five women of the sky blue team.

For a moment, the light group fell on two of the snakes.

These two snakes feared to flap their wings and wanted to fly, but they were banned from death.

The claws of the third-headed snake-terrorized bird have already caught Wang Nuo-xue’s body, but they have just been blocked by the shields of the oriental scent.


Suddenly, the oriental neon snorted and the back was swept by the tail of a demon.

This demon was originally the enemy of the oriental neon, but the oriental neon appeared to save people, but there was a flaw.

"Ning Sister!"

6 Yao screamed, couldn’t take care of it, and quickly started the “Star Infusion”.

The green light appeared on the oriental neon, but it was a drop in the bucket.

6 Yao's position has indeed been greatly improved, and the staff has also been upgraded, but it is still the same chicken ribs, her treatment effect, there is no power to restore the position.

At this moment, 6 Yao suddenly blinked his eyes and saw a dozen figures who had risen to kill the devil not far away.

"Get thousands of shadows, thousands of cities white!"

6 Yao shouted out, two of the dozen or so people immediately looked up, just saw 6 Yao and others.

"It's 6 Yao, Ye Che will not be there too??"

I got a thousand shadows and a hi, didn't think much, and started to move closer to the 6 Yao.

And the thousand city ink white is more decisive, seeing the three snakes fear birds in the rear, leaping directly, then flutter.

This team of more than a dozen people, along with the change of thousands of shadows and thousands of cities, also came along.

As I approached, the 6 Yao face suddenly appeared a surprise color.

These people are actually a group of competitive organizations, including celebrities such as Cold Star, Bai Bing and other war colleges.

After these people arrived, they did not say anything and directly dealt the three abyss demons.

"Ye Che?"

I asked Qian Qian and the first sentence after Qiancheng ink arrived.

6 Yao shook his head heavily and said: "I don't know, we haven't seen him for nearly ten days."

After getting a glimpse of Qian Ying and others, I didn’t think much about it, but said: “We form a team to resist first, and when the diamonds are free, we will save!”

6 Yao Oriental Nishang and others nodded, at this time in the sky, there are several twisted spaces.

There are obviously people who have opened up the field and are killing the enemy inside.


At the same time, in the sewer, the energy in Ye Che has been completely transformed, and all of them have become a force of the ranks.

"Golden i peak... only one step away, it will be platinum!"

Ye Che stood in the sewer and looked at his body and said to himself.

At this moment, he was reborn, and the flesh, bones, and blood were all reborn.

Feeling the strength of the whole body, Ye Che has confidence, even if it is a diamond, he can be entangled one or two.

It was only at this time that the three purple people who had just entered the city had their brows frowned.

"The breath of the purple coat 1o disappeared..."

"How can it disappear, what is covered up?!"

The three purple people stopped the flying body and stopped in the air to reveal the color of thought.

For a long time, one of the talents said: "The goal is definitely still in the city, search!"

The last search word, with an inexplicable wave of scatter, the hundreds of thousands of demons that were originally grouped together, all the next seconds, all the lanes, in the various rooms, were instantly filled with their bodies.

Some of the civilians who had been hiding in the house and shivering, watching the demon of these faces rushed in, and the fear of the liver and gallbladder.


These demons have no merciful heart and go straight to kill.

Such a scene began to be madly staged.

Whether it is in the East City or outside the city, there are demons everywhere. This is the peak of the heroic game that made everyone excited.

Death is always alive, and the population of the Eastern Region begins to decline with horror.

Not only the Eastern Region, but also the people who participated in the initials, as well as the people in the three northwestern regions, have suffered innocent disasters.

At this time, the upper level of the East, down to the ordinary people, are busy defending against demons and escape.

Ye Che is in this situation, jumping out of the sewer.

Just reaching the surface, Ye Che was shocked by the whole, and at first glance, the entire East Street was full of dead bodies, and there were too many dead people.

Not far away, there are more people, killing with the devil.

The roar, screams, and the sound entered Ye's ear.

"This, is Dongcheng City really broken, how is it possible!"

Ye Che really stayed.

He looked up at the sky and saw all kinds of flying demons in the sky. These flying devils Ye Che had never seen them, but they did not affect Ye Che's feeling of their breath.

This kind of breath is at least above gold.

This kind of base, the number of such densely populated all over the sky, is heartbreaking.

The devil on the ground is even more amazing.

"It seems that the East is really invaded!"

Ye Che sighed, trying to move the steps, went to find 6 Yao and other people, but suddenly heard the room not far away, there was a cry of horror.

This sound is familiar.

Ye Che slightly frowned, didn't think much about it.

Now Ye Che's degree is almost to the extreme, especially in the case of golding both feet, the balance of the feet is equal, twice as fast as before.

"call out!"

Less than two seconds, Ye Che has already arrived outside this room.

The door of this room has already been wide open and the ground is a mess.

Ye Che’s eyes were like a torch, and when he swept away, he took a panoramic view of the house.

It is a woman, this woman Ye Che is very familiar, it should be said that there is a deep and deep impression.

It was in the four great canyons that the woman who betrayed Yu Yu and relied on Wang Qiang to slap the knife behind Gu Qingqing, Xiao Qin.

At this time, Xiaoqin was forced to a corner by three men, crying, the clothes on the shoulders had already been torn open, revealing a large piece of snow white.

"It’s all over the end, what is it called, how happy it is to die together!"

One of the men, with a distorted smile, whispered.

"How can this Xiaoqin appear here?"

Ye Che brows a wrinkle and speaks to himself.

Ps: According to the plot, there will be real games. It’s actually boring to like it. I hope some small partners understand it.

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