League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 652: Golden exclamation mark

"Hammerstone, you go down the road, the card is 6, I am going to catch him a wave. August 1 Chinese network W★w√W★.く8√1z★W√.CoM"

Ye Che said, controlling the small cannon and going to the big dragon.

Most people like to say that the card 6 is out, carefully caught, and Ye Che's favorite thing to do is the card 6 to catch him.

Walk through the river, close to the big dragon wall, then turn on and jump up, then quietly watching to resume cooling.

What is the gank that is forced, that is, every time the gank appears, it must be unexpected, so the probability of success will be greatly improved.

In order to drill the strength of i, I am afraid that both sides of the grass have eyes, and even the eye position is deep into the own wild area. In this case, Ye Che naturally has to go a little farther.

Looking at only half of the cooling, Ye Che walked through the purple red buff, and then circled, walked into the grass next to f4, and squatted down.

Looking at the level of the void, it did not reach level 6.

Very normal, after all, gank died once.

And that wave of gank, also in the case of the flood of the big wave, led to his great loss.

"But it doesn't matter, the gank of the small cannon, very few heroes can escape, at least this card can't hide!"

Ye Che shrugged and then said: "Void, up!"

As soon as the voice fell, a flash disappeared directly to the 4oo multi-code behind the card.

Listening to the sound of the "squeaky" at the back, the card was stunned, and the whole person had already flew up.

And the amount of blood, direct plunging nearly half!

This time, he was afraid of flying thousands of yards and was directly "boomed" to the face of the Voidwalker.

At this moment, the card reacted and he was gank by a small gun.

Without hesitation, the yellow card was cut in seconds and directed directly on the face of the Voidwalker. As soon as he turned around, he wanted to escape from the side.

But just two steps, the shadows came in vain.

"Jumping the Rock!"

The small cannon leaped high and then slammed down, and the card was struggling in an instant.

Not only that, but he is now, his blood is under the two skills of the small cannon, actually has blood.

And this is still e-skills did not explode, otherwise I am afraid that it has been seconds.

"Fast, earn an assist..."

Ye Che reminded me.

The Voidwalker nodded again and again, and then a ball hit the card.

Only a scene of incomparable embarrassment appeared, the ball is still in the air, the top of the card has been rumbling, and then screams, the card blood is zero.

The murder ring of the small cannon rose directly to the 6th floor.

The eyes of the Voidwalker are quick to kneel down and say, "How come so fast!"

Nima, he is so angry, the card was slammed into the front of the small gun, and he was trying to get his hand and was fixed by the card.

Just after recovery, even the q skills have gone halfway in the air, the cards are dead, and even the assists are not! !

"Oh, no way, the attack is too fast..."

Ye Che is also somewhat speechless.

When he jumped, the e-skills had already landed on the cards.

Then q skills plus attack and match the bee thorn, the four general attacks will be finished very quickly, it is an accident.

Nether is not angry at all, just surprised the damage of the small cannon.

Just as Ye Che controlled the small cannon and began to kill his own f4, the sound of Raven was killed on the road.

Ye Che looked at her eyes, and now the bear has already rushed in that direction, but the distance is still two or three flashes.

This is the gap between Platinum i and Diamond i. The two grasp the timing, and I will always take him one step faster.

"Bear, you are playing around the road, the cards don't have to worry about you."

Ye Che thought about it and said.

"Oh, ok, then I still don't want to ridicule?"

The bear asked a very cute words.

Ye Che smiled and said: "You have not achieved an effective gank, and ridicule will not have any effect. Instead, it will be treated as sb on the opposite side. Killing people and taunting it."

"Great God, I can't think of your thorough understanding of psychology."

The cold wind laughed.

"Generally average..."

Although Ye Che said so, but there is still a trace of memory in the eyes, remembered the psychologist's sister paper in the former team.

Go back to the city, synthesize the teeth of Nash, and then rush to the next road.

When the teeth of Nash come out, with the high amount of law, it will be the next time.

Like an angel, you still need to rely on equipment to increase the attack, but the small gun's q skills are open, which is equivalent to one more bee sting. This is still the case of q skill level 1.

Going back to the line, Lai Wen and Jura simply did not dare to approach the small gun 6oo code.

If it is an ad cannon, even if it has achieved such an advantage, at most it is also a lot of shoes and swords, and Lai Wen also dare to fight with the operation.

But Nima has a small cannon that has attacked and exploded. He dares to wave, and it is directly a second.

The road started to be peaceful, and the skills of squatting weak, smashing Levin, and so on, are all good, so they are not too taboo.

At the very least, the tower is still a dare.

Ye Che and Hammer Stone, from time to time to play missing, there are soldiers to come out to fill it, no, then retreat to the purple side without vision.

The card in the middle of the road is a bit anxious.

For the fifth time, the small cannon and hammer stone that went down the road disappeared for the fifth time.

1o seconds...15 seconds... 2o seconds...

The middle road card realized that it was wrong, and disappeared for so long, it is impossible to wait for the line.

"not good!"

The card is not a master. If you open the big move directly, you want to fly away.

But the next second, a creepy feeling came to my heart, this small cannon and hammer stone, there are only two flashes away from me.

"What, especially, paying for labor, whether I am a card or you are a card!"

The card is so drunk that I can't do it. I want him to play cards. When the big move starts, it will make countless people feel sorrowful, and the existence of countless violent lines will not only have a chance to fly off the road, but also get off the road. Used as a cash machine.

But fortunately, the poodle has long noticed that the road disappeared for too long, and it is not far from the middle road.

"call out!"

At this point, the Voidwalker is afraid that the card will open and fly away, and the direct move will be displaced to the eq level.

"You can kill one!"

The card is a bite, he can't go away, but he can change a void walker!

This hammer stone he knows is professional. Even if he has a flash, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. It has nothing to do with the position, it is completely skill crushing.

If you dare to fly directly, the small gun must be interrupted by a big move.

Therefore, it is better to let the poodle get up, wait for a second cannon!

Thought of this, on the top of the card, the color of the board jumped.

Fiery red, icy blue, dazzling gold, this moment is like a waltz.

The card does not have a direct gold stun shot, because the poodle is still some distance away.

"The card is still not going!?"

Hammer stone and Ye Che are both smashed, the cards are flashing, and they don't go, and they don't open big moves. Then there is only one possibility, and the opposite side is coming!

"Nether, flashing, dangerous!"

Cold wind burst!

The words have not been finished yet, a golden exclamation mark appears on the head of the Voidwalker. At the same time, the color of the top of the card is fixed in vain, the golden card! ! !


Ye Che gave a low voice, and the cold wind no longer hesitated. He flashed directly behind the lantern and hooked it to the soldier. The small gun had been displaced by a lantern for seven or eight hundred yards and came to the side of the hammer stone. The distance from the card is less than one hundred yards.

This is why the card does not flash away.

When the small cannon is approached by this, and then open and skip to reduce, the card can not escape.

After all, there is still a void who is not eating rice.

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