League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 687: Giant fireball

Not counting the countless people who are jubilant under the stage, and the adult wizards across from Annie are full of horror. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくW. 81zW. CoM

Anne had already waved her hand, and there was a strange secret energy in her hand. The shadow bear who roared to the adult wizard went straight into a bear-shaped doll and returned to her hand.

"Ha ha ha ha, even if the talent is higher, it is a child after all, too much love, actually turned the shadow bear into a doll."

"Seed to my spicy!!!"

Under the audience, the wizards laughed loudly, but Annie didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, she jumped and looked cheerful and held the shadow bear doll in her arms.

"This ability is really strange, it is hard to turn a living creature into a doll, just like the dota's change of sheep..."

Ye Che is secret inside.

This Anne is indeed a genius, her parents' great wizard blood, and the dark magic that Anne's birthplace overflowed, making Anne enough to defeat the most powerful wizard in the wizarding organization.

Ye Che also made a big profit. Not long after, she saw Anne practicing heroic skills.

The process of comprehension of "fragmented fire" and "burning" is very fast. After all, for Ye Che, this process of comprehending heroic skills is already a familiar one.

In addition, I personally experienced Anne's cultivation of these two heroic skills, and did not understand Anne's big move, so it was not long before Ye Che fully understood.

"Inheriting the hero skills!"

The voice of indifference came, and immediately, Ye Che was black in front of him, and then he was sent back to the front.

Ye Che didn't think much, just exiting the heroic fantasy world.

In the abandoned house, Ye Che slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of fire disappeared.

He slowly stood up and saw that there was no movement around him, and his heart was fixed.

"The fire of breaking!"

Ye Che whispered, and then the power of the segment, began to perceive the fire attribute.

However, the force of the segment has just moved, and in the micro-field, suddenly a great change has occurred. In the meantime, a large flame has poured into Ye Che’s body.

Ye Che originally wanted to perceive the free heat in the air, and then transformed it into a "fragmented fire" through the force of the segment and a special way, but felt a large flame influx into the body, and Ye Che suddenly felt a move. .

"The fire of breaking!"

Ye Che once again sighed low, but this time does not need to slowly condense, but directly extract the fire properties of the micro-domain.

"Whirring whirring!"

The air began to tremble, and the temperature began to rise in the entire house.

In front of Ye Che, a fiery red fireball is really forming.

Less than a second, it turned into a fist-sized fireball.

"Oh... you can also enter!"

Ye Che originally wanted to throw the fireball out, but the next second is now, the supply of micro-domains is not over yet.

At this time, although the energy supply to the fireball can be cut off at any time, Ye Che also wants to see what kind of position will be reached when it has enough fire attribute energy, so there is no limit to the crazy loss of the micro-domain. Into.

The fist is big... the head is big... the grinding wheel is big...

In the increasingly surprised and increasingly wide eyes of Ye Che, the fireball that has been transformed into a "fragmented fire" is changing rapidly.

Soon, it turned into a giant fireball with a diameter of ten meters.

"Booming and banging!"

The air was burnt and twisted, and the whole house was stunned by this amazing energy.

"No... it can't be controlled!"

Ye Che did not know when, it was already sweating. He looked at the giant fireball with a diameter of 12 meters in front of him. He gritted his teeth and left it.


A loud noise, the whole house, smashed the flames of the sky.

This fireball is like a dynamite bag. It not only burns the whole house in an instant, but also blasts the house out of a hole in the boss.

Outside the house, only a few rare demons were wandering, and they suddenly heard loud noises, and the subconscious looked at them with fierce eyes.

Although only the flames are burning, they are still coming together.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Just then, a violent cough was printed in their ears.

Someone in the house!

The fierce light in these devil eyes flashed, and they wanted to rush over, and they saw the inside of the house. There were dozens of flaming red spheres, and they shot at this side.

It was too late to react, and these fireballs had already landed on them.



The demons screamed and screamed, and they were all wrapped in fireballs, and the fur of the body ignited directly.

These devils licked their mouths and slammed their mouths to the ground.

But this flame does not seem to be the usual flame. This method of rolling can't be extinguished for a while!

I don't know how long it took, and when the flame burned them almost with a sigh of relief, it finally went out.

It’s just that these demons are just a sigh of relief, and they are covered with fire and rain.


Ye Che said, with a wave of his hands, the power of the segment is surging against the micro-field, and the micro-field is directly transformed into extremely pure fire energy.


The fire rain just under the cover of these demon-stricken demons, there was only a black burnt in the air, and the dozens of demons completely lost their movements.

"The lethality is terrible!"

Ye Che's eyes are bright.

The key point is that this way, there will be no one under the diamond. Only if you have the field, can you cast spells very quickly, and concentrate into a high-pressure fireball to generate great power, or as a machine gun, release twenty or thirty consecutively. What pressure will there be.

If there is no field, don't say long casting time, power alone, it can't be so strong!

After reaching the diamond possession field, this release is yet tasteless. After all, as soon as the field is open, as long as the energy is enough, the heroic skills can be released infinitely.

But for the current Ye Che, it is a perfect fit.

"Call, there is finally a powerful means of killing the enemy."

Ye Chechang took a sigh of relief, but this sentence was heard by others and will definitely be killed.

Up to now, he already has a full four hero inheritance skills, plus his own physical quality, but it is still not enough to kill the enemy.

Ye Che looked around, and the sky, after such a long time, has arrived at noon.

"At the beginning, Olin said that in the peak hero game, people will be sent secretly to pick me up to the hero city, why there is no movement!?"

Ye Che stood in the same place, secretly sinking.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the heroic city, which makes it impossible for Olin to take care of himself.

Before the heroic fantasy world, Ye Che also took a look at the friend bar, and several diamond friends in the hero city are not online.

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