League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 650: Ready to kill

"Do not blame you, is the opposite way. August 1 Chinese network W ★ wW. ★ 81z く W. CoM"

Everyone knows that this wave is not the pot behind the road, and one understands it.

"Nothing, the small gun is the late stage. He gave him two people in the early stage. He is equipped with no matter how good it is. When I meet my big poodle, it is also the goods that have been landed for seconds!"

The poodle said that he had already reached the road and waited for the past point to go straight into the grass.

Then it was more decisive and flashed into the second paragraph of the grass.

Just waiting for him to kill, the nasty bear, started jj again.

"Haha, you are too weak, I have not shot yet, you are double killed!"

Looking at the words of the bear, the rest of the team of the poodle is still good, after all, I have already understood the virtue of this bear.

However, the killing of the poodle is getting stronger and stronger. After all, it is the same as playing wild, so it is mocked and too dignified.

"Go to death!"

The poodle, the killing, was completely vented on the side of the bear.

Ye Che’s order is Raven, and the purple one is Panson.

Pan Sen's q skills, in the early stage of consumption is very disgusting, but Raven's level 1 e shield, but it is completely worthy of Panson.

After 6th, in the face of Raven's q-leveling a, passive is not enough to see, so he played Raven, also to target Panson.

This game is because of the Kelly point in the road, so before the 6th level, Raven played very steady.

Just a quiet patch, then use e to resist Panson's q skills.

At the 2nd level, I inserted an eye in the triangular grass to prevent being caught.

But wherever expected, the poodle has long been a set for catching people, directly from the back of their defense tower into the grass, and then flash into the second grass.

At this time, as Panson ignited and stunned, and the poodle slammed out from the grass, even if he handed over the flash, he did not escape. After all, there were only two levels, and the poodle had red buff and imprisonment.

"The road is dead."

Cold air opening.

"I know that it is estimated that the poodle is winding the grass."

Ye Che glanced at Raven's eye position and guessed the gank way of the poodle.

Raven’s eyes were definitely seen by Panson to remind the poodle, nothing wrong.

"Go online directly!"

Ye Che’s mouth smirked and said.

The cold wind glanced at the equipment in the small gun inventory, and his own equipment, and snorted, saying: "There are two "auxiliary" routines under the road, and you want to lose money."

In the Ye Che article column, there is a demon code and a murder ring. Before the Dolan sword, it is natural to prevent the opposite side from being suspicious, but now, there is no need to worry about anything.

Yes, Ye Che is the only way to play a small cannon. A demon code kills the ring, it is just an appetizer.

As for the hammer stone, there is a sword in the inventory, and a fighting glove, this is as adnetbsp; after the real eyes of the two people, they go down the road.

Before, after the two killed, they did not push the line.

Instead, you can go back to the city directly, so that you can continue to suppress with Levin and Jura at the same time. As always, you can continue to suppress.

Sure enough, with the appearance of 徳莱文 and 婕拉, the small cannon and the hammer stone also appeared in front of the two.

"What is the use of the routine, and it will be meaningless if it is targeted by our poodle!"

Levin looked coldly at the small cannon and thought about it.

But this time he learned the trick, and first looked at the outfit of the small cannon and the hammer stone.

A look at the demon code and the killing ring lying in the small gun equipment bar, can not help but see.

Still thinking about what this is, I saw a shadow, descending from the sky, and then straightly facing my head.

"This little gun!"

徳Lie Wen roared, how could this be played, Nima just came online, his axe had not been thrown, this small cannon sat down.

You know, the skill of the small gun, the distance of jumping is great, and the range of the policewoman is far away?

However, the distance of the skill of the small cannon is farther away.

"Rocket jump!"

"Explosion sparks!!"

Ye Che controlled the small cannon to sit down, 徳Lie Wen's "唰", the direct one-third of the blood is gone, the law of the demon code killing ring, making the damage of the small gun skills, in this period Extremely horrible.

Especially Levin, it is only level 1.

Then, the e-skill of the small cannon also fell on the 徳莱文, and immediately opened the crazy flat a mode.

When I saw that it was not good, I quickly came to support.

However, Hammer Stone has already arrived, and after pulling a root of entanglement, he did not dare to stop, and quickly turned and left.

The same is true of Levin, even if he doesn’t dare, he will directly support the flat a of the small cannon and flee later.

This is not his jealousy, but he is very rational.

At this time, Lai Wen did not have a double call, nor did he have to go to level 2.

He grasped the hook of the hammer stone, grasped only 5o, escaped, can breathe a sigh of relief, but did not escape, but to surrender his life.

However, although it ran away, but Levin's head has been shining with violent light.

That is the e-skill of the small cannon, and it will be exploded soon.

I have just been a small gun for three times, because there is no full damage, so I did not directly blow it up.

But now that 4 seconds have arrived, the e-skills of the small guns are automatically blown up.


A bang sounded, and Levin's blood volume plummeted, leaving only one-third of the blood in the blink of an eye.

The small cannon has three equal ae skills, and this damage is shocking.

"This, back off!!!"

No need to think too much, and Levin and Jura retired again.

The small cannon and the hammer stone began to be happily controlled.

"call out!"

Soon, with the rush of light, the small cannon and the hammer stone have three levels.

And Levin and Jura, can only nest under the tower, with a level 1 residual willow body, look at it.

"How does Nima play!!!"

Lai Wen and Gola looked at each other and were dumbfounded.

After playing for so many years, they have never seen such awkward situation. They have been beaten by the tortoise and are not afraid to show their heads.

The large displacement distance of the small guns made them even dare not experience!

The hammer stone stood in front of the soldier, staring at the green hooks, staring at them coldly.

While letting them feel wrong, they feel a little weak.

Thunder roaring everyone: "Oh, you look down the road and even the defensive towers are afraid to come out, really weak chicken, or I will hang up to give you a chance!?"


"Is this person dead?"


Everyone in the purple party is furious, but they are sensible on the surface, one by one.

However, the eyes turned to the road, and I saw that Levin and the tortoise were not able to come out under the tower.

"What the **** are you doing!!"

The sound of Panson on the road became cold.

Seeing that the opposite side of the road must be level 4, and that one's own way is only level 1, how can he not be angry.

"You look at the clothes they are going out of the way..."

婕 sighed.

All the teammates heard the words, and they opened the cannon and hammer stone inventory, and suddenly ignored each other.

"This is to want to use the small gun as a pure ap to fight, and the hammer stone to play adc, and then to take the head of the child!?"

"It's really strong to play this way. If the small gun is out of the ap, there is no advantage, but after getting the advantage of the human head, the instant damage will explode!"

There was a slap in the eyes of the purple people.

The poodle said without hesitation: "Zhongdan and I come together, and go down the road to suppress a wave, otherwise, Levin and Jura will be abolished!"

"it is good!"

The purple side of the single card should be heard, he is doing this.

Then, after the poodle cleaned up the three wolves in his hand, he and the card came down the road.

"Ready to kill!"

At the same moment, Ye Che suddenly faintly opened.

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