League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 644: Death ruling opened

Seeing the state of Ye Che seems to be pretty good, the Oriental Jian puts his heart down, and immediately the face appears to be happy, said: "Just you suddenly disappeared and there is a trick, it is flashing, I did not expect that you have been trained in the golden section! !! This technique, I always thought it was exclusive to diamonds, I have never seen anyone below the diamond!"

Ye Che smiled and didn't answer, but shook his head. √八一中文网WくwW★. ★8く1くzW. CoM

"Of course you haven't seen it, because you dare to use it, it's all dead!"

Shi Jin came over and looked at Ye Che with a brow.

"All dead!?"

Dongfang Jian and the encirclement, a group of people who protected Ye Che.

"Do you think that the flash is so easy to use? The first condition that can be used to flash is that the true level reaches the sixth layer, so that the space can be understood and used initially, but the body below the diamond cannot resist the shuttle space. The tears brought, so for centuries, the geniuses who barely used this trick are dead!"

Shi Jin said, looking at Ye Che inexplicably.

"Reassured, with my body, I can't die, I am at most sinned."

After Ye Che finished, suddenly snorted, subconscious, everyone looked at Ye Che's bare arms and so on.

Soon, they are now in the body of the Ye Che arm and other places, faintly cracked.


Everyone feels awkward.

At this time, a warm current entered Ye Che's body, like an introduction, this warm current began to fly and grow, and then turned into a general presence like the waves, and went against the barrier of the golden peak.

"It’s finally started..."

Ye Che’s eyes are bright.

But suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky. A figure was like a meteor, and the sky flew down from the sky.


The dust was flying, and the suffocating sorrow came from it.

When the dust settled, Ye Che and others saw that a middle-aged man stood up from the inside and twitched.

His right arm has disappeared completely.

When Ye Che’s look changed, she suddenly looked up at the sky, and the remaining middle-aged man yelled at the traitor and was directly held in the hands of the two purple women.

Further away, Ye Che saw the figure of Dong Yibao's mad escaping.

Ye Che's eyes flashed a trace of doubts. The next two seconds, the two purple women, suddenly pointed their eyes at themselves, and then after a pause, they flew directly.

"not good……"

Ye Che was surprised.

He dared to shoot before, because the two purple women were entangled in human power, but I couldn’t think of this for just a few minutes, and the human side lost.

"3 dozens of 2 are still being defeated so quickly, not normal..."

Ye Che's thoughts, combined with the words of the traitor that the middle-aged man took out, instantly thought of something.

"East One Fort, you are really heartbroken to kill me!"

Ye Che's expression is inconspicuous, no matter whether this black crocodile is killed by himself, the purpose of these two purple women to come here is probably to hold themselves.

Therefore, it is no longer important for the black crocodile to die. The owner of Dongyibao is just a coincidence.

The woman in purple drunk the middle-aged man, slowly falling, and then stared at Ye Che.

The strong people around, except Shi Jin, are all taking a step back.

The pressure of the two diamonds is so great that no one dares to face it.

"Ye Che?"

One of the two purple women, one of the faint openings.

Now is not awkward, Ye Che nodded, and directly cut off: "Yes, I am..."

"Not bad... you are so good!"

The woman in purple said, her eyes swept across the body of the black crocodile and Ye Che, and then returned to Ye Che, revealing a hint of appreciation.

"No wonder the ontology will look at you, let us go."

After all, one of the women in purple has no choice but to look back. The other, but has already approached Ye Che, intends to take it directly.

"and many more……"

Ye Che's face was a bitter smile, saying: "I'm afraid I can't walk away, I just used the flash, I'm afraid I won't be able to live, I will die."

Next to the Oriental Jian, Shi Jin and others, this is a strange look at these two purple women.

I can't think of why the diamonds would be interested in Ye Che. Later, I thought that it might be too horrible for Ye Che to kill half a step, so it attracted their curiosity.

When I was thinking about what to do, I suddenly heard Ye Che not panic, and spoke a lie, and it felt a little weird.

However, they did not know that Ye Che’s appearance was calm, but his heart was already in a hurry.

"Five minutes... just five minutes..."

Ye Che’s heart was arrogant and arrogant. At this moment, the original force of the segment has broken through the obstacles. The countdown to the death ruling has already sounded in the ear. As long as it lasts for five minutes, it will sneak into the gantry.

If you are left behind, the whole body is restrained, even if the promotion is successful, there is no room for resistance.

When I was brought back to the "base" by these purple women, Ye Che was afraid that it would be useless even if she rose to a diamond. The ghost knew how many terrible things there would be.

Even, there is the body of the hero. When I think of it, Ye Che is creepy.

This is not a joke. If the body of the beast is occupied by the body, it is really a life to die.

"Flash, die?"

At this time, one of the purple women's brows wrinkled, and looked at Ye Che's eyes up and down. After the now-clear and cracked body, the brow wrinkled deeper.

"Yes, in our humans, we want to use this summoner skill. Only diamonds can be used. Otherwise, the body can't bear it. I just forced the use of this skill, so I can kill the black crocodile, but the aftereffects...哎... ..."

Ye Che said, his face appeared like a souvenir, like the color of grief, it was the viewer who shed tears.

This acting, Ye Che gave himself 36o points, full of pride.


What do you think, another purple woman is just a faint sigh.


Ye Cheyi.

"It doesn't matter if you die, I am only responsible for taking you away, and it is better to die, so as not to waste my energy."

The words of the purple woman made Ye Che suddenly speechless, and this Nima did not play cards according to common sense.

However, it was only five minutes anyway, and Ye Che began to pull it up, but it was a slow-moving look that stood up and died, and seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind at any time.

At the same time, the countdown has been less than a hundred seconds.

Everyone was so embarrassed to watch Ye Che go to these two purple women, dare not make a sound.

These two women in purple clothes are not like human beings at first glance. At this time, the residuals of their own diamonds are caught, and no one dares to violate them.

Ye Che is still dragging his own wounds with multiple kinds of mixed Shi Jin, and then silently counts down the countdown.

Finally, when Ye Che swayed to the side of the woman in purple, a light that only Ye Che could see, cut through the sky and descend from the sky.

Death ruling, opened!

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