League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 638: Son of hero


The claws crossed the broken bones, and the sound was actually a roar. I can imagine how powerful this attack is. Bayi Chinese Network WwW. 81zW. CoM

"call out!"

The woman in purple, who did not succeed in seeing a blow, was awkward and disappeared straight from the crowd and returned to the original place.

Until this time, the woman left the shadow of her own place, this slowly disappeared.

This degree is really chilling.

At least these two middle-aged people, as well as the East One Fort, have been bungee jumping.

Especially the owner of Dongyibao, the scared face is completely bloodless, he can guarantee that if this purple woman is just shooting on her own, she is absolutely dead!

Almost in the moment when the woman in purple clothes shot and returned, the purple woman and the old woman were volleyed at the foot of the volley, and suddenly there was a burst of exclamation.

The exclamation was so loud that they all looked down.

At a glance, I saw the source of this group of people exclaiming.

It was a woman with a green head. The woman’s eyes were confined, her eyelids trembled slightly, and there was a hundred meters around her, shrouded in a glittering enchantment.

Inside, lying on the body of a snake bird.

However, the body of this snake-terrorized bird, at this time, can not completely see the shape of the distance, as if it is about to be weathered, in this enchantment, the rapid melting, and soon, there is no residue left.

But at this time no one cares about the melting of this snake-like bird, but instead looks at the human being inadvertently wrapped in the enchantment.

This enchantment is 100 meters in size, and at least a dozen people are wrapped in it at the moment. These people are dead.

Most of them are broken hands and broken feet, all of which are injured by the abyss demons.

Many people's arms, which have been foraged by demons, can never be restored.

But now, on the limbs of these people, there is a "beep" sound, and then countless granules grow out, and then under the stun of everyone, less than ten seconds, a new or arm, or broken leg , grew up.


"My God, living dead, fleshy bones, limb weights !!!?"

Countless people are screaming out of the frenetic color.

Then, all of them focused on the enchantment, the woman who closed her eyes.

Ye Che was also attracted to the past by this movement, and she saw her at a glance.

"6 瑶??????"

Ye Che's eyes flashed in horror, what is the situation, when 6 Yao has such a metamorphosis ability! ?

And how her head turned green.

Before I finished, I heard the ecstasy of the old woman who was uploaded to the sky: "The son of the hero is actually the son of the hero, hahahahahaha, the oldest boss, block me, this girl I have to set!!!!! ”

After that, the flames of the whole body suddenly rose, and then he went straight to the 6 Yao without hesitation.

"not good!"

Ye Che was shocked. This old woman is good or bad. He doesn't know how to allow 6 Yao to be taken away by her.

Without any hesitation, Ye Che actually jumped directly from the top of the building.

This scene was just seen by a human being who used a knife to go up. At the same time, I saw Ye Che’s landing.


Numerous turtle marks spread out from the floor, and the floor was even more blasting.

"Haha, another master!"

This person is overjoyed, the more the slashing the devil is.

After Ye Qing’s landing, she said nothing, and her face turned blue and went straight to the old woman.

There are a few abyss demons who do not know how to live and scream and rush, and the momentum is mighty.

"Get out!"

Ye Che’s eyes were soaring, and both fists started at the same time, directly blasting, and they actually penetrated the bodies of these demons.

The devil's blood is sprinkled and drenched on Ye Che, like a demon.

At the same time, the old woman is close to 6 Yao, but only a hundred meters away, but it was blocked by the enchantment released by 6 Yao.

"Astral enchantment, it can be such a large range, even if the master of the diamond level is the master of the stars, but the silver is in front of you, plus a hundred times more powerful than the average son of the stars, the hero The son is no doubt!!!"

The old woman said with surprise, what is the peak hero game at this moment, what Dongdong was completely left behind by her, in front of her, only the existence of the woman in the enchantment.

This enchantment is harmless to humans, but it will block people from entering when the controller is unconscious.

However, with the strength of the old woman, there is no problem naturally. The power of the squatting position is only a slight throughput, and the enchantment is broken.

Then, the old woman rushed to the side of 6 Yao very fast, the wrinkled arm stretched out, and the 6 Yao was pinched in the arm, and then did not stop to fly away from the distance.

When people around you saw it, they all looked at it and couldn’t understand what it was.

A group of people, such as the Oriental Nishang, Qiancheng Mobai, Qin Tian, ​​and the scene, are also looking at it. I don’t understand why the diamond masters of the heroic city are so interested in 6 Yao.

Even, they abandoned hundreds of thousands of people and ran away.


In the sky, Dong Yibao’s eyes flashed in horror. Until the old woman completely lost the trace in the distance, he reacted. The old woman actually abandoned the hundreds of thousands of people below and ran away. !

Among the women in the purple suit, one of them was moving and chasing the old woman.

The other two were attacked by Dong Yibao and the two middle-aged people.

Under the feet of the woman in purple clothes, the black devil with a height of fifty or sixty meters was also shot in an instant.

A snarling roar, his arms just stretched slightly, and a strange force suddenly fluctuated.

That is a very strange magnetic field power. Originally, the demon who usually reached the peak of Platinum can use this magnetic field force initially, and can resist the true effect and so on.

But after reaching the diamond, this magnetic field power is horrified by many times.

For example, now, this dark demon is only slightly stretched out of the arm. Some humans who are more than 20 meters away from it are sucked in and can't help but be held in their hands.

"No... no, I don't want to die!!!"

The four men struggled in the hands of the demon, but the old woman had already left. The middle-aged man in the sky and the owner of Dongyibao were both entangled. At this time no one was qualified to save him.

Only heard a "beep" sound, these people were directly pinched by the dark devil into a meat sauce.

This is just the beginning. This demon with the strength of diamonds kills twenty or thirty people in a step, like a tiger into the flock. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of people are killed in its hands.

After Ye Che killed more than a dozen abyss demons, the body of this demon was also printed in Ye's eyes.

It stands to reason that Ye Che should circumvent it, but at this moment, Ye Xue looked into its gaze, and the killing in the meantime was strong to the extreme.

Yes, Ye Che has an idea for it. He wants to kill it to get a huge segmental force.

Thus breaking through the obstacles of the golden peak, reaching Platinum in one fell swoop!

Only when it reaches the platinum, Ye Che can only temporarily stagnate, and then with the degree of the original explosion, in order to qualify to the old woman.

Otherwise, in the case of so many human demons on the road, Ye Che could not track the old woman.

A battle with this diamond demon is inevitable!


The dark demon smashed and smashed, the tail vertebra swept, and hundreds of humans in front of it were swept away, leaving only a stream of blood.

Absolutely invincible, absolutely violent!

In this case, Ye Che has stepped forward to it step by step.

During the walk, the radiance of golden light and color gradually appeared on Ye Che.

Ps: ask for a ticket

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