This star is golden, but it is not a star, but a giant sword wrapped in the ultimate golden light. August 1 Chinese √ WWWW.く81くz√W. CoM

From its giant sword, to the giant sword, and less than one second, all its magnetic field power has already flocked behind him. At this time, there is no other way than to resist.

It is a demon, its most powerful weapon, its own body.

Once upon a time, its body has always been its most confident place, smashing the hills and the like, completely absent, but at this time, looking at the giant sword that rushed down, it has a feeling of fear in the bottom of its heart. .

This feeling of fear is the body's subconscious reaction, the most primitive fear of death.

"call out!"

The golden giant sword penetrated the space and pierced the time. When it fell to less than a kilometer, it disappeared directly from the air, and then appeared in the head wound of the black crocodile.

No one can react, just as the golden giant sword has been growing in the body of the black crocodile.

In the next moment, Ye Che, who had already disappeared, was as fascinating as the giant sword, and appeared in the top of the black crocodile.

"how is this possible!!!"

The eyes of countless people are falling off. If they are not mistaken, Ye Che’s disappearance is another move...


The black crocodile was stung by the top of the head, and it was almost mad.

I have to say that it has a half-step iv strength, it is terrible, in this case did not die immediately, but the arm lifted, want to pull out the giant sword in the head.

But in the next second, it appeared Ye Xue, who appeared on his head out of thin air.

"Damn bug, I want to tear you!!"

The black crocodile king really hated Ye Che at this moment, regardless of the giant sword on the top of his head, but his hands were like a fly, a coincidence.

The horrible wind swayed from the hands of the black crocodile.

"Flash, flash!"

Far away, the Tianlan team and others, as well as the Oriental Jian, shouted.

"Can't flash, this is the last chance!"

In Ye Che's eyes, there was a decision. After using that trick, he now felt the energy in the skin and the power of the body in the body, and rushed.

At the same time, the skin began to crack, and the terrible sequelae quickly began.

No longer hesitating, the virtual sword of the black crocodile's head suddenly disappeared and appeared in Ye Che's hand.


Ye Che did not look at the arms that came together, and there was a burst in his mouth.

"De Masia, Justice!!!"


The virtual sword is shaking wildly, and a dazzling golden light is rushing.

At the same moment, the dexterous cloak of Ye Che’s body also flashed a dazzling blue light.


The black crocodile sees this blow, already knows that he can't hide, and he can't help but reveal the color of madness.

At this moment, the black disc behind the skull is even more flaming.


Destroyed and ruined, crit of Demasia's sixth layer of true ignorance of space, directly broke through the defense of the black crocodile, and cut down from the wound in the brain.

Countless people have a big glance at this moment, and the stunned eyes can't hide it.

The peak of gold, actually killing the diamond, this is simply...

It’s scary to kill their baby.

Generally speaking, if you are in a leap-level battle, it is generally a small segment. Even if it is a genius, the maximum two or three is good.

And those heroic geniuses in the heroic city, after coming to the East and other places, can fight more and more.

After all, the skills of combat, as well as the systematic use of hero skills, are unmatched by the Eastern Region, but now, what they saw, gold and diamonds!

The second step in the middle is more than two!

Time, at this moment, like a freeze, countless people are stupid in the same place, the demons, this moment also stunned, watching his king standing there and crumbling, and then "bang" and slammed on the ground.

"Dead... dead!?"

Some people are afraid to ask questions.

How many thousands of demons in that moment, so dead? ? ?

When these people were unbelievable, Ye Che had already fallen cold from the air.

In the last second, the black crocodile's slap, from his own head, is only a line apart, and later, I am afraid that the fall is the end of the same.


Ye Che fell to the ground, breathing deeply, and his body was exhausted.

But at this time, there was a sudden and almost familiar voice, and the voice was Shi Jin.

Ye Che turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. He looked at Shi Jin’s face and shouted: "Get off!"


Ye Cheyi, he was too tired at this moment, coupled with the sequela of the move, he couldn’t move around.

When it was said that it was too late, Ye Che was still resisting the feeling of weakness sent from the whole body. A very fierce wind rushed from the ear.


The power of Thunder!

Ye Che did not have any reaction, and was swept away by this force.

Suddenly, Ye Che only felt that his body completely lost consciousness, huge shocks and pains, as if exploding, bursting in his mind, crazy impact on every corner of his body, a complete body It seems that if you are born, you will be torn apart by the shocking force of this shock...

And his body shape was directly smashed into the void by this huge force. It was like playing golf. It was shot by this force, blood was scattered, and strong winds continued from every part of his body. The place was filled, and his vision and consciousness became somewhat blurred.

In the ambiguity, he was able to see it vaguely. The black crocodile that had thought to have died was actually screaming in the sky, but because the vocal cords were smashed, there was no sound.

Looking at its body, Ye Che has already thought of what he is taking, and it is the tail vertebra of the black crocodile.

"It's a tenacious vitality..."

After Ye Che was thrown to the ground, he coughed and whispered.


The black crocodile once again fell to the ground again, this time, it is forever.

"Ye Che!!!!!"

Dongfang Jian, Shi Jin also has several masters, anxious to Ye Chuchong.

At this time, Ye Che’s image was too ruined, and the clothes on the upper body had already been pumped.

Bloody, bloody, and just drawn, purple scary.

It is also a side of the ground while coughing up blood.

This kind of image, seeing all the experts around Ye Che, face each other, can't bear it.

Just they did not dare to pass.

For them, diamonds are legendary beings. In the past, they are just dead words.

They are no more than those soldiers, and in this case they do not have to listen to the instructions of the city.

So now that I see Ye Che’s face, I can’t help it.

"Ye Che, nothing!?"

Dong Bangjian helped Ye Che, and asked quickly.

"Cough and cough..."

Ye Che coughed, while wiping the blood of a corner of his mouth, his voice hoarsely said: "Don't worry about me, first take them through the demon defensive circle, otherwise it will be trapped."

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