League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 665: The seventh of the strongest king's relics

"You really are damn!"

Ye Che, who was also blocked by the purple soil field, looked at the scene with red eyes and looked at the killing of the woman in purple, but she couldn’t hide it. August 1st ★ Wenwang W√wくW√. √8く1zくW. CoM

"Be careful about yourself first!"

The purple collar fainted, and the arm swung, rolling purple soil, and pressed against the leaves.

In the field, she is the absolute king.

Unless there is also a field on the opposite side, even if Ye Che’s power is ten times stronger, there is no egg to use. This is the rule of restraint!

Looking at the purple soil that came over like Taishan, there was a glimpse of Ye Qi’s eyes, and then I couldn’t resist it. I left this purple soil and wrapped myself into it.

"How good is it in the early days, it doesn't make me waste a lot of energy to move the field again."

The purple collar whispered to her, and the fingers were hooked, wrapping the purple soil of the leaves, and slowly drifted over to her.

Then, the purple soil stopped in front of her.

"No. 9, stun him, take away."

The purple collar said, turned back and intended to converge on the field.

It is a lot of energy to open the field all the time.

No. 9 nodded, but waiting for her to pass through the purple soil, the energy into the purple soil, when the stunned Ye Che, the entire purple soil, in vain become extremely hot.


On the 9th, I was surprised. I was planning to remind the purple clothing leader to stop the field, but it was too late.

With a bang, the purple soil field has been closed by the purple collar.

At the same moment, in this group of purple soil, there was a dull explosion, a hot breath, and it reached its utmost.

In an instant, it is like a microwave explosion. This whole group of purple soil actually bursts open.


A fiery figure flickered, and then did not stop, shot in the distance.

"not good!"

The purple collar was shocked. I didn’t think that Ye Che would actually be separated from the purple soil wrapped in the field energy.

Unprepared, in a flash, Ye Che flew hundreds of meters away.


The purple collar finally got angry, just closed the field and started again!

Only this time, the purple soil field has just touched Ye Che, and when he wants to include Ye Che, there is a burst of "disintegration", and then a rebound, the field of purple soil is actually bounced.

"How is it possible, this guy!?"

There was a faint glimpse of the purple collar.

"Lead, what happened?"

Asked on the 8th.

"He...he has a real power in the field. How is this possible?"

The purple collar gaze at this moment is strange to the extreme.

However, it was too late to think about it. Seeing that she was about to lose Ye Che’s figure, she immediately pursued it.

Hundreds of meters away, Ye Che is full of surprise colors.

Before his desperation, he intended not to resist, but to fight the power of the whole body to assimilate the fire of the original body, but did not expect that the fire of the original body just split, a full of energy to the extreme, has swept the whole body .

This kind of energy is not strange to Ye Che.

It is like the East First Fort, the purple woman, and the old woman's field atmosphere.

It's just that the breath is extremely weak, just like a baby.

"I understand... I finally understand what this hot element is, and it turns out to be the original embryo of a field space!!!"

Ye Che is overjoyed. It is no wonder that this fire crystal nucleus can capture the power of the East First Fort, which is itself a germ of a field.

Moreover, it seems that this field is extremely advanced, otherwise it is impossible to capture the field power of Dongyibao in the embryo stage.

Now, it is also possible to bounce off the purple soil of the woman in purple.

After Ye Dongbao’s main event, Ye Che has consulted countless fields when he was in the sewer.

Once the segment reaches the diamond, it can begin to breed. In this field, the power of the diamond is needed to breed, and the various materials of the same nature can be gradually developed.

Once successful, even the smallest 100-meter field can completely crush platinum, and how much can be killed.

But there is another way to gain access to the field, that is, to get the domain germs of the fallen strong, but this probability is almost smaller than the lottery, and it can even be said that there is no one in the billion.

Because the first basic condition for the formation of the field germ is the strength of the fallen, the king...the strongest king! ! !

Thinking of this, Ye Che is a big shock, is this fire crystal nucleus, turned out to be a king of the king behind, the formation of the field germ! ?

No wonder it takes 700,000 points to get it. This thing is related to the strongest king! ! !


Suddenly, Ye Che’s body trembled. He only felt that in the void, a huge invisible object slammed into himself and seemed to pull himself in.

But the fiery red energy that has been lingering on the surface of Ye Che's body is just a stir, and an invisible wave spreads out. The force that pulls Ye Che is suddenly offset.

The leaves are finely felt, and it seems that there is a space of two meters in size, which invisibly covers itself.

In this space, there is an empty space, only the outer layer is dotted with a faint flame.

It’s wonderful to be able to hide it at any time, and to make it appear at any time.

Now, it is this that resists the invasion of the purple collar purple space.


This time, Ye Che’s eyes showed endless vitality. Before that, he was only planning to delay, to see if he could delay to the heroic city.

Now, it has a great confidence in escaping.

Purely for diamonds, Ye Che is not afraid. After all, with his current physical quality and the strength of the position, he can fully fight one or two.

Ordinary diamond v, it is the grasp of killing.

"I feel that this kid is wrapped up in a miniature field two meters away. This micro-field is extremely tough, and my purple soil space can't be broken for a while!"

The purple collar is very unnatural, and the unbelievable color left in the eyes has not completely subsided.

Just kidding, with her knowledge, I have never heard of diamonds who have a field below.

Now, the kid who has just graduated from Platinum has a micro-field, and this micro-field is very extraordinary under one touch.

She didn't even say it. When attacking this miniature field, she felt a sense of trepidation in her heart, just like what was there.

"No matter what, chase!"

After the purple collar slammed the strange feeling of the bottom of the heart, all of them chased the past.

On the 8th and 9th, there was no hesitation.

But they are now, this time, not far from the galloping flying kid, it is like playing hormones, but there is no feeling of exhaustion of energy, has been flying all the way.

In a twinkling of an eye, the East City has already been out! ! !

"After owning the field, the field can automatically convert energy infinitely. The supply flight is completely enough. If it is a general micro-field, it doesn't matter, the conversion ability is not strong... but his miniature field seems to be very weird. It’s hard to do!”

The purple collar was dark and indulged, looking out of Dongyucheng, and Ye Che, who did not stop, his face sank completely.

At the same time, it is to catch Ye Che, which has a lack of confidence. Just arrived in Platinum, you can have a micro-field, which is simply a large atmospheric transport!

Generally, people who are transported by the atmosphere, unless they die by themselves, are completely dead!

Ps: Seven ends, ask for everything

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