League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 664: Change the sixth

"No. 7 collar?"

No. 8 and No. 9, all looking towards the purple collar. Bayi Chinese Network W√wWく.く8★1★zW. ★C★oM


A flash of anger in the eyes of the purple collar, yes, the order she got was brought back to the target.

This is the first goal, and naturally it cannot be abandoned.

But now, because Ye Che's weirdness has made her feel a little tricky, in order to prevent it, she plans to pursue it at the same time.


Four figures, galloping on the lake.

"Sure enough!"

Ye Che’s heart was cold, and originally, the fire nucleus in his body was almost completely cracked.

However, because the power of the segment is used for other purposes, the nucleus of the fire pole is not completely split, and it has been kept in a semi-cracked shape, and the body is ups and downs.

"How long does it take to escape first? It can't escape, fight again!"

Ye Che bite his teeth and open the "fatal blow" in the air.

Behind him, the degree of the three women in purple has also increased to the extreme.

The strong degree of Ye Qing’s current Platinum position is enough to support him to fly in full force in a short period of time, so for a time, three women in purple are still unable to catch up.

"Hey, you don't believe in a little platinum, you can turn the sky!"

The purple collar was cold and cold, and the flight in the back waited for the slowness of Ye Che.

And soon, Ye Che is already almost unable to support it.

After all, he is only platinum, although the power of the position is strong enough, then Nima is flying, the power of the segment is simply rising geometrically, and it is full flight, for a long time, simply can not hold.

Finally, Ye Che stopped at a lighthouse.

"Run, isn't it very ok? Why don't you run!?"

The three women in purple were almost only three or four seconds slower than Ye, and they arrived.

They don't have any loss at all, because diamonds have a field, and the power of the ranks can be completely extracted from the field. If the control is good, there is no problem in flying for a few days and nights.

But platinum is different, it is consumed, and it takes a lot of time to recover.

After Ye Chewen heard a word, he did not say it.

It is still a "fatal blow". Since these women have the power of the ranks, they can be silenced.

However, Ye Che’s attack was just approaching, and he felt the strange fluctuations around the body of the purple woman. The moment when the “fatal blow” was blocked by the purple woman’s claws, whether it was silence or the additional damage attached, did not touch.

Ye Che will understand in an instant, this is the same as the magnetic field of the black crocodile, the self-sufficiency of the diamond can also withstand the added effect of the true.

Want to break through, unless you also reach the diamond, own the field.


The purple collar was low and the three diamonds shot at the same time.

In the meantime, there was a tremendous pressure and it was on the heart of Ye.

Not only that, but the sound of the wings screaming suddenly came from a distance, it was a flying demon, rushed over.

Ye Che's face changed dramatically. At this moment, only one left side was missed, and the right shoulder was shot by a purple woman.

The force of the squatting position exploded, Ye Che only felt that the whole body had been shocked, and the whole person had already flew out.

In exchange for ordinary platinum, you can directly be slap in the palm of your hand.

However, Ye Che's current physical fitness is too strong, and this blow has little impact. Even Ye Che is still using this power to smash a flying demon against himself.


A **** fly, the flying demon screamed and fell from the air, attracting countless people to look up.

"Look, there are people on the lighthouse!!!"

Among the dozens of escaped people, some people exclaimed.

The rest, quickly looked up.

After seeing the three women in the air floating in the air, they all sucked in the air.

Suspended from the air, diamonds!

This is actually three diamonds, and these three diamonds seem to be besieging a young man...

These people’s eyes suddenly screamed, and the young man was actually besieged by three diamonds.


In the air, the aftermath of the battle continued to spread in the void, and many flying demons who fought against Ye Che were smothered by him.

With more and more flying demons slamming down, finally everyone below has been fighting in midair, watching the movements of the three purple women and the young man fighting in midair, and the power of the squatting Everyone is surprised first, then sluggish, and then collapses...

Diamonds... actually three diamonds! ! !

Usually, the eastern region is even hard to see the peak of Platinum, but now, there are three diamonds.

Even more ridiculous is that these three diamonds are besieging so platinum!

"If you don't have a hand, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

The purple collar is impatient. If it is not afraid of attacking Ye Che’s head, if she accidentally kills it directly, she has already cooperated with two other purple women and screwed Ye Xue’s head down.

Ye Che continued to break through without saying a word, "Shugang flash", "step before the squat", "fatal blow", "courage", and "10,000 arrows Qi" and other heroic skills, and then started.

But in front of it is a full three diamonds, he is difficult to escape.

At this time, one did not pay attention, and the foot that was carrying the force of the diamond segment hit the chest, causing Ye Che to fall backwards and smashed through a shop.

But in the next second, Ye Che flew again in the air, and the back did not return to the distance.

"The stubbornness!"

The purple collar was cold and her patience was finally exhausted.

And just as they planned to sacrifice the field, under the sky, a soldier wearing a high-ranking military uniform, with a large number of soldiers, appeared from below.

When the soldier arrived, his fingers pointed at the three women in purple, and shouted: "Laser gun, Vulcan gun, ready!"

Along with his drink, a large number of soldiers behind him smashed the gun and filled it with gunfire.

"Align the target, shoot." The eyes of the soldiers flashed in the eyes of death, and the palm of the hand slammed.


Above the void, the sound of the emptiness sounded, and a large group of black clouds, with the poles that pierced the space, covered the distance of the woman in the purple dress more than ten meters away.

When the three women in purple were going to spend energy to start the field, they suddenly heard the sound of the broken sound coming from below, and they didn’t want to think about it. The palms stretched out and the purple light exploded: “Purple field!”


It was like changing the sky, and the whole sky was darkened. Instead, it was a space made of purple soil.

The soldiers had just shot and saw that the surroundings suddenly changed, and they could not help but exclaim.

Only just shouted out, the purple soil under their feet, suddenly turned over, and even buried them directly.

There were hundreds of soldiers in this group, including the officer. In a flash, they disappeared.

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