League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 637: Lu Yao, dying

Just thinking of it, there was a violent shock in the sky. Bayi Chinese Network W★w★W. 81zW. CoM

Two black and white bodies of the size of fifty or sixty meters have fallen from the sky, and people who have been squatting have turned over and over, and countless deaths and injuries.

Four figures appeared from the sky, for an old woman with a giant golden sword, and behind her, standing in two middle-aged people, and...

"East One Fort!!"

Ye Che's eyes are cold.

"The demons of the two diamond strengths in the district will dare to make waves and accept the trial of the hero city!"

On the old woman, there was a dazzling brilliance, which shrouded the square for hundreds of meters, then condensed into a little, facing a dark demon among them, and smashed it.

"Judgement, liquidation!!"

The old woman is drinking low, and the demon of the two diamonds seems to be unclear. After all, in the face of four human strength attacks, they can support it for so long.

At this time, in the face of the last blow of the old woman, they could not even move the body, and they could only watch the light flames.

Many humans under the scene also noticed this scene, and the cheers of the earthquake shook, and the momentum suddenly rose to the extreme.

Only when the flame group was about to slam on one of the demons, Ye Che suddenly felt extremely far away, and there was a roar that was enough to pierce the ordinary human eardrum.

The next second, the purple light is now, a rich purple light, and then first arrived, extremely accurate bombing on the flames of the old woman, and then annihilated each other.


Seeing that these two powerful demons can be eliminated, they are blocked, and the old woman is instantly angry.

Soon, almost purple light just arrived, three "humans" wearing purple clothes, like a teleport, appeared in the sky above the Oriental Star Club, and the elderly women are facing each other.

"This... is it her??"

Ye Che whispered, he looked at the familiar dresses of the three purple people, and suddenly remembered the purple woman who challenged herself.

In the twinkling of an eye, all the veins are clear.

Ye Che is thinking of a very unacceptable fact. The situation in the East is very likely to be because of himself.

If you don't guess wrong, this is either a revenge of a woman in purple, or it is... not guilty of yourself!

In combination with the magic of Anna, and the actions of the woman who was born in the beast, this may be extremely high!

Thinking of this, Ye Che is creepy.

These three women, plus the purple woman, and the two dark devils, as well as the hidden power in the dark, etc., there are seven or eight to reach the existence of diamond strength, look at yourself!

Five or six hundred thousand demons are dispatched, and there are so many diamond-powered demons invading, but the ultimate goal is themselves. Anyone will feel chilling.

For a time, Ye Che couldn't help but converge on his own breath. These diamonds are very sensitive to the breath. Even if someone looks at them behind them, they will be felt instantly, so Ye Che has to be careful now.

After the appearance of the three purple women, the demons underneath are as irritating as they are.

But at this time, 6 Yao suddenly did not rise.

"6 Yao, what happened to you?"

I loved the chrysanthemum and wiped the blood of the demon splashed on my face and asked.

There are companions on it, and there are demons.

"I... I don't know, I suddenly got dizzy, my heart... There is a feeling of nausea in my heart."

6 Yao face uncomfortable color, but it seems to be completely unbearable, retching.

"It is estimated that it is halo, and it will pass without it."

Thousands of cities took the time to say a word.

Everyone thinks that this is the case, and they have no control over 6 Yao.

6 Yao slightly raised his head, his face showed an expression that could not be said. Only she knew that the source of abnormal reactions, which caused her disgusting, retching, and abnormal reactions, was the three purple women in the sky.

I don't know why, at first glance, these three purple women, 6 Yao heart will produce a strange impulse.

This kind of impulse is stronger than the feeling of mixing the demons!

It’s like, I can’t wait to destroy them right away, it’s not right, I want to purify them in general, right, it’s purification!

When I saw them, the nausea in my heart could not be suppressed.

6 Yao’s thoughts on himself felt a little unbelievable.

These three women, at least all of them, have such an idea that they are too far off the mark.

But this impulse, like the ants of the bones, is innate, and the impulse is getting stronger and stronger, and the fingers of 6 Yao are trembled.

"Ah, 6 Yao don't stay, be careful!!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, there was a sigh of excitement behind him.

"Ah, ah???"

6 Yao, a spirit, quickly slowed down.

In the twinkling of an eye, I saw a snake and a terror bird. I didn’t know when I was on my side and I came straight to myself.

At this time, because of the big victory of the old woman and so on, most of the human beings were excited, not in the defensive camp, but actively took out, leading to 6 Yao at this moment, no one can rescue.

Behind him, Yu Yu and others are much weaker than the 6 Yao, and they are not qualified to save.

"It's over..."

6 Yao heart trembled, this moment of dying, her mind suddenly flashed a shadow.

The shadow was clear and clear, and soon turned into a handsome boy.

She remembered when she first saw him in the elite class, she was so ashamed to cry when she thought of it now, remembering that in the alley, in order to save himself from his **** battle, remembering to save himself in the temple, to save his compromise...

It is very strange that 6 Yao feels so many years of experience and encounters, this moment is blurred, and the rest of his mind is alone.

"Ye Che..."

6 Yao whispers, at the same time, this snake is far from her head, less than three decimeters, and such a short distance, no one can save her.

Ye Che did not notice this scene. After he knew that 6 Yao was well protected, all his attention had already fallen on the three purple women.

After the purple woman was on the scene, she glanced around. About five seconds later, one of the purple women suddenly grinned.

The smile appeared inexplicable, and the two middle-aged people behind the old woman, as well as the East One Fortress, were puzzled.

Only the old woman’s look changed and shouted: “Be careful!”

This carefulness is really a salvation, and everyone behind her immediately defended.

When I said that it was too late, the old woman’s "careful" word just blurted out. A purple woman had already appeared in front of one of the middle-aged people. The fingers did not know when it became a purple claw. Swing out.

The middle-aged man was still doing defense early, and he was pulling against the void. A huge broken bone stick appeared in his hand, and then he lifted it and blocked it in front of his face.

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