League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 651: Hard to catch

At this time, the small cannon and the hammer stone have both come to the fourth level, but the line just can't control it, and began to go to the purple square defense tower. Gossip Chinese website W√wW. 81zW. CoM

This is a big wave of the ranks, and it is impossible for Levin and Jura to give up.

Coupled with the fact that the cards and the poodles have been supported, they have no reason to leave.

"The road is gone, the card is gone."

Ye Che’s middle single, the Voidwalker said.

Ye Che nodded, sighed.

When the card came down the road, he had already thought of it, and he also knew that it was impossible for the card to come down alone, otherwise it would have no effect.

That is to say, the poodle is also here.

However, the emotions of Ye Che and the cold wind did not fluctuate at all. Both of them were experienced people who had a strong attack on the tower. In particular, they had level 4, while the other side only had level 1 and the summoner had no skills. If you don't die, don't mix.

"Shasha Shasha..."

The two stepped on the grass and walked into the purple defensive tower along with the Dabo line.

Just because I haven't attacked Levin and Jura, the defensive tower didn't start to output heroes.

With the approach of the small cannon and the hammer stone, Jura and Levin are close to the defensive tower. Although there is a hint of fear, they still hope to turn over this wave.

"Then I went."

Cold air opening.

"Well, you are the first!"

After Ye Che finished speaking, he began to move closer to Lai Wen.

If the tower is strong and kills, it is very technically necessary. The defensive tower will only attract hatred from the hero who first shot. If the hero is out of the defensive tower's range, or uses the skills of instant disappearance, etc., the defensive tower will be Attack the next hero.

At this time, the hammer of the cold wind, after inserting a jewelry eye behind the triangular grass on the left side of the purple square tower, came out to shoot.

The two people are extremely fast and do not hesitate. The hammer stone is first attacked by a common attack. The small gun is connected with the e-skill "explosion spark" and flat a.

"It started to be strong."

徳 Levin and 婕 拉 pupil shrink, looking at the direction of the card dog, is already in the dragon.

"Support, stick to it!"

徳Leven and Jura are desperately twisting their bodies, for fear of being hit by a hammer.

And sure enough, the hammer stone's arm moved, a green thing was smashed out.

The two men still tightened their bodies and saw that they were just lanterns. They could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, but see the body of the small cannon, suddenly leaping, and then squatting on the body of Levin.

Almost at the moment when Levin was reduced, the hook of the hammer stone also came out, and he directly smashed Levin.

"Fast, bound!"

Levin reminded loudly.

It is not necessary for Levin to say that the root of the entanglement of the scorpion has been thrown out.

The scarlet vines spread in the ground, and when they saw the small guns entangled, the small cannons were slightly on the hammered lanterns, and they flew straight.

It turned out that the hammer stone did not stimulate the second section of the hook, but had already left the defensive tower hatred. This point of the small gun just flew out and came to the hammer stone.

Then, the two did not look at Levin, but walked into the purple defensive tower again and fled to one of the towers.

Because of the view of the hammer stone, the card and the poodle have been seen, and they are rushing from the area below the purple square buff.

"Haha, this is a clever woman who can't be without rice. If you have a second grade, you can drag them to support, but now it's not what it is!"

The cold wind laughed, the cards and the poodle, if they walked down the road, the hammer stone and the small gun ran from the triangular grass.

If you grab the triangle grass, they will run from the road.

Separately, the poodle is not flashing, so just go to the card and start.

That way the poodle can't support it. If the poodle is cut, the card can flash to support.

At the same time, there was a scream in front of the purple square tower, and Levin was smashed by the e of the small gun.

The level 2 and level 2 e hammer stone has a skill, and the level 1 徳 文 扛 扛 扛 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"Mom, this kill is too fast!"

The poodle said indignantly, looking at the half-blooded stone and the small cannon that had lost a quarter of the blood, and escaped from under his own eyelids, it was a bit unwilling.

"Forget it, the road is not used!"

婕 叹 sigh, this small cannon and hammer stone, it is not good to play.

The small cannon could have killed the displacement, plus the lantern stone, the killing is not too simple.

"You open the situation from other roads. The ids of other roads are very strange. The stage is estimated to have no diamonds. We will resist the pressure!"

Levin also said sensibly, there is no good result in death, and it is a wise choice to open the rhythm on other roads.

"it is good!"

The card and the poodle nod.

Then both of them pointed their way to the middle of the road, but the road was not easy to catch, but a virtual walker who did not reach level 6, only a flash displacement, can still catch.

After making a look, seeing the cards and the poodle have gone, the two began to mix and experience in the road.

This suspected ap cannon will come to a qualitative leap at 6th level.

Soon, Lai Wenwen also came online.

However, because Lai Wen came to level 2 in an instant, Ye Che did not kill the mind. Unless he reached 6, or the hammer stone could be hooked, he would open the card and have the opportunity to escape the cannon. of.

If you learn e, the same is true, the reaction is fast enough, and even the small cannon that descends from the sky can be interrupted with e-skills.

When Ye Che sees that Levin does not open the knife when he fills the knife, he knows that he should learn e for a little insurance.

So began to play with suppression, until the 6th level.

As soon as I saw the small cannon 6, I wouldn’t say anything about Levin and Jura.

Needless to say, the 6-level ap cannon has such a large deterrent.

The big gun's big move is a 1 to 1 bonus for the law, that is, if your law has 1ooo, then the big move will also add 1ooo of additional magic damage.

Seeing that Levin and Jura are so embarrassed, Ye Che smiles and does not speak, and immediately retreats back to the city.

Then I bought a bee sting, but the money from the synthesis of the tooth is a few hundred.

After the teeth of the Shishi, the small gun will explode, and the continuous output has a continuous output, so that the price/performance ratio will be raised to the extreme.

At the moment, the data of both parties has come to 3:3.

The blue square 3 heads are all small cannons, while the purple side, under the efficient gank of the poodle and the card, Raven died twice, and the Voidwalker died once.

As for the bear, because he was too eye-catching in the early stage, he led to Panson, the single-card and the like, and he kept him in mind all the time.

This made him a valid gank, did not reach.

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is still huge.

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