League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 686: 2 years old


The white robe man faintly opened. Eight ★ one ★ Chinese network WwW. 81zW. CoM

"The more order mode, the more difficult the challenge!!!"

The sound of a word of dreams and a word of mouth said.

The white robe man was shocked and his face was surprised for the first time. He asked: "What do you say, the more difficult the challenge!? He dares to open the challenge!"

"Yes, and I think he seems to be familiar with the more difficult challenges. It is estimated that this kind of thing is more than once."

In a dream, he ignored the look of the white robe man and continued: "As for the end of the challenge, the end of the game is that I will lose again without accident."

This time, the white robe man showed a very interesting color, said: "Is it hurting you with Wei En?"

"No, it's Annie..."

A arrow into the face of the dream reveals a eager sensation, said: "This game, I lost the conviction of oral, in the case of not many rune talents, level 1 will use Anne to press my Weien to death, after that It is a terror that shows many details."

"It seems that this person is indeed a bit out of place, adc is playing well, and the single is also so respectable to you..."

The white robe man's eyes flashed a little appreciation, after a little indulging, said: "Well, he will be handed over to you for recruitment, perhaps it will really make our team win a game, so at least not lose too ugly."


A trace of joy appeared on the face of a dream.

She came here mainly to get the support of the white robe man, so that she has the right to really set foot in the heroic city, otherwise it will be sent back without three days and four days.

After all, like her deputy head, he needs to command combat, and running without a task is no different from truancy, and will not be allowed.

"Right, what is his heroic fantasy id?"

The white robe man said, picking up a stack of demons at hand and starting to look.

"Oh, call 2o17."

I went back to my dreams and replied.

Just as soon as I left the exit, I realized that the atmosphere was very strange. When I turned around, I saw my brother, and suddenly I stared at myself. The eyes were just green at this moment.

"What the hell!"

One arrow into the dream of the hands of the chest, looking at his brother with a vigilant look.

The white robe man simply did not pay attention to the deliberate exaggeration of the action, but the boss of the eyes, asked incredulously: "What you just said, you said that the id of the person is 2o17!!!?"

"Yes, 2o17, what happened?"

One arrow went into a dream and asked questions.

"Nima, the problem is big, hahahahahahahaha!!!! Saved, the battle group is saved!!!"

The white robe man suddenly laughed when he heard a certain answer to the dream.

"My brother won't be inexplicably irritated!?"

A man with a strange look at the white robe man, his eyes reveal the color of inquiry.

The white robe man was mad at the beginning and walked around the house. He walked around and said something in his mouth.

"Brother, what are you doing, an id is not so exaggerated!?"

I couldn’t stand the mystery of my brother, and I couldn’t stand it.

"You are stupid, haven't you heard 2o17!?"

The white robe man looked up.

"I feel a little familiar, I guess I heard it, what happened?" Asked a dream.

"I am reminding, two months ago... the heroic fantasy world... the skill of God... the wind swordsman... the gods contend..."

The white robe man said and said, the eyes that have entered the dream are getting bigger and bigger.

"Ha ha ha ha, go, start the hero city together, these people, actually know you, my blessing, the blessing of the whole city of glory!!!!"

The white robe man was gloomy on his face, swept away and covered with red light.

The affiliated city of the Sky City is not only a city of glory, but his battle group has been cut and cut, and I can’t afford the slightest wind and waves.

So how can he not be anxious, but now that he knows that his younger sister knows these characters, he feels that the battle group is saved.

"Brother... I just met him, and people are not happy to help you fight or not."

One arrow into a nightmare, this time think of 2o17, is the character who created the skills of God, she suddenly picked up, after all, these characters are all eyes above the top, I do not know if he will help himself.

"I have to give it a try."

The white robe man said, walking straight outside, it seems that he can't wait.

Seeing it, there is no other way to enter a dream. I have to follow the past and intend to leave for the heroic city.

At the same time, the heroic fantasy world, in the heroic array, a person standing quietly.

“Hey, congratulations on the success of the 2o17 challenge.”

"Hey, congratulations to the 2o17 heroes who use the darkness of the 2ooo, you can choose two of the skills of shattering fire, burning, lava shield, use and inscription.

Or, choose one of them to increase the skill level selected. ”

“Hey, congratulations 2o17 for a legendary rating, 725o points!”

The long-lost "squeaky" sound echoed in Ye Er's ear.

Ye Che looked at the hero badge, and added another icon of a dark woman, could not help but smile.

Now he has a melee, a long-range, an assassin, and a legal hero, so that no matter what kind of environment, there is a means of enemies.

"Broken fire, incineration, and lava shield, lava shield is just a reduction and a small amount of magical damage. With my current physical fitness, there is no need to comprehend... the fire of the crack is the locking skill, and the burning is a wide range. Group attacking heroic skills, so it is extremely useful whether it is a single battle or a range of killing demons."

Thinking of this, Ye Che no longer hesitated, and directly said: "Choose the fire of breaking, burning!"

"The selection is complete, the hero is inscribed in the activation..."

"Activation is complete... skills begin to transfer..."

"Transmission is terminated. 2o17 is detected to obtain a legendary evaluation. It has the qualification of hero inheritance, the soul system starts, and the skill inherits! Inherited..."

The last sentence was just falling, and Ye Che’s body began to heat up.

At the same moment, the scene in front of the scene began to change.

I don't know how long it took, a stock that shook the clouds of amazement and compliment, fell into Ye Er'er.

"Genius, peerless genius!!!!!!!!"

"The level of enchanting is born, our voodoo land will be sung by the world!!!"

"Two years old, my god, only two years old, she tamed the shadow bear!"

"This is a combination of bloodlines and dark magic, this is amazing mystery energy!!!"

Countless people screamed and screamed under the stage.

Ye Che turns the angle of view, and it is surrounded by a dark black stone forest. The stone forest is full of strange light, and all kinds of strange plants are everywhere.

And "self" is standing on a dark stone platform nearly 100 meters high.

Below, there are tens of thousands of wizards in dark robes. These wizards are male and female and look mysterious.

But now, these wizards look at "self" with extremely fanatical eyes.

Ye Che's slight glimpse, and then turned his perspective to the "self" arm, is now extremely delicate and short, looks like a two- or three-year-old child's arm.

Looking at the opposite side, the opponent is an adult wizard, but this wizard, at this time, looked at himself with fear.

Ye Che soon found the thing that the adult wizard feared. It was a seven or eight-meter tall flaming bear! ! !


Ye Che himself sucked a cold breath, this Nima, Anne at the age of 2, can use the big move, summon the flame bear! ?

This talent... is simply! ! !

Ps: This talent inheritance will be very fast, it is estimated that it will be within two chapters. After all, Anne can be opened at the age of 2, and this talent is not in the League of Legends.

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